1.A Meta-analysis on the Effect of Tonsillectomy in Renal Survival of Patients with IgA Nephropathy;扁桃体切除对IgA肾病患者肾生存影响的Meta分析
2.Safety and effect of tonsillectomy in patients with nephropathy accompanied by chronic tonsillitis;伴慢性扁桃体炎的肾病患者扁桃体切除的安全性及疗效
3.To analysis trachea intubation along with venery aneatheia and tonsillectomy for children;气管插管配合静脉复合麻醉用于儿童扁桃体切除的体会

1.Perioperative Nursing Care of Patients with Allergic Purpura Undergoing Tonsillectomy过敏性紫癜行扁桃体切除术患者的围术期护理
2.Treatment of mild hemophilia resulted in bleeding after tonsillectomy轻症血友病患者扁桃体切除术后出血的处理
3.Study on the analgesic effect for patients after tonsillectomy by applying of medicinal ice药物冰块用于扁桃体切除术后镇痛的研究
4.Effect of dexamethasone on posttonsillectomy pain地塞米松减轻扁桃体切除术后疼痛的效果观察
5.Effect of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride on Blood Pressure Heart Rate and Gland Secretion of Children Undergoing Tonsillectomy长托宁用于小儿扁桃体切除术的临床观察
6.Clinical research on tonsillectomy with electrotome under general anaesthesia全麻下使用电刀行扁桃体切除术的临床观察
7.Effect of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on obese children with sleep respiratory disorder腭扁桃体切除和腺样体刮除术治疗过度肥胖儿童睡眠呼吸异常
8.Long-term changes in adenoid volume of children after tonsillectomy:A follow-up observation扁桃体切除术后儿童远期腺样体体积的随访观察
9.Influence of adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy on the sleep structure and quality of life in children腺样体扁桃体切除术对儿童睡眠结构和生活质量的影响
10.Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in treatment of child sinusitis扁桃体腺样体切除治疗儿童鼻-鼻窦炎
11.I don't want my tonsils out.我不想切除扁桃腺。
12.and they're having their tonsils out.他们也将切除扁桃腺。
13.You'll have your tonsils out tomorrow,明天你的扁桃腺一切除,
14.you're all going to have your tonsils out.你们都要切除扁桃腺。
15.Effects of adenotonsillectomy on speech spectrum in children儿童扁桃体腺样体切除术对嗓音影响的研究
16.He had his tonsile taken out yesterday.他昨天摘除了扁桃体。
17.The doctor cut out his tonsils医生割除了他的扁桃体。
18.surgical removal of the palatine tonsils; commonly performed along with adenoidectomy.切除扁桃体的外科手术;通畅和增殖腺切除手术一起做。

have one's tonsils out切除扁桃体.
1.Classification of 79 hemorrhage following 2289 tonsillectomy;2289例扁桃体切除术后79例出血原因初探及预防
2.Study on two kinds of shelling methods of tonsillectomy;扁桃体切除术中两种扁桃体剥离方式的探讨
3.The value of Bipolar Electrocautery in Tonsillectomy;双极电凝扁桃体切除术的探讨
6)tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy扁桃体及增殖体切除术
1.Flurbiprofen axeil injection for postoperative pain in children undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy or not;小儿扁桃体及增殖体切除术后氟比洛芬酯镇痛效果的观察

[英文]:Ballenger-Sluder tonsillectome[解释]:仍目前常用的采用Ballenger-Sluder所设计的剪刀式手柄挤切除器施行的扁桃体切除术。