1.The author supposed the key of nursing lie in that try to keep stabilization of hemodynamics and try to clean respiratory tract.本文总结了在体外循环下对中心型肺癌患者进行一侧全肺切除及部分心房血管切除手术的术后护理要点及操作体会 ,指出此类手术护理的关键在于确保血动力学稳定和呼吸道的管理 。

1.The effect of hydroxyethyl starch infusion on blood dynamics and coagulation during cardiopulmonary bypass in children羟乙基淀粉对体外循环血动力学及凝血的影响
2.Research of Hemodynamics Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics基于计算流体力学的血液动力学研究
3.Research on the Pharmacokinetics of Loureirin A of Sanguis Draconis龙血竭中龙血素A的药物动力学研究
4.Hemodynamic changes following cerebrovascular stenting脑血管支架置入后的血流动力学变化
5.The Study on Hemodynamics Changes of the Regions Surrounding Hematoma in Patients with Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage;脑出血后血肿周围组织血流动力学变化的研究
6.Predicting PIH Using Dynamic Trend of Hemodynamics & Hemodynamic study of PIH;血流动力学参数动态预测妊高征及妊高征血流动力学的研究
7.Hemodynamics Analysis of a Stented Aortic Bifurcation主动脉及分支血管支架植入后血流动力学分析
8.Hemodynamic Study for the Elongation and Tortuosity of Internal Carotid Artery and Vertebral Artery;颈部动脉伸长扭曲的血流动力学研究
9.Serum Pharmacochemistry and Pharmacokinetic Study of Naoxuening Injection;脑血宁注射液血清药物化学及药代动力学研究
10.Changes of cerebral hemodynamics and hemorrheology in alcohol-dependent patients酒精依赖患者脑血流动力学及血液流变学变化
11.The Effect of Blood Pressure on Hemodynamic Indexes in Cerebral Vascular and Carotid Vascular血压水平对脑血管和颈部血管血液动力学检测指标的影响
12.Chronic Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Model in Swine: Heomdynamics and Vascular Remodeling;慢性脑动静脉畸形动物模型的血流动力学和血管构筑学研究
13.The Effects on Diameters、Haemodynamics and Elasticity of Radial Artery Through Transradial Coronary Interventional Procedures;经桡动脉冠状动脉介入术后桡动脉血管管径、血流动力学、弹性改变
14.There were no differences in the estimated blood loss between the two groups.比较两组间的血流动力学数据和估计失血量。
15.Hemodynamic Observation on Sick Xian Mai in 62 Cases of Essentiol Hypertension62例原发性高血压病的弦脉的血液动力学观察
16.An expert detection system for human cardiovacular hemodynamics;心血管血流动力学专家检测系统的研究
17.Analysis of Clinic Signifcant on Post-Ocular Vascular Hemodynamics of Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy;糖尿病视网膜病变球后血管血流动力学分析
18.A Research on the Change of Blood Pressure and the Cerebral Blood Homodynamic for the Obesity Teenagers;对肥胖青少年血压及脑血流动力学变化的研究

1.Influence of double segment technique of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia on recipients' hemodynamics during kidney transplantation;双穿刺点法联合腰麻-硬膜外麻醉对肾移植受者术中血流动力学影响
2.Effects of Laryngeal Mask Airway on Hemodynamics During Ambulatory Anesthesia;门诊麻醉时喉罩对血流动力学的影响
3.Effects on biomechanics、hemodynamics and plasma levels of brain natriuretic peptide(BNP)when pacing in right ventricular septum;右心室间隔部起搏的生物力学效应及其对血流动力学和血脑肽的影响
1.Color Doppler ultrasoundgrap-hic observation on central retinal artery hemodynamics of diabetic retinopathy;糖尿病视网膜病变视网膜血流动力学变化的超声观察
2.Parameters for hemodynamic monitoring in septic shock;感染性休克血流动力学的监测指标
1.Effect of coupling interval change of arrhythmia on hemodynamics;心律失常联律间期改变对血液动力学的影响
2.Study of Hemodynamics Method in Experimental Rabbit Model of Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism;兔急性肺血栓栓塞模型血液动力学检测方法的研究
3.Effects of endotoxin content on change of hemodynamics of gut mucosa in obstructive jaundice in rats;梗阻性黄疸大鼠肠黏膜血液动力学改变对门静脉内毒素含量的影响
5)blood flow dynamics血流动力学
1.Changes of blood flow dynamics of spleen vein and number of blood cells in circulation after liver transplant in patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism;肝硬化合并脾功能亢进病人肝移植术后脾静脉血流动力学及外周血细胞变化的观察
2.Comparison study of blood flow dynamics of gastroduodenal artery with 2D and color Doppler ultrasonography;二维及彩色多普勒超声观察胃十二指肠动脉血流动力学参数
3.Objective To study changes of the venous blood flow dynamics in patients with lower extremity ulceration.目的 探讨下肢静脉性溃疡的血流动力学变化情况。
6)Blood dynamics血液动力学
1.Objective To investigate the regulated effect of intraoperative blood dynamics in elderly patients by general anesthesia with epidural block.目的研究全麻复合硬膜外阻滞对老年高血压病人术中血液动力学的调控作用。

血液动力学血液动力学hemodynamics 研究血液在心血管系统中流动的科学。血液动力学监测能及时正确地了解危重病人的病理生理过程,而临床表现常迟发于病理生理变化。当前血流动力学监测已经应用在各种危重病人监护室(intensive care unit,ICU),及心外麻醉和心外科手术后病人的监护。血液动力学监测主要采用带气囊的漂浮导管(swanganz),经皮穿刺或切开静脉插入此导管,可作压力的测定(包括中心静脉压、右心房压、右心室压、肺动脉压、肺动脉楔入压)。心排血量测定及体循环和肺循环阻力的计算。根据这些参数及各种压力图形的变化,对危重病人的诊断、治疗及预后判断均起着积极作用。并可据此评价一些药物的血流动力学反应。