1.12 years review of repair of gastroschisis with autogenous umbilicalcord;自体脐带修补先天性腹裂12年回顾
3)Congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂
1.Composition and distribution of fiber types in levator veli palatini of the congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂患者腭帆提肌肌纤维组成及分布研究
2.BACKGROUND AND AIM: To observe the ultrastructure of embryonic palate cells during cleft palate formation using the model of congenital cleft palate.背景与目的:建立先天性腭裂模型观察其形成过程中胚胎腭突细胞的超微结构改变。

1.Composition and distribution of fiber types in levator veli palatini of the congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂患者腭帆提肌肌纤维组成及分布研究
2.Surgical correction of severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to the repairment of congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂术后继发重度上颌骨发育不足畸形的手术矫治
3.Clinical Data and Etiological Research of Congenital Cleft Lip&palate;先天性唇腭裂的病例分析及病因研究
4.Epidemiological Observation of 5821 Patients with Chilopalatognathus先天性唇腭裂5821例流行病学分析
5.Feeding and nursing the infant with cleft lip and palate perioperatively先天性唇腭裂患儿修补术前后的喂养护理
6.Clinical classification and etiological study in 1524 patients with congenital cleft lip and cleft palate1524例先天性唇腭裂的临床分类和发病因素分析
7.Clinical statistics and analysis of 1811 cleft lip and palate cases1811例先天性唇腭裂患者临床资料的统计和分析
8.Clinical and genetic features of ectrodactyly,ectodermal dysplasia and clefting syndrome先天性缺指(趾)-外胚叶发育不全-唇/腭裂综合征的临床和遗传学特点
9.Comparison of Sevoflurane and Ketamine used as Basal Anesthesia in Infants' Primary Repair of Cleft Lip or/and Palate七氟醚与氯胺酮做基础麻醉在婴幼儿先天性唇腭裂手术中的应用比较
10.Palatognathous functional restitution-levator muscle of palatine velum reconstruction腭裂的功能性整复-腭帆提肌重建术
11.The preliminary effects of infantile cleft lip and palate repair on maxillary growth in complete cleft lip and palate patients完全性唇腭裂婴儿期唇腭裂手术对上颌骨发育的近期影响
12.A Comparative Study on Dento-arch Morphology for Adult Unoperated and Operated Cleft Palate Paitients;成人腭裂患者牙弓形态的比较性研究
13.The Retrospective Investigation of the Incidental Factors of Cleft Lip and Palate in 167 Patients;167例唇腭裂患者发生因素回顾性调查
14.A three-dimensional analysis of rapid palatal expansion of unilateral cleft lip and palate单侧完全性唇腭裂快速腭扩展的三维可视化评价
15.On A New Classification Method of Congenital Unilateral Cleft Lip先天性单侧唇裂新临床分类的探讨
16.Blepharophimosis - Ptosis - Epicanthus inversus Syndrome先天性小睑裂综合征一例与家系调查
17.The expression of ATF3 in the tissues of hypospadiasATF3在先天性尿道下裂组织中的表达
18.Clinical application of a two-stage Millard's method in repairing bilateral cleft lip应用Millard法分期修复双侧先天性唇裂

3)Congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂
1.Composition and distribution of fiber types in levator veli palatini of the congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂患者腭帆提肌肌纤维组成及分布研究
2.BACKGROUND AND AIM: To observe the ultrastructure of embryonic palate cells during cleft palate formation using the model of congenital cleft palate.背景与目的:建立先天性腭裂模型观察其形成过程中胚胎腭突细胞的超微结构改变。
4)congenital inguinal hernia先天性腹股沟疝
5)congenital epigastric hernia先天性上腹壁疝
6)Congenital spinal dysraphism先天性脊柱裂

腹裂腹裂gastroschisis  是由于脐旁部分腹壁全层缺损而致内脏脱出的畸形。其病理特征是脐和脐带的形态正常,并在正常的位置。腹壁裂口绝大多数在脐的右侧。脱出的内脏无羊膜包裹而脱离腹腔漂浮在羊水中。产前采用B超诊断,可与脐膨出鉴别诊断。腹裂一经诊断应避免经产道分娩,以免娩出时对肠管的污染与牵拉,致新生儿休克。剖腹娩出即灭菌保护脱出内脏,尽快作分期整复修补术,采用圆柱形硅袋罩盖脱出的肠管,并将硅袋固定缝合于腹壁裂口,分次回纳腹腔。手术后抗感染和全静脉营养支持治疗及呼吸管理。腹裂治疗后,患儿生长发育良好。