1.Exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery ectasia without significant coronary stenosis;运动诱发无狭窄冠状动脉扩张症病人心肌缺血

1.A closer view demonstrates the focal area of dilated bronchi with bronchiectasis.支气管扩张症显示扩张支气管病灶。
2.hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症
3.Congenital billary dilatation:review of 132 cases先天性胆管扩张症132例临床研究
4.The DSA Presentations of Cerebral(Extensive)Telangiectasis颅内(广泛)毛细血管扩张症的DSA表现
5.Internal jugular phlebectasia:Report of one case and review of the literature颈内静脉扩张症1例报告及文献复习
6.Ultrasonic diagnosis of congenital biliary dilatation in children小儿先天性胆总管扩张症的超声诊断
7.Clinical and Radiological Analysis of Congenital Cystic Dilatation of the Bile Duct先天性胆管囊性扩张症的临床X线分析
8.in this study, 68 cases with telangiectasis on face were treated by elec trosurgery.作者应用电灼法治疗面部毛细血管扩张症68例。
9.The Surgical Treatment for Type Ⅰ Congenital Choledochal Dilatation(Analysis of 49 Cases);Ⅰ型先天性胆管扩张症的外科治疗(附49例分析)
10.Mutation Analysis of ALK1 Gene in a Chinese Family with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasis Type Ⅱ;遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症ALK1基因突变研究
11.5 Cases Report of Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia;原发性小肠淋巴管扩张症5例分析报道
12.Imageological Diagnostic Analysis of Congenital Biliary Dilatation (Report of 45 Cases)45例先天性胆管扩张症的影像学诊断分析
13.Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication.急性胃扩张是一种罕有的并发症。
14.Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia and Posterior Circulation Ischemia椎基底动脉扩张延长症与后循环缺血
15.The statistical analysis of the complications during skin and soft tissue expansion皮肤软组织扩张术并发症的统计分析
16.A Clinical and CTA Analysis of Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia椎基底动脉扩张延长症临床及CTA分析
17.To Study the Pressure of Balloon Dilatation and Evaluate the Curative Effect for Cardia Achalasia;贲门失弛缓症气囊扩张治疗扩张压力选择依据的探讨
18.Vasodilation: leads to greater blood flow to the area of inflammation, resulting in redness and heat.血管扩张:炎症灶血流量增加使得局部红、热。

1.CT diagnosis and classification of pediatric cholangiectasis (analysis of 97 cases);儿童胆管扩张症的CT诊断及分型(附97例分析)
2.Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of MRCP in congenital cholangiectasis and its significance.目的 探讨MRCP对先天性胆管扩张症的诊断价值及意义。
3)Mammary duct ectasia乳腺导管扩张症
1.Clinical analysis of mammary duct ectasia in 243 cases;乳腺导管扩张症243例临床分析
2.Diagnosis and treatment of mammary duct ectasia (a report of 32 cases);乳腺导管扩张症的诊治(附32例报告)
3.Clinicopathologic features and treatment of mammary duct ectasia乳腺导管扩张症临床病理特征与治疗对策
1.Four Elements of Professor Wu Yingen s Experence in Treating Bronchiectasis;吴银根论辨治支气管扩张症四要素
2.Value of HRCT for diagnosis of bronchiectasis;高分辨率CT对支气管扩张症的诊断价值
3.Effect of Zhikuoning Decoction on Neutrophil Elastase of Animal Model with Bronchiectasis;支扩宁合剂对支气管扩张症大鼠中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶的作用
5)Congenital choledochal dilation胆总管扩张症
1.Treatment of Face Pigment Patch and Telangiectasis with Domestic Photorejuvenation Device:A Clinical Observation;国产光子嫩肤仪治疗面部色素斑和毛细血管扩张症的疗效观察
2.Investigation of therapeutic effects of variable pulse light in pigment patch and telangiectasis;可调脉冲光子嫩肤系统治疗面部色素斑和毛细血管扩张症的疗效观察
3.Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Intestinal Telangiectasis:6 Cases Report小肠毛细血管扩张症6例诊治分析

共济失调毛细血管扩张症共济失调毛细血管扩张症ataxia telangiectasia  又称“运动性毛细血管扩张症”、“Louis-Barr综合征”。本病为涉及多个系统的遗传性变性疾病。多数呈常染色体隐性遗传,具有家族性。临床特征为:婴幼儿期起病,进行性共济失调和球结膜、皮肤显著毛细血管扩张,胸腺发育不全或不存在。呼吸系统反复感染为本病的突出症状之一。病儿几乎都有侏儒症与性功能发育障碍,通常不出现第二性征,近半数病例将发生肿瘤,血内IgA降低,迟发性过敏反应功能减退。目前尚无有效治疗措施。