
1.hypoglycemia produced by excessive insulin in the system causing coma.由于胰岛素过多血糖过少而导致昏迷。
2.It lowers blood glucose by reducing the amount of glucose produced by the liver and helping the body respond better to the insulin made in the pancreas.降血糖作用通过减少肝脏葡萄糖输出和提高机体对胰岛素敏感性。
3.Insufficient oxygenation of the blood.血氧过少血液氧化不够
4.leucine anaphylactic hypoglycemia亮氨酸过敏性低血糖症
5.familial lipoprotein deficiency家族性血清脂蛋白过少
6.Hyperglycemia and glycosuria tend to occur.可能发生血糖过高或糖尿。
7.Influence of Multiple-meal-with-small-amount-for-each on Blood Glucose of Brittle Diabetes Patients少食多餐制对脆性糖尿病患者血糖的影响
8.The presence of an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood.血糖过多症,高血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常的高浓度
9.The Eskimos also had a low incidence of asthma, diabetes, hypertension, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, cancer and allergies.爱斯基摩人同时也少有哮喘,糖尿病,高血压,牛皮癣,肠溃疡,癌症和过敏。
10.Too little insulin and the level will rise;胰岛素太少,血糖浓度会升高;
11.Influence of Carbohydrate Replenishment on Blood Sugar,Blood Lactic Acid of Junior Cyclist during Track Competition;场地自行车比赛时补糖对青少年男子运动员血糖、血乳酸的影响
12.Effect of decreased glucose excursion on vascular endothelial function in the elderly type 2 diabetic patients减少血糖波动对老年糖尿病患者血管内皮功能的影响
13.Studying on glucose,serum lipids level and screening of type 2 diabetes mellitus and those with high risk among children with obese in Shenzhen深圳市肥胖青少年血糖血脂状况分析及2型糖尿病和高危者筛查
14.Results 62% of patients have experienced hypoglycemia,8% have serious hypoglycemia.结果62%的糖尿病患者曾发生过低血糖,发生严重低血糖的患者达8%。
15.Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring System to Observe the Correlation among Different Types of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diabetes by Their Mean Amplitude of Plasma Glucose Excursions;通过动态血糖检测系统观察糖尿病中医证型血糖波动相关分析
16.B. giving the patient oral glucose because she probably has hypoglycemia.给予口服葡萄糖,因为患者可能血糖过低。
17.After breakfast before lunch, eating a small amount of banana can keep the blood sugar level.早餐后午饭前,吃少量香蕉可保持血糖水平。
18.TO Discuss the Importance and Necessity of Using the Promoting Blood Flow Method in the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy;论活血祛瘀是糖尿病肾病不可缺少的治疗方法


血寒月经过少血寒月经过少 病证名。月经过少证型之一。参见全国高等医药院校试用教材《中医妇科学》。指因寒实内 结 ,血脉不通,冲任阻滞,或肾阳不足,胞脉失煦,阴寒内生所致女子月经量少。寒实者,症 见月经 过少,经期延后,血色黯红,有块,小腹冷痛,舌淡黯,脉沉紧,治宜温经散寒,理气调冲 ,方选大 营煎加水蛭;虚寒者,症见月经量少,经期错后,血色黯淡,无块,少腹及阴中不温,喜温 喜按,舌 淡,脉沉迟无力,治宜温肾暖宫,方选艾附暖宫丸化裁。