
1.I can smell a gas leak.我闻到煤气漏出来了。
2.The inner tube of the tire should be changed. Now it leaks air badly.这个轮胎该换里带了, 现在漏气漏得厉害。
3.a substance for packing a joint or coating a porous surface to make it impervious to gas or liquid.用于包裹接缝或多孔表面以防漏气漏水的物质。
4.electrical leakage resistance抗电气泄漏,漏电阻抗
5.Inspecting for the leakage of oil, water and air.检查有无漏油、漏水、漏气的现象。
6.Oh, no! We've got a flat tyre.糟了!轮胎漏气了。
7.A sudden escape of a confined gas or liquid, as from a well.漏水,漏气井中突然喷出之气体或液体
8.The gas is escaping somewhere.煤气有个地方漏气了。
9.It can prevent air leakage and oil leakage efficiently.能有效的起到密封,防止漏油、漏气作用。
10.Gas Leakage Test and Calculation of Hydrogen Leakage of 600MW Generators600MW发电机气体泄漏试验及漏氢量计算
11.The air is escaping somewhere.有什么地方漏气了。
12.You may have a slow leak.可能有个慢漏气的地方.
13.The gas seems to be leaking out of this pipe.这个管道似乎漏气。
14.Can you smell an escape of gas?你能闻到漏出的煤气吗?
15.Is the gas escaping somewhere?是不是有地方在漏煤气?
16.Some gas is leaking from the plant.从核电厂漏出一些气体。
17.Explosion of gas eventuated from leakage of the pipe煤气爆炸是由于管道漏气而引起的。
18.Air leak between the turbocharger and the intake manifol透平增压器和进气歧管之间空气泄漏。

3)air leakage漏气
1.The reason that caused the common air leakage defect of the aluminum alloy wheel hub with web spokes in production was analyzed using CAE technology, and the improvement scheme of the mold for wheel hub gravity casting was proposed.针对筋条呈网状的铝合金轮毂(简称网状轮毂)生产中常见的漏气缺陷,运用CAE技术分析了这种漏气缺陷产生的原因,提出了轮毂重力铸造模具的改进方案,并用CAE仿真验证了该方案的正确性,实际生产统计数据表明采用该方案有效地降低了网状铝合金轮毂产品的漏气率。
2.This paper introduces the course of fault discovery and handling for air leakage of extinguishing arc chamber in VD4 type circuit breaker, and analyzes the reasons of air leakage, and puts forward the countenneasures that should be adopted.文章介绍某台VD4型断路器灭弧室漏气故障发现、处理的全过程,分析了漏气的原因,提出了应采取的对策;通过对从断路器手车上拆下的灭弧室真空度试验情况分析,指出在现场用磁控法测真空度时应注意的事项。
3.This paper analyzes the problem of air leakage of a pneumatic quick coupler and comes up with an improved design of it,followed by the cost-effective analysis of the improved design.分析了一种气动快速接头易漏气问题,提出了一种改进设计方案,并就改进后的方案,做了性价比分析,经过试验和企业使用,效果良好,有推广价值。
1.A remedy case about leakage of B concentrate liquid inhale hall Which causing a error BLD alarm of the Bellco formula? haemodialysis machine;修复贝尔克formula~(TM)型血透机B浓缩液吸入插座漏气导致《漏血探测器》误报警一例
2.This paper is involved in the christmas tree's leakage and the cause of leakage.就天然气开采地面工艺中常出现的采气树漏气的部位和漏气的原因进行分析、研究,讨论维修施工过程中存在的难点,提出相应的措施,并指出各措施的适用范围和优缺点。
5)Gas leak漏气
1.The influence of sand and dust particles on piston ring dynamics and blow-by was studied by taking into account the piston secondary motion.应用该方程,并考虑活塞的二阶运动,研究了沙尘颗粒含量对活塞环运动及漏气的影响。
2.On the basis of simulation and analysis about ring axial movement and gas flowthrough the piston -cylinder -ring crevice, the infiuence of operation conditions and structure ofpiston and ring on the blow-by is analysed.在对活塞-气缸-活塞环间隙内的气体流动及环的轴向运动进行理论分析与数值计算的基础上,分析了环与活塞结构参数、发动机运行参数诸因素对环组漏气量的影响。

气漏气漏 气漏   病名。指时发时愈之漏症。《外科启玄》卷七记有:“一曰气漏,或肿或消,痛胀难忍者是也。”该证多因痈、疽、疮、疡等化脓性感染之误治或不治而造成疮疡之转为慢性者,其特点是疮面时时愈合又时时自溃而成漏症、漏孔,时时有脓水外出者。其内多形成瘘管或有脓窦之形成。治参见瘘条。