1.Objective:To analize the etiologic types of children with right lung middle lobe sysdrome(RLMLS) and to study the pulmonary function changes of children with RLMLS.目的:了解儿童右中叶综合征的主要病原类型及其治疗前后的肺功能变化。

1.Etiology study and changes of pulmonary function tests of children with right lung middle lobe syndrome儿童右中叶综合征的病原学分析及其肺功能变化
2.Etiologic Analysis of Right Lung Middle Lobe Syndrome in 30 Children儿童右肺中叶综合征30例病原学分析
3.Pulmonary function of children with right lung middle lobe syndrome儿童右肺中叶综合征的肺功能变化及其意义
4.right ventricular obstruction syndrome右心室阻塞性衰竭综合征
5.Application of Doppler Tissue Imaging in Assessment of Right Ventricular Function and Interaction between Left and Right Ventricular Function among the Cases with Acute Coronary Syndrome;多普勒组织成像技术在评价急性冠脉综合征右心室功能及左右心室功能相关关系中的应用
6.Application of vasopressin for treating vasoplegic syndrome in patients underwent cardiopulmonary bypass垂体后叶素在心肺转流后血管麻痹综合征中的应用
7.Research of Machine Recognition for Broad-Leaved Trees Based on Leaves Synthetic Features;基于叶片综合特征的阔叶树机器识别研究
8.Dexketoprofen Trometamol in the Treatment of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome右旋酮洛芬氨丁三醇在慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征治疗中的应用
9.kalosis syndrome低钾血性硷中毒综合征
10.Clinical Research on Combined Therapy of Diane-35 with Modified Yougui Pill on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome达英-35配合右归丸加减治疗多囊卵巢综合征临床观察
11.Clinical observation on low molecule dextran and furosemide treating for edema in children with nephrotic syndrome低分子右旋糖酐联合呋塞米治疗肾病综合征水肿的疗效观察
12.The Study on Leaves Quality Characteristic and Comprehensive Assessment of Different Tobacco Ggenotypes;不同基因型烤烟烟叶质量特征与综合评价研究
13.Postoperative Nursing Care of Cellulites and Muscular Fasciae Necrosis Syndrome of Right Lower Extremity-A one Case Report1例右下肢蜂窝织炎并发肌筋膜坏死综合征病人术后护理
14.Study on right ventricular dysfunction in ARDS急性呼吸窘迫综合征患者右心室功能不全的研究
15.Comprehensive Treatment of 197 Cases of PFS with Chinese Medicine中医药综合治疗原发性纤维肌痛综合征197例
16.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Patients with Tourette Syndrome by Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine中西医结合治疗Tourette综合征的临床研究
17.Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in the Treatment of 40 Cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome中西医结合治疗吉兰-巴雷综合征40例
18.Treatment with traditional Chinese medicine combined with western medicine for internet addiction syndrome in youth中西医结合治疗少年网络成瘾综合征

Right lung middle lobe syndrome右肺中叶综合征
1.Objective To analyze the etiologic types of children with right lung middle lobe syndrome.目的了解儿童右肺中叶综合征的主要病原类型。
3)middle lobe syndrome中叶综合征
1.Etiological analysis of 96 cases of the right middle lobe syndrome;96例右中叶综合征病因分析
4)Intermediate syndrome中间综合征
1.An analysis to the sequential mechanical ventilation in acute organophosphours pesticides poisoning with intermediate syndrome;有创与无创序贯机械通气抢救急性重度有机磷中毒合并中间综合征(附100例临床分析)
2.Clinical Analysis of Intermediate Syndrome Complicating Acute Organophosphorus Pesticide Poisoning急性有机磷农药中毒中间综合征15例临床分析
3.Clinical analysis on influencing factor of intermediate syndrome secondary to acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning (108 cases)急性有机磷农药中毒致中间综合征的影响因素分析(附108例报告)
5)central cord syndrome中央综合征
1.Clinical characteristics and treatment of central cord syndrome of cervical spine in old patients;中老年人颈髓损伤中央综合征的临床特点及治疗
6)insular infarct syndrome岛叶梗死综合征
1.Objective To investigate the symptoms,signs and distribution of focus in acute insular infarct syndrome,as well as the effects on cardiovascular system.目的探讨岛叶梗死综合征的神经系统症状、体征、病变部位的分布及其对心血管系统的影响。

三倍体综合征和三倍体与二倍体混合体综合征三倍体综合征和三倍体与二倍体混合体综合征  三倍体指增加一组额外的染色体,约占妊娠的2%。额外的染色体多来自父亲,66%由于两次受精,24%由于所受的精子是二倍体,10%由于受精的卵是二倍体。胎儿大都流产,约为染色体异常自然流产的20%。孕妇可以伴发不同程度的妊高征,胎儿由于胎盘囊性变或细胞遗传学异常而死亡,只有3%的69,XXY存活。偶有三倍体婴儿在妊娠28周后出生,二倍体与三倍体混合体综合征更少见,均有严重的发育缺陷。表现:胎盘大有囊性变。骨骼方面混合体综合征者骨骼生长不对称。颅骨发育不良,后囟门大,眼距过宽,虹膜缺损,甚至小眼。鼻梁低,耳畸形,口颌小。第3、4指并指,通贯掌纹,马蹄内翻畸形足。先天性心脏病(心房和心室间隔缺损)。男性尿道下裂,阴茎小,隐睾,睾丸间质细胞增生。脑异常。肾上腺发育不全,肾畸形。此类综合征胎体大多流产,出生后也会早期死亡。存活的二倍体与三倍体混合体一般都有精神运动障碍。