1.Effect of Interferon and Yitanjing on infants with bronchiolitis:40 cases observation干扰素和易坦静联合治疗婴幼儿毛细支气管炎40例疗效观察

1.Effect of Interferon and Yitanjing on infants with bronchiolitis:40 cases observation干扰素和易坦静联合治疗婴幼儿毛细支气管炎40例疗效观察
2.STATS (Stationary Tank Automatic Target System)静止坦克自动目标系统
3.Einstein static model爱因斯坦静态宇宙模型
4.Stener had always been very tractable.斯坦纳总是容易对付的。
5.Tantric Sex is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking.坦陀罗性是静心的,自发和亲密的调情。
6.His face was clear, his voice quiet, he looked somehow distinguished.他的神色坦然,声音安静,样子相当神气。
7.It was a long time before it died down completely.好不容易这才静了下来。
8.He has a cool head, ie doesn't get agitated.他头脑冷静(不易冲动).
9.He sobered, but with difficulty.他好不容易才平静下来。
10.Empirical Study of Kazakhstan's Foreign Trade Based on Trade Gravity Model哈萨克斯坦对外贸易的贸易引力模型实证研究
11.Temperite alloy坦普莱特铅锡铋镉易熔合金
12.Stanford Profile Scales of Hypnotic Susceptibility斯坦福催眠易感性剖象量表
13.This game at Stamford Bridge was an easy game.这场在斯坦福桥的比赛比较容易。”
14.The moat, long since frozen over, stretched silent, silvergrey, flat and solid around the walls of the Forbidden City, as if to hold them up.御河的水久已冻好,静静的,灰亮的,坦平的,坚固的,托着那禁城的城墙。
15.Effects of Losartan on HVPG in rats with portal hypertension氯沙坦对肝硬化门静脉高压症大鼠肝静脉压力梯度的影响
16.A quiet life and beautiful music contented Einstein.安静的生活和美妙的音乐使爱因斯坦十分满足。
17.Stanley was able to keep his cool in the face of danger.史坦莉在面临危难情况的时候能保持头脑冷静。
18.Conclusion Cefotetan sodium is safe for intravenous injection.结论注射用头孢替坦钠可供静脉注射试用给药。

collapsible strata易坦塌地层
3)straight business dealings.坦诚的商务交易
4)simplified tank fire control system简易坦克火控系统
5)Einstein static model爱因斯坦静态宇宙模型
6)freecutting semi-killed steel半镇静易切削钢
1.A freecutting semi-killed steel has been investigated and produced successfully in industrial-scale furnace,and the oxygen activity measured in ladles was at the level of 150~250 ppm.37,设计了新钢种的化学成分,在工业炉中炼成半镇静易切削钢,钢包中氧活度在150~250ppm范围内。
