1.Results Wheeze and breath holding disappearing time and rale disappearing time in treatment group A was obviously shorter than that in control group,that in group treatment A was shorter than that in treatment group B and that in treatment group B was shorter than that in control group.结果治疗A组喘憋消失时间、肺部音消失时间较对照组明显缩短,治疗A组较治疗B组缩短,治疗B组较对照组缩短;经统计学处理均有显著性差异。
3)lung sounds肺音
1.Lung sounds is a kind of acoustic signal in the ventilation process of human respiratory system with external environment, and the correlation study with pathology and physiology has become an important theme in lung sounds study and clinic medicine.肺音是人体呼吸系统与外界在换气过程中产生的一种生理声信号,它与病理生理的相关性研究已成为肺音学、临床医学的重要研究课题。

1.A Study of Lung Sound Extraction Based on Blind Source Separation;基于盲信号分离的肺音信号提取研究
2.Monttoring and frequeucy spectrogram of lung sound in healthy chinese──294 cases analysis国人肺音监测与频谱分析─—294例健康人测定
3.Blind Source Separation of Heart Signal and Lung Signal Based on High-order Statistics利用高阶统计量进行心肺音信号的盲分离
4.Synchronous recording and characteristic study of the pulse-sound and lungsound signals before and after exercises;运动前后脉搏声和肺音信号的同步拾取与特征研究
5.pulmonary protosystolic ejection sound肺动脉收缩早期喷射音
6."Difficult respiration, high fever, water-bubbling sound of lungs"呼吸困难,高烧,肺有水泡音
7.crepitant rale(肺中发出的)爆裂性水泡音
8.Lung auscultation may detect rales, rhonchi or wheezes; valuable clues to such illnesses as pneumonia, asthma or congestive heart failure (CHF).肺部听诊可以听到湿罗音、干罗音或哮鸣音,这对诊断肺炎、哮喘或充血性心力衰竭很有价值。
9.3 hoarseness: lung metastases laryngeal nerve compression will enable SBC Bi vocal hoarseness result.声音嘶哑:肺癌转移灶压迫喉神经,可使声带单板机痹而致声音嘶哑。
10.Study on the auto estimation of pulmonary artery pressure,flow and resistance by audio signal processing technique音频处理技术自动定量估测肺动脉压力、肺血流量及全肺阻力的研究
11.A few moist rales have been audible over Both lung Bases. The abdomen has been soft without tenderness."双肺底部仍可闻少许湿罗音.腹部软,无压疼"
12.Sound is produced when the air which is Being forced up from the lungs puts the vocal chords into viBration.从肺部呼出之气,震动了声带,即发出声音。
13.Sound is a produced when the air which is being forced up from the lungs puts the vocal chords into vibration从肺部呼出之气,震动了声带,即发出声音
14.Auscultate breath sounds over intercostal spaces, moving stethoscope systematically from apex of lung down to lower lobes. Ask client to take slow, deep breaths through the mouth each time stethoscope is placed on chest.听诊肋间隙呼吸音,听诊器由肺尖部向肺下叶移动。嘱病人在听诊器置于胸部时用口深、慢呼吸,
15.Decreased breath sounds may be noted with a pleural effusion, COPD, atelectasis and pneumothorax.呼吸音减低则可以在胸腔积液、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)、肺不张和气胸时被发现。
16.Her lung sounds were a bit quieter than normal but I did not detect any congestion.她的肺部听起来较正常呼吸音低,但是我没有发现淤血症状。
17.The young pastor's voice was tremulously sweet, rich, deep, and broken.青年牧师的话音时断时续,听起来甜美、丰润而深沉,实在撼人心肺。
18.Now, breathe deeply and exhale slowly. Once more, please. There is no respiratory murmur in your lungs. Now does it hurt when I press here?好了,深吸气,慢慢呼气,请再来一次,肺部没有杂音,现在我压这儿,痛吗?

3)lung sounds肺音
1.Lung sounds is a kind of acoustic signal in the ventilation process of human respiratory system with external environment, and the correlation study with pathology and physiology has become an important theme in lung sounds study and clinic medicine.肺音是人体呼吸系统与外界在换气过程中产生的一种生理声信号,它与病理生理的相关性研究已成为肺音学、临床医学的重要研究课题。
4)lung sound肺音
1.Respiratory phase detection based on one lung sound signal;基于单导肺音信号的呼吸气相识别
2.Recording and spectral analysis of lung sound signal before-after sport;运动前后肺音信号的提取与频谱分析
3.In this paper, a novel method of feature extraction in non-stable lung sound signals is put forward.提出了一种适于非平稳肺音信号的特征提取方法。
1.The Analysis of CT Manifestations in Pulmonary Inflammatory Pseudotumor;肺部炎性假瘤CT表现分析
2.Clinical analysis of recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with a history of pulmonary invasive fungal disease;伴肺部侵袭性真菌病史的血液病患者行异基因造血干细胞移植的临床分析
3.The acuquaintance of pulmonary radiographic appearance of malaria;疟疾的肺部X线征象分析
1.CT Manifestation and Diagnosis of Solitary Inflammatory Nodules of the Lung;肺部孤立性结节性炎性病变的CT表现及诊断
2.Clinical value of low-dose lung screening with 16-slice CT scanner in physical examination;16层螺旋CT低剂量肺部体检的临床应用价值
3.Clinical observation to the curative effect of nevelbine by comparing with MMC, PDD on the treatment of carcinoma in lung;诺维本联合MMC、PDD治疗肺部肿瘤32例疗效观察
