西洋,the West
1)the West西洋
1.Zhenghe s sailings to the West and the Lingnan area;郑和下西洋与岭南关系述论
2.The differences and similarities between China and Japan in the process of their accepting western civilization are compared from the changing of the notions--"the East" and "the West".从“东洋”、“西洋”的概念变化中 ,来比较中日两国在吸收“西洋文明”中所采取的“中体西用”、“文明开化”的方针和过程的异

1.South Atlantic Marine Affairs Conference南大西洋海洋事务会议
2.Canaries current北大西洋洋流的南支流
3.North Atlantic Ocean Statio北大西洋海洋观测站
4.The Atlantic Ocean is not as big as the Pacific Ocean.大西洋没有太平洋大。
5.The Atlantic is a mighty ocean.大西洋是个浩瀚的海洋。
6.Ocean Science Center of the Atlantic大西洋海洋科学中心
7.Of, in, near, upon, or relating to the Atlantic Ocean.大西洋的大西洋的、大西洋里的、大西洋附近的、大西洋上的、或与大西洋有关的
8.These are called the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.它们叫大西洋、太平洋和印度洋。
9.They are called the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.它们叫大西洋、太平洋及印度洋。00
10.These are called the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.它们叫做大西洋,太平洋和印度洋。
11.Textual Research of Some of the Ocean Currents in South Indian and South Atlantic Oceans南印度洋和南大西洋部分洋流的考证
12.the seven seas: the arctic, antarctic, N. Pacific, S. Pacific, N. atlantic, S. atlantic, and Indian Oceans七大洋:北冰洋、南冰洋、北太平洋、南太平洋、北大西洋、南大西洋和印度洋
13.a transatlantic flight, voyage, telephone call横越大西洋的飞行、 横渡大西洋的航行、 大西洋的越洋电话.
14.North Atlantic Westbound Freight Association北大西洋西行运价协会
15.North Atlantic Westbound Freight Conference北大西洋西行运价公会
16.relating to or bordering the Atlantic Ocean.关于大西洋的或大西洋沿岸的。
17.It faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west.它东临大西洋,西临太平洋。
18.On the west it faces the Atlantic Ocean and on the east it faces the Indian Ocean.它西临大西洋,东临印度洋,

3)southwest Atlantic西南大西洋
1.Fishing ground of squid specially related with sea surface temperature and sea surface height anomaly in southwest Atlantic in 2006;2006年西南大西洋鱿钓渔场与表温和海面高度距平值的关系
2.Based on the surveys of squid jig operation in the Southwest Atlantic in 2000, an analysis on biological characteristics of the catch - Illex argentinus is reported in the paper.本文通过海上生产调查分析了西南大西洋鱿钓作业渔获物—阿根廷滑柔鱼的生物学特性。
4)the Southwest Atlantic西南大西洋
1.The experimental research on the use of hooks and lines in squid jigging in the Southwest Atlantic;西南大西洋鱿钓作业中钓钩和钓线使用的调查试验研究
2.1" jigging boat in the Southwest Atlantic from Dec.根据2001年12月至2002年4月"辽渔1号"在西南大西洋(57°W—60°W,41°S—47°S)的柔鱼生产调查资料,对作业渔场的渔获量和水温垂直分布特点进行了初步分析,并运用逐步回归法探讨了周产量(t/week)与各水层温度之间的关系。
5)western Atlantic Ocean大西洋西部
1.Feeding ecology of Thunnus obesus in the western Atlantic Ocean;大西洋西部大眼金枪鱼摄食生态的初步研究
6)the southwest Atlantic Ocean西南大西洋
1.Preliminary study on the relationship between the Illex argentinus production distribution and Sea Surface Temperature in the High Sea of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean in 2008;2008年西南大西洋公海阿根廷滑柔鱼产量分布与表温关系的初步研究
