危重患儿,critical children
1)critical children危重患儿

1.Insulin and Its Components Profile during Stress Hyperglycemia in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit危重患儿应激性高血糖和胰岛素组份变化研究
2.Clinical analysis of 5 children with severe influenza A(H1N1)virus infection甲型H1N1流感危重患儿5例临床特点分析
3.Effect of Polarized Solution on Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolarity in Critically Ill Children极化液治疗危重患儿高糖性高渗血症临床分析
4.Monitoring and Analysis on Stress Hyperglycemia in Critical Children Patients危重患儿应激性高血糖变化的监测分析
5.Analysis on serum different enzymes in 263 children with critical illness within 2 weeks after admission263例危重患儿2周内不同血清酶学变化的总结分析
6.Finally, the PICU may provide a chance of living but the real goal of the modern medicine is an unification between the survival amount and the survival vitality.PICU为危重患儿提供了生存机会,但存活数量和生命质量的统一才是现代医学的真正目标。
7.Evaluating prognosis factors for children admitted to pediatric intensive care unit影响ICU危重病患儿预后的多因素分析
8.Evaluating the Prognosis Factors for Children Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care UnitICU危重病患儿预后影响因素的临床研究
9.Early Intervention of Invasive Pulmonary Fungal Infections of Serious Pneumonia in Children危重症患儿侵袭性肺部真菌感染的早期干预
10.Expression of Lymphocyte Homing Receptor in Gastrointestinal Dysfunction or Failure in the Critical Ill Children;肠道淋巴细胞归巢受体在危重症患儿胃肠功能障碍中表达的研究
11.Association of critical illness score with coagulation dysfunction in children with acute infection急性感染患儿危重病例评分与凝血功能紊乱的关系
12.Relationship between coagulation function and illness severity in children with systemic inflammatory response syndrome全身炎症反应综合征患儿凝血纤溶变化与病情危重度的关系
14.The risk still seems far less than the hazards of whooping cough in the young child.这种危险似乎远低于幼儿患百日咳的危险。
15.Analysis of cariogenic factors of 3-6 year-old children in Xiamen city厦门市3~6岁儿童患龋危险因素分析
16.The Prognostic Value of Extravascular Lung Water in Critical Ill Patient血管外肺水在危重患者中的预测价值
17.Application of Enteral Nutrition Support iu Severe Surgical Patients肠道营养支持在外科重危患者的应用
18.Clinical Significance of DCG Monitoring in Critical Patients危重患者动态心电图监测的临床意义

high-risk children高危患儿
3)Critical patients危重患者
1.Objective To analyze the arterial blood gas and the changes in critical patients with diseases of respiratory system.方法用丹麦IL1610型血气分析仪对我院ICU收治的109例危重患者进行动脉血气的全自动检测。
2.Objective To observe the effect of infrared radiation combined with compound Kenalog Cremor on perineal region dermatitis of critical patients in neurology department.目的观察红外线照射配合外涂复方康钠乐霜治疗神经科危重患者会阴部皮炎的效果。
3.Objective To explore the feasibility of introducing the concept of business process reengineering(BPR) into the management of the critical patients.目的探讨将作业流程优化重组概念引入危重患者管理流程的可行性。
4)critical patient危重患者
1.Nursing of early intestines nutrition for critical patients after operation;外科危重患者早期肠内营养的并发症及护理
2.The enforcement of fixed nursing group in the treatment of ICU critical patients;ICU危重患者救治中固定护理小组的实施
3.Objective To explore the conveying of critical patients and the methods of safety management.目的探讨危重患者转运及安全管理方法。
5)critically ill patient危重患者
1.The safe nosocomial transportation nursing of critically ill patients in emergency department;急诊科危重患者院内安全转运的护理
2.Objective To observe the changes of blood glucose and insulin during continuous renal replacement therapy(CRRT) in critically ill patients so as to explore the strategy of blood glucose control in these patients.目的观察连续性肾替代治疗(CRRT)对危重患者血糖滤过和血胰岛素浓度的影响,探讨危重患者在CRRT时应采取的血糖控制策略。
6)Severe patients危重患者
1.Objective:To explore the changes of thyroid hormone and tumor necrosis factor(TNF) in severe patients.目的 :探讨危重患者甲状腺激素与肿瘤坏死因子的动态变化。
2.Objective To discuss the changes of nursing records on the severe patients in respiration department so as to find out the existing problems and improve the quality of nursing records.目的探讨呼吸科危重患者护理记录的质量建设,找出存在的问题,提出提高护理记录质量的措施。

三患──龙有三患【三患──龙有三患】  ﹝出诸经要集﹞  龙,鳞虫之长。能幽能明,能大能小。然有此三患也。  [一、热风热沙患],谓一切龙,若遇热风热沙着身之时,烧皮烧肉及以骨髓,即受痛苦,故名为患。  [二、恶风暴起患],谓一切龙,若遇恶风卒暴起时,其饰身宝衣,自然而失,龙身乃现,即受苦恼,故名为患。  [三、畏金翅鸟患],谓一切龙正娱乐时,被金翅鸟入于龙宫,搏取始生龙子食之,即生怖畏,故名为患。