微量血糖,microamount Blood Glucose
1)microamount Blood Glucose微量血糖

1.Analysis of gestational diabetes mellitus sieved with small amount glucose in blood on516cases;末稍微量血糖GDM筛查516例分析
2.Research of a dry-reagent microassay for simultaneous determination on glucose and lipid metabolism.干试剂在血糖血脂微量快速检测上的应用研究
3.Study of correlation between disturbance of lipids metabolism,glycosylated hemoglobin and urinous albumin with type 2 diabetic nephropathy血脂糖化血红蛋白与2型糖尿病肾病尿微量白蛋白的相关性分析
4.The Study of the Corralation between the Renal Fuction and the Trace Elements Status in Serum of T2DM Patients;人血清微量元素与糖尿病肾病相关性的研究
5.Study and Analysis of if ace elements Zn, Cu, Fe, Cr, Mn in serum of the Diabetes;糖尿病患者血清中微量元素的分析研究
6.Trace Elements in Diabetic Rats and the Relationship Between Arterial Thrombosis糖尿病大鼠微量元素与动脉血栓形成的关系
7.Relationship between HbA1c and urinary albumin-creatinin ration in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus老年糖尿病糖化血红蛋白与尿微量白蛋白/肌酐的关系
8.Effect of supplementation with micronutrients on incidence of common infections in type 2 diabetic patients with different fasting blood glucose levels补充微量营养素对不同血糖水平2型糖尿病患者感染的影响
9.Effect of supplementation with micronutrients on incidence of common infections in type 2 diabetic male patients with different fasting blood glucose补充微量营养素对不同血糖水平2型糖尿病男性患者感染的影响
10.The dependablity relationship of glycosylated hemoglobin a1c、postprandial blood glucose with the ratio of urinary albumin and creatinine in the type 2 diabetes mellitus2型糖尿病患者糖化血红蛋白、餐后血糖与尿微量白蛋白/肌酐比值的相关性分析
11.The Changes of Platelet Parameters and Zinc in Diabetic Microangiopathy and Its Clinical Significance糖尿病微血管病变患者血小板参数及微量元素锌的变化及其临床意义
12.The Relationship between Resistin and MA in the Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;2型糖尿病患者血清抵抗素水平与微量白蛋白尿相关性研究
13.Research on Microanalysis Method of Sulfated Polysaccharide Drug 911 in Rabbit Serum;兔血清中硫酸多糖类药物911微量分析方法的研究
14.The Relation of Microalbuminuria Urine and Macrovascular Complications in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;尿微量蛋白与2型糖尿病大血管病变的关系研究
15.The Influence of Pioglitazone on the Diabetes Nephrosis Urine Micro Albumin and Blood Serum Ⅳ Collagen;盐酸吡格列酮对糖尿病肾病尿微量白蛋白及血清Ⅳ型胶原的影响
16.Relations of the Level of Plasma PAI-1 with Urine Micro-albumin in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2型糖尿病血浆PAI-1与尿微量白蛋白的相关性研究
17.Correlation Analysis between Stess Hyperglycaemia and Microalbuminuria of Acute Coronary Syndrome急性冠脉综合征患者应激性高血糖与尿微量白蛋白的相关性研究
18.Investigation of Microalbuminuria in Nondiabetic,Normotensive Obese Women不伴随糖尿病和高血压的肥胖妇女尿微量白蛋白的调查

Trace blood sugar appearance微量血糖仪
1.Conclu- sion Trace blood sugar appearance is accurate,quick,can be used for differential diagnosis,Monitoring self blood sugar for diabetes patients,screening and censusing diabetes.方法以微量血糖仪测 CBG 及 VBG,用自动生化仪测 VPG。
3)blood glucose measurement血糖测量
5)bloodsugar content血糖含量

胰高血糖素 ,高血糖素药物名称:高血糖素英文名:Glucagon别名: 升血糖素;胰高血糖素 ,高血糖素外文名:Glucagon适应症: 本品现主要用于低血糖症,在一时不能口服或静注葡萄糖时特别有用。不过,通常低血糖时仍应首选葡萄糖。近来亦用于心原性休克。 用量用法: 肌注、皮下注射或静注,用于低血糖症,每次0.5~1.0mg,5分钟左右即可见效。如20分钟仍不见效,则应尽快应用葡萄糖。用于心原性休克,连续静脉输注,每小时1~12mg。 注意事项: 1.如对危急病例仅怀疑低血糖而尚未肯定时,不可代替葡萄糖静注。 2.使用本品后,一俟低血糖昏迷病人恢复知觉,即应给予葡萄糖(如可能,最好口服),以防再次陷入昏迷。 3.用本品时,需警惕血糖过高,有时可见低血钾。 规格: 针剂高血糖素:每支1mg、10mg。 类别:胰岛素及其他影响血糖药