新生儿破伤风,Neonatal tetanus
1)Neonatal tetanus新生儿破伤风
1.Epidemiological and affecting factors analysis on neonatal tetanus in Shantou City from 2000 to 2004;2000~2004年汕头市新生儿破伤风流行病学和影响因素分析
2.Analysis on Epidemic of Neonatal Tetanus and Related Influence Factors among Newborns of Migrants in Dongyang;东阳市流动人口新生儿破伤风疫情及其影响因素分析
3.Epidemiological analysis of neonatal tetanus in Jinhua city,Zhejiang province,2000-2007;2000-2007年浙江省金华市新生儿破伤风流行病学分析

1.Objective To sum up the experience in rescuing and nursing newborn tetanus.目的总结新生儿破伤风的护理经验。
2.The incidence of tetanus among the newborn dropped to 0.27 per thousand.新生儿破伤风发病率降至0.27‰。
3.Nosocomial Pulmonary Infection in Neonates with Tetanus新生儿破伤风院内肺部感染原因分析
4.Analysis of the cost-benefit of eliminating neonatal tetanus in Hainan Province.海南省消除新生儿破伤风成本—效益分析
5.Discussion of how to prevent trismus nascentium in migrant workers慈溪市农民工新生儿破伤风的预防对策
6.Analysis of Epidemic Situation of Neonatal Tetanus(NT)in Cixi City from 2004 to 2008慈溪市2004~2008年新生儿破伤风病例流行病学分析
7.Epidemical analysis on neonatal tetanus in Qingyuan City from 1999 to 2007清远市1999~2007年新生儿破伤风流行病学分析
8.Observation of result to large dose of diazepam to treat infantum tetanus鼻饲大剂量安定治疗新生儿破伤风效果观察
9.An epidemiology survey and analysis of neonatal tetanus in Qinzhou city from 2000 to 2006钦州市2000~2006年新生儿破伤风流行病学调查分析
10.Analysis of the Epidemiology of Neonatal Tetanus in Bobai County from 2000 to 20072000~2007年博白县新生儿破伤风流行病学分析
11.Before 1949, tetanus was one of the main causes of death in China's newborn babies.在中国,1949年以前,新生儿破伤风是新生儿死亡的主要原因。
12.An Epidemiological Surveillance on the Tetanus Toxoid(TT) Inoculation of Women at Childbearing Age and Neonatal Tetanus (NNT) Cases in Hainan Province海南省育龄期妇女破伤风类毒素接种与新生儿破伤风病例监测的流行病学效果
13.Analysis of the Project of Reducing the Mortality of the Pregnant and Lying-in Women And Eliminating the Tetanus to Newborn in Zhuxi County;竹溪县降低孕产妇死亡率和消除新生儿破伤风项目分析
14.Status of neonatal tetanus and its influential factors in Dongguan City from 2004 to 2008东莞市2004~2008年新生儿破伤风发病情况及影响因素
15.The goals for the reduction of the maternal mortality rate, the elimination of tetanus of newborns and the control of HIV/AIDS have not been met as expected.降低孕产妇死亡率、消除新生儿破伤风、控制艾滋病三项目标还未能如期达标。
16.Epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of neonatal tetanus among the offspring of migrant workers in Dongyang,Zhejiang1999-2008年浙江省东阳市农民工新生儿破伤风流行特征及其危险因素调查
17.The complications include postoperative fever cutting edge infection, rupture of uterus, injury of bladder and newborn baby complication etc.如术后发热、刀口感染、子宫破裂、膀胱损伤、新生儿并发症等。
18.For example, most humans harbor B cells for pathogens that cause colds, polio, tetanus and other diseases.例如,人体中大多生长有对抗伤寒、小儿麻痹症、破伤风等疾病病原的B细胞。

severe neonatal tetanus重症新生儿破伤风
1.Objective: To discuss the effect of lidocaine treatment on the severe neonatal tetanus.目的:探讨利多卡因对重症新生儿破伤风的治疗效果。
3)Surveillance of NNT cases新生儿破伤风病例监测
4)neonatal tetanus vaccination新生儿破伤风疫苗
5)Gravis type tetanus neonatorum重型新生儿破伤风
6)infant shoulder injury新生儿肩损伤
