人口质量,Population quality
1)Population quality人口质量
1.The simple talking about factors influencing the population quality in Qinghai province;浅析影响青海省人口质量的若干因素
2.Thinking on improving population quality;提高人口质量的若干思考
3.Analysis of Population Quality Influence on China's Media Industry Development中国传媒产业发展的人口质量因素分析

1.A Discussoin on the Defect of Analyzing the Quality of People Using PQLI;用人口质量指数分析人口质量的缺陷
2.We should continue to control population growth and improve the quality of the population.要坚持控制人口增长,提高人口质量
3.The simple talking about factors influencing the population quality in Qinghai province;浅析影响青海省人口质量的若干因素
4.The Relationship Between Education Investment Capacity and Proper Population Scale--a visual angle of population quality economics;试论教育投资能力与适度人口规模——一个人口质量经济学的视角
5.Analysis of the Relationship between the Drought and the Population Quality in the Midst of Shaanxi in the Republic of China;民国时期三年大旱与关中地区人口质量探析
6.We persisted in controlling the size of the population and raising its quality.坚持控制人口数量,提高人口素质。
7.On the Effect of Population Quantity and Quality on Economic Increase;论人口数量与质量对经济增长的影响
8.Promoting the family-planning to control the population size and improve the health of the people实行计划生育,控制人口数量,提高人口素质
9.While the population has been put under control, the quality of the population in terms of both education and health has improved.在控制人口数量的同时,人口素质有所提高。
10.Continuing to exercise strict control over the population and improve the quality of the whole people.一、续严格控制人口数量,提高全民人口素质。
11.promotion of family planning to control the population size and improve the health of the people实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质
12.1. Continuing to exercise strict control over the population and improve the quality of the whole people.一、继续严格控制人口数量,提高全民人口素质。
13.China's population policy has two objectives: control of population growth and improvement in quality of the population.控制人口增长数量和提高人口素质,是中国人口政策的两个方面。
14.A Comparative Study on the Quality of Life of Urban and Rural Elderly Population in China;我国城乡老年人口生活质量比较研究
15.On the Quality of China s Demographic Data;对我国人口统计数据质量的几点认识
16.Meaning of Old People s Life Quality and Its Content;老年人口生活质量的涵义与内容确定
17.Quantitative Analysis on Life Quality of Urban Population in China中国城市人口生活质量区域性量化研究
18.Quantity Replaced by Quality in the Development of Population:The Role of Government in Improving Population Problem人口发展应以人口素质替代人口数量——论政府在解决我国人口问题中应承担的责任

ideology of population quality人口质量观
3)The child bearing quality人口出生质量
4)population quality economics人口质量经济学
1.The Relationship Between Education Investment Capacity and Proper Population Scale——a visual angle of population quality economics;试论教育投资能力与适度人口规模——一个人口质量经济学的视角
2.Schultz s population quality economics was established on the therotical basis of progress of knowledge and skills and proposed two important conclusions: skills can substitute for land and the quality of children can substitute for the quantity.舒尔茨的人口质量经济学建立在知识和技能进步的理论基础之上,提出了两个重要结论:土地是可以被技能所替代,孩子的数量可以被孩子的质量所替代。
5)quantity of sport population体育人口质量
6)aged life of quality老年人口生活质量
1.Based on "Setting up and Evaluation on Index System of Aged Life of Quality in China" and with the more(item) need to be inputed and the inquiring and statistics changing frequently,this paper introduces how to use components of databases of Delphi to design and implement system of evaluation for aged life of quality.以《我国老年人口生活质量指标体系的设置与评价研究》课题为背景,针对录入数据的字段较多,查询、统计处理较为频繁的特点,介绍了如何利用Delphi的数据库组件对数据的录入、修改、查询和统计,实现系统查找方便、可靠性高、速度快、评价较为准确的功能。

蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验cocoon quality supervision inspection and national silk quality inspection  检验局承担并组织有关检验机构对全国已核发生产准产证的缘丝、绢纺企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行抽查检验(两年共四期),以考核生产企业生丝质量水平。中国桑蚕鲜茧评茧计价方法主要有3种:①鲜上光茧干壳量仪器评定(简称仪评)计价;②“组合售茧、嫌丝计价,’(简称“组、缎”)评茧方法;③茧层率评茧计价。国家质量技术监督局于19望)年6月7日下发了《关于加强茧丝质t监督工作的通知》,要求加强桑蚕鲜茧收购期间的质量监督执法检查;重点做好鲜茧收购过程中“四率”(仪器配备率、仪器完好率、仪评率和仪评相符率)的检查工作。各级专业纤维检验机构应充分发挥职能作用,加强蚕茧质量监督管理;加强对茧站仪评计价工作指导;加强对蚕茧收购计t器具的检定工作;充分运用法律手段,在蚕茧收购期间开展执法检查活动,对违法行为坚决予以查处。 在国家生丝质t检验方面,1998年国家经贸委等4部门联合发布了(缀丝绢纺准产证制度实施办法》,规定缎丝、绢纺企业准产的基本条件。经国家茧丝绸协调小组审议,并报国务院领导批准,“国家生丝质量检验”项目列人(国家茧丝绷发展风险基金》第二批发展项目。该项目由中国纤维检验局承担并组织依法设t或依法授权的具有生丝、绢丝检验能力的纤检局(所)、生丝质检站对全国已核发生产准产证的缀丝、绢丝企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行检验。(吕善模),ngconjian zhilia叩Jiondu iianCha he gUOJia she叩51 zh1旧nyan蚕茧质一监督检查和国家生丝质t检验coon甲ality su伴币sion inspection and natsilk卿ality ins衅tion)专业纤维检验机构蚕鲜茧收购期间,对茧站收购鲜茧进行质量监督和检验的全过程。国家生丝质量检验是指由中国CO-nal桑查维