机械通气技术,Mechanical Ventilation Technique
1)Mechanical Ventilation Technique机械通气技术
1.With science technology develops rapidly; study work on ventilation is promoted Many new kind of ventilations are available and could be used clinically We aim to dialyze the clinical use of eight kinds of mechanical ventilation techniqu科学技术的迅猛发展 ,促进了呼吸机的研发工作 ,大批新型呼吸机不断推向市场 ,新的机械通气技术相继面世并接受临床应用检验。

1.It is more and more quick development for the breathing machine technique. New machine ventilates techniques continuously emerge. This article discusses 10 kinds of machine ventilated techniques.呼吸机的发展越来越快 ,新的机械通气技术不断产生 ,本文对10种机械通气技术进行了探讨。
2.Strengthen the extension and application of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation加强对无创正压机械通气技术的推广应用
3.Therefore, suctioning is the main task to nurse the patients on mechanical ventilation.因此,吸痰是护理机械通气患者的主要技术操作。
4.Electrical equipment of industrial machines--Part 1: General requirementsGB/T5226.1-1996工业机械电气设备第1部分:通用技术条件
5.Efficacy Observation of Mechanic Ventilation after Cerebral Hemorrhage脑出血术后应用机械通气的疗效观察
6.General specifications for light industry machineryGB/T14253-1993轻工机械通用技术条件
7.General technical specification for mechanical splicing of bars钢筋机械连接通用技术规程
8.Clinical analysis on treatment of patients requiring postoperative mechanical ventilation in general surgery ICU普通外科术后呼吸功能障碍机械通气治疗分析
9.Comparison of Weaning methods in patients with myasthenia gravis after thymectomy重症肌无力术后机械通气脱机方法的比较
10.The Influence of Lung Recruitment Maneuver to the Respiratory Function of Patients of Long-term Mechanical Ventilation;肺复张术对ARDS机械通气患者呼吸功能的影响
11.Nursing care of patients undergoing two-lateral lung mechanical ventilation after lung transplantation肺移植术后患者分侧肺机械通气的护理
12.Construction Technology of Mechanical Pavement & Bridge Erection on Electrical Double-Track Railway;电气化铁路增建二线机械铺轨架梁施工技术
13.Exploration and Practice of Experimental Teaching of Electric Control Technology for Mechanical Specialty;机械类专业电气控制技术实验课的探讨与实践
14.Research on Key Technologies of Virtual Assembly System of General Mechanical Product;通用类机械产品虚拟装配系统关键技术研究
15.Application of Variable Frequency Technology In Grain Mechanical Ventilation变频调速技术在储粮机械通风中的应用
17.Effect of Mechanical Ventilation with Low Tidal Volume on the Pulmonary Function of Neurosurgical Patients after Operation小潮气量机械通气对神经外科病人术后肺功能的影响
18.Information technology, mechanical industry and the education of mechanical engineering;信息技术、机械工业与机械工程教育

sequential mechanical ventilation technology序贯性机械通气技术
3)noninvasive positive pressure mechanical ventilate technique无创正压机械通气技术
1.Study and discussion of noninvasive positive pressure mechanical ventilate technique clinic application;无创正压机械通气技术临床应用研讨
4)machinery technology机械技术
1.In this paper, the present situation and main problems about rape harvesting mechanization was analyzed, and three recommendations was presented:strengthening special research on machinery technology;emphasizing the generalization and study on partition harvest;strengthening political guiding and energetic support.本文分析了我国当前油菜收获机械化的现状及其面临的主要问题,对此提出了加强油菜收获机械技术的专题研究;重视油菜分段收获机械技术的研究与推广;加强政策导向和扶持力度三条建议。
2.Because of the large number of population and scarce land resources, We should rely mainly on biotechnology supplemented by machinery technology to develop the agricultural technology in China.我国人多地少的资源条件,决定了我国农业应该走以生物技术为主、机械技术为辅的技术进步道路。
3.Neither the quest for the nature of machinery technology by Heidegger, nor the genealogical analysis of technology of self by Foucault deny simply modern technology.海德格尔和福柯对于现代技术问题的思考属于某种反思的现代性立场 :无论前者对机械技术的本质的追问 ,还是后者对自我技术的谱系学分析 ,都没有简单地否定现代技术 ,而是揭示了现代技术的解蔽和遮蔽双重性。
5)mechanical ventilation机械通气
1.97-case report of using ransnose trackea cannula and mechanical ventilation in the treatment of respiratory failure;经鼻气管插管机械通气抢救呼吸衰竭97例临床分析
2.Clinical research of pathogenic bacteria isolated from lower respiratory tract with and without mechanical ventilation in RICU;呼吸重症监护病房机械通气及普通患者下呼吸道感染病原菌的临床研究
3.Effect of mechanical ventilation treatment on post-thoracotomy acute respiratory failure;机械通气治疗开胸术后急性呼吸衰竭
6)mechanic ventilation机械通气
1.Objective To study the effect of minimal enteral feeding and mechanic ventilation on motilin(MTL) in premature infants and find a new way to promote gastrointestinal motility especially in critical illness,so as to develop their nutritional condition.目的研究机械通气和微量喂养对早产儿血促胃液素(MTL)的影响和提高早产儿特别是危重儿胃肠动力途径,促进早产儿营养发育。
2.Objective Observe the effect of newborn respiratory failure treated by mechanic ventilation.目的 观察机械通气治疗新生儿呼吸衰竭的疗效。
3.Methods:20 cases who receive long-term mechanic ventilation were admitted and treated by continuous infusing midazolam(first 0 1~0 15mg/kg,then 0 05~0 15mg/kg/h).目的 :观察咪唑安定在机械通气患者中的应用 ,评价其长程镇静效果。

RP技术和基于RP技术的RT技术摘要:介绍了快速成形技术的原理和几种典型成形方法。同时,还介绍了基于快速成形技术的快速模具技术在模具制造业中的应用,以及快速成形技术的现状和发展趋势。 关键词:快速成形;快速模具;直接快速制模;间接快速制模。引言 快速成形(Rapid Prototyping , RP.)技术,也叫快速原型技术,20世纪80年代后期起源于美国。该技术是一种集计算机辅助设计、机械、数控、检测、激光技术和材料学等为一体的先进制造技术。传统的制造方法是基于材料去除的概念,而 RP 技术突破了这种工艺方法,它是一种“使材料生长”的制造过程,是一种全新的制造技术,所以被誉为是近20年来制造技术领域的一项重大突破。RP技术 1、原理 RP 技术是基于离散/堆积的原理。在计算机的控制下快速成型机的成形头选择性地固化一层层的液体材料(或选择性的切割一层层的纸、烧结一层层的粉末材料、喷涂一层层的热熔性材料等),形成各个截面轮廓并逐步顺序叠加成三维工件实体。其工艺步骤为: (1)切片 把三维CAD模型转化为快速原型系统能够接受的数据格式,运用切片软件将模型切成一系列指定厚度的薄片。 (2)扫描 通过数控装置控制激光或其他作业装置,在当前工作层上扫描出切片的截面形状。 (3)进给 把工作台沿着某一方向下降每次成形厚度那样一个距离。重复上一步骤和本步骤,直到工件完全成形。 (4)后处理 根据不同应用场合的需要,分别对零件进行后固化、上漆、烧结、渗铜等处理。 2、类型 目前RP的方法有几十种,但商品化较好的主要有:光固化立体成形(Stereo Lithogra- phy Apparatus, SLA)、分层实体制造(Laminated Objected Manufacturing ,LOM)、选择性激光烧结(Selected Laser Sintering , SLS)、熔融沉积造型(Fused Deposition Modeling , FDM)、三维印刷(Three Dimensional Printing , TDP)等。另外,很有潜力的激光气相沉积(Laser Vapor Deposition , LVP)法正在试验之中。 (1)SLA SLA法是出现最早,技术最成熟和应用最广泛的RP 技术,由美国的3D Systems 公司推出。SLA法是用激光束按照截面轮廓的形状,沿液态光敏树脂的表面进行扫描来固化光敏树脂,从而成形工件。工件的表面质量较好,尺寸精度较高(相对于其他RP 方法),可确保工件的尺寸精度在0.1mm以内,但树脂会因吸收空气中的水分而收缩、弯曲、卷翘,产生应力,适合成形中小型工件。