近足月儿,near full-term infants
1)near full-term infants近足月儿
1.Objective To retrospectively analyze the clinical manifestations of resuscitation of neonatal asphyxia,and compare the prognosis of neonatal asphyxia between full-term infants and near full-term infants(34 weeks≤gestational age <37 weeks).目的对窒息新生儿复苏后的临床表现,进行回顾性分析,比较足月儿与近足月儿(34周≤胎龄<37周)窒息复苏后在新生儿早期的预后。

1.Extreme hyperbilirubinaemia in term and near-term infants in Denmark丹麦足月和接近足月儿极高胆红素血症研究
2.a healthy full-term baby.一个健康的足月的婴儿。
3.MRI of the Brain of Term Birth Normal Neonate正常足月新生儿脑的MRI信号特点
4.CT diagnosis for HIE of term neonate足月新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病CT诊断
5.The Responses of Term Fetuses to Different Acoustic Stimulations;足月胎儿对不同声音刺激反应的研究
6.Oxygen is heated before it is administrated to premature and full-term newborns.给未成熟儿和足月新生儿输氧时要加温氧气。
7.The Impact of Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy on the Hearing Function in Term and Perterm Infants缺氧缺血性脑病致早产儿、足月儿听力损伤研究
8.Cesarean section (or C-section):Surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision at or before full term.剖腹产术:即在胎儿足月时或足月前经腹部切口自子宫剖取胎儿的手术。
9.Elementary introduction new circs natural neonatal period nurse浅论新条件下的正常足月新生儿护理对策
10.Clinical Characteristics Analysis of 25 Full-term Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome;足月新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征25例临床分析
11.Estimation of Fetal Weight Based on Artificial Neural Network;基于人工神经网络的足月胎儿体重预测
12.Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis of Risk Factors for Brain Edema Detected by Ultrasound Examination in Term Infants足月儿超声脑水肿相关因素多元Logistic回归分析
13.Fetal fibronectin as a predictor for a successful induction of labour at term胎儿纤连蛋白在足月妊娠引产中的预测价值
14.On the relationship between full-term neonatal jaundice and the extent of the asphyxia足月新生儿黄疸与窒息缺氧程度的关系探讨
15.Management of jaundice in term infants产科母婴同室足月新生儿黄疸的管理探讨
16.Study of Acquired Brain Injury in the Full-Term Infants.住院足月儿获得性脑损伤相关问题分析
17.Therapeutic Effect of Oral Indomethacin for Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Full-Term Infants口服吲哚美辛治疗足月儿动脉导管未闭的疗效
18.Effect of swimming therapy on early growth and development of small for gestational age infants泳疗对足月小样儿早期生长发育的影响

term infant足月儿
1.System review:the effects of different time of delayed cord clamping on anemia prevention in term infants不同延迟断脐时间与预防足月儿贫血效果系统评价
2.【Objective】 To study the characteristic of flash visual evoked potentials(FVEP) on term infant and premature infant within 6 months old.【目的】研究足月儿和早产儿的闪光视觉诱发电位(flash visual evoked potentials,FVEP)特点及临床应用。
3.Objective To explore clinical characteristics of cerebral palsy (CP) in preterm infants and term infants,and to deduce the etiology and time of brain damages.目的探讨早产儿和足月儿脑性瘫痪(CP)的临床特征,确定脑损伤的病因与时间,为病因预防提供依据。
3)Full-term infant足月儿
1.Results The parameters of cardiovascular function in most of the full-term infants,including BP,ABV,ABA and ASD showed robust c.目的比较早产儿与足月儿心血管功能近日节律的特征。
2.Objective To explore therapeutic effect and side effect of oral indomethacin for treating patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)in full-term infants.目的探讨口服吲哚美辛治疗足月儿动脉导管未闭(PDA)的疗效。
4)full-term infants足月儿
1.The comparison of physical development between premature infants and full-term infants aged less than one year;早产儿与足月儿在1岁以内体格发育比较
2.Sixty-one full-term infants whose gestational age between 37 weeks and 42 weeks were studied as control group.方法:以26周≤胎龄≤32周早产儿59例早产儿为研究对象,以肺透明膜病(HMD)和支气管肺发育不良(BPD)的发生与否作为胎肺发育的判断,并设置37周≤胎龄≤42周足月儿61例为肺成熟对照组,采用竞争性的免疫测定方法分别检测生后第1、3、7天的血清雌二醇含量水平。
3.Methods The plasma levels of DD,APTT and PT were determined respectively in 20 premature infants and 20 full-term infants on 1,5,10d of life.方法选取日龄1、5、10d的早产儿各20例及1、5、10d正常足月儿各20例(作对照),检测血浆DD、PT、APTT水平,比较各组间凝血、纤溶活性变化及其日龄变化规律。
5)Term infants with asphyxia窒息足月儿
6)mature-LBW infants足月小样儿
1.【Methods】 223 babies,who were followed up 5 times in 12 months,were divided into premature low birth weight(LBW) infants group,mature-LBW infants group and normal birth weight infants group.【目的】对早产低体重儿(PLBW)和足月小样儿(MLBW)生长速率比较及干预模式探讨。
