脑电图背景活动,Electroencephalographic background
1)Electroencephalographic background脑电图背景活动

1.Changes of electroencephalographic background patterns and serum neuron specific enolase levels in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病脑电图背景活动及血清神经元特异性烯醇化酶变化与临床意义
2.A preliminary study on effect of carbamazepine on EEG background activities in epileptic patients.卡马西平对癫痫病人脑电背景活动影响的初步研究
3.A graphic record of the electrical activity of the brain as recorded by an electroencephalograph.脑电图由脑电描记器所绘制的脑电活动描记图
4.a graphical record of electrical activity of the brain; produced by an electroencephalograph.大脑电子活动的图形记录;脑电图仪产生的。
5.Click to zoom to the background in the active view window单击该按钮缩放到活动视图窗口的背景大小
6.Abnormal brain-wave activity shows up on electroencephalograph readings.脑电图的读数上显示出异常的脑电波活动。
7.A Research on the EEG Checking Method of Writing Activity-A New Probe into the Principle of Handwriting Authentication;书写活动的脑电图研究——笔迹鉴定原理新探之一
8."Electroencephalography: Technique for recording electrical activity in the Brain, whose cells emit distinct patterns of rhythmic electrical impulses."脑电图记录法:记录及解释脑电活动的技术。脑的神经细胞能产生有节律地起伏的电脉冲。
9.Superposing and Display of Radar Background Information in Electronic Sea Chart Navigation System;雷达背景信息与电子海图的叠加显示
10.The Social Identity Prospect of Floating Children under Household Registration System Background户籍制度背景下流动儿童的社会认同图景
11.electronic diagnosis of brain activity大脑活动的电子诊断
12.Crime has to be studied in its social contexts.犯罪活动得联系其社会背景来研究。
13.The Social Historical and Cultural Backgrounds of People s Activities in ZuoZhuan;《左传》人物活动的社会历史文化背景
14.Analysis of the Social Background of Hua Loo-Keng Popularizing Overall Planning Methods and Optimum Seeking Methods;华罗庚推广“双法”活动的社会背景分析
15.Change of Cold Wave Activity in Hebi Under Global Warming全球变暖背景下鹤壁寒潮活动的变化
16.Americans films are mainly good at marvelous scene or touching/ impressive background music, while Chinese films prefer to show what the real life looks like in the society.美国电影以恢宏的场面和动人的背景音乐见长;但中国电影善于表现现实生活。
17.DESIGN PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATIVE VALUE OF PROPULSIVE FORM ACTIVE TYPE EEG MAPPING--a new exploration of dynamic monitor EEG mapping推进式活动地形图的设计原理和应用价值——脑电地形图动态监测的新探索
18.Analyzing the Forms and Characteristics of Interaction Behaviors during Different Activities in Kindergarten Education;幼儿园教育中不同活动背景下的互动行为分析

background activity背景活动
3)time-varying EGG activity map时变脑电活动图
4)Movable background活动式背景
5)brain electrical activity脑电活动
1.controls were housed either in normal cages(CC group) or in tanks with large platforms(TC group),the learning memory ability and brain electrical activity were taken as target to observe SD effects on rats brain.方法采用小平台水环境法建立SD模型,以正常对照组和大平台对照组为对照,以学习记忆能力和脑电活动为指标,观察SD对大鼠脑功能的影响。
6)Seismicity background地震活动背景
