体位变更,Changing in body position
1)Changing in body position体位变更
2)change bit变更位
3)phase diversity相位变更

1.Influence of Noise to Phase Diversity Wavefront Sensing图像噪声对相位变更波前传感的影响研究
2.Their status is roughly the same as that of the poor peasants, and like the poor peasants, they need a revolution to change the existing state of affairs.其地位和贫农不相上下,其需要一个变更现状的革命,也和贫农相同。
3.Humanitarian goals and issues are more important with this, an uplifting aspect.人道主义目标及课题因这鼓舞人心的相位而变得更重要了。
4.If you have any artistic leanings, this aspect helps your expression become more salable.如果你有任何的艺术倾向,这相位让你的表现变得更有出路。
5.For enterprise applications, behavioral variables are often closely associated with job roles, and we suggest listing out the variables for each role separately.对于企业产品,行为变量和工作岗位联系得更紧密,因此我们建议为每一个岗位列出相应的变量。
6.change of orientation of edge element边缘元素方位的变更
7.phase shifting transformer移相变换器相位第器
8.nay, when he stayeth in one city or town, let him change his lodging from one end and part of the town, to another; which is a great adamant of acquaintance.当居于某城某镇时,他须在该城不同地域变换位处,以便吸引更多人相识;
9.Exceptions to this do exist, notably for hard-working players moving into more defensive positions as they get older, however these are fairly rare.相反的,努力工作的球员逐步变老时,可以将他们训练成更偏重防守的位置,当然这并不常见。
10.Everything about this nation- the structure of the society, its forms of family organization, its economy, its place in the world- has become more complex, not less.美国的一切:社会结构、庭组织形式、济、世界上的地位,都变得更为复杂,而不是相反。
11.It would be highly advantageous to have instrumentation to directly measure structural strains and relative displacements.如果能用仪器设备直接测量结构应变和相对位移将具有更大的优越性。
12.The study also found that the roommate who had a lower social status in the dormitory tended to change more than popular roommates.此外研究结果还发现,在宿舍中处于较低地位的人同受欢迎的同学相比,会有更大的改变。
13.variable phase output可变相位的输出信号
14.without approval, no unit or individual shall be allowed to make the changes.未经核准的,任何单位、个人不得变更。
15.As a result, the team that is lea-ding is forced to take a more conservative posture to defend its position.而被追赶的不想让位,于是变得 更保守。
16.It will also involve the biggest and most complicated controllers ever seen.遥控器也会相应变得比以往更大、复杂。
17.The language correspondingly became stiffer.讲话的语言也相应地变得更加强硬。
18.An Empirical Research on Value-relevance of Financial Accounting Standard Changing in China;我国会计准则变更价值相关实证研究

change bit变更位
3)phase diversity相位变更
4)ontology change本体变更
1.Research on storing ontology change logs based on Change-Tree基于Change-Tree的本体变更日志存储研究
5)whole altering整体变更
1.Based on analyzing the changes in the number of the paid-up capital and the shareholders share accounts before and after the whole altering of the company,the paper believes th.目前,人们对有限责任公司整体变更为股份有限公司时所涉及的自然人股东缴纳个人所得税问题存在争议,争议的焦点在于,在公司整体变更过程中,自然人股东是否有应税所得,以及如何缴纳个人所得税。
6)changing of subject主体变更

病人体位    病人体位    病人在接受检查或手术操作时所采取的姿势。体位有多种,常见的有仰卧位,侧卧位,膀胱截石位,膝胸位等。合理的体位不仅可以使病人舒适,更重要的是便于检查或手术操作,以达到预期的目的。