产科相关因素,obstetric factor
1)obstetric factor产科相关因素
1.Methods We had observed the delivery conditions and obstetric factors of maternals and newborns in fetal distress group and control.目的 观察胎儿窘迫的产科相关因素 ,探讨预防、治疗胎儿窘迫的措施。

1.Clinical analysis on obstetrical effect factors of neonatal asphyxia on 179 cases新生儿窒息产科相关因素179例临床分析
2.The Study on Correlative Factors of Emergency Obstetric Hysterectomy;产科急症子宫切除相关危险因素分析
3.Causes of postpartum depression and community nursing产妇产后抑郁症相关因素的调查分析
4.The Analysis of the Causes and the Majoy Influencing Factors of 171 Perinatal Death171例围产儿死亡原因及相关因素分析
5.The Study on the Civil Servants of Section Chief's Competency and Relative Factors;科级公务员胜任特征及相关因素研究
6.Analysis of related factors for medical discipline construction and development医学学科建设与发展的相关因素分析
7.Analysis on Occupational Burnout of Psychiatrists and It's Related Factors精神科医生职业倦怠及相关因素分析
9.Research on Factors of Real Estate foam and It′s Relationship;房地产泡沫相关因素及相关关系的实证研究
10.Study on Bacterial Colonization and Correlating Factors on Premature Infants in NICU;NICU早产儿细菌定植及相关因素的研究
11.High Risk Factors for Preterm Infants Subependymal Hemorrhages;早产儿室管膜下出血的相关因素分析
12.Study on the Relevant Factors Influencing the Yield and Quality of Cichorium Intybus L;影响菊苣产量和品质的相关因素研究
13.Study on Citrinin Related Genes in Monascus spp.;红曲霉产桔霉素相关基因的初步研究
14.An Analysis of the Correlations between Agriculture Productivity and its Influencing Factors;农业生产率及其影响因素的相关分析
15.Influencing factors related to postpartum hemorrhage and preventive measures影响产后出血的相关因素及防治措施
16.Analysis of Changes of Cesarean Section Indication in the Past 20 Years and Correlation Factors剖宫产指征20年变迁及相关因素分析
17.Correlation factors of the preterm delivery after IVF-ETIVF-ET后妊娠早产的相关因素分析
18.Investigation and Analysis of Influential Factors Related to High Risk Induced Abortion高危人工流产相关影响因素调查分析

Output Correlation Factor产量相关因素
3)genes related to agrocin-production产素相关基因
4)obstetrics factors产科因素
1.Purpose To analyze the obstetrics factors related to neonatal asphyxia,raising the measures for how to prevent and improve prognosis.目的分析与新生儿窒息相关的产科因素,提出预防和改善预后的措施。
2.Objective To evaluate the influence of obstetrics factors for cardiac enzymes in cord blood.目的了解产科因素对脐血心肌酶学的影响。
5)obstetric factors产科因素
1.Conclusion The neonatal asphyxia obstetric factors between the premature infants and non-premature infants were not all the same.结论早产儿和非早产儿窒息的产科因素不尽相同,临床上应根据这些差别在产前采取相应的防治措施,尽量避免或减少新生儿窒息发生,从而降低新生儿病死率及伤残率。
6)relevant factors相关因素
1.Analysis of relevant factors affecting the visual prognosis of traumatic optic neuropathy;影响外伤性视神经病变视力预后的相关因素分析
2.Logistic analysis on relevant factors of abandoning drug habits voluntarily in drug addicts;吸毒人员自愿戒毒相关因素Logistic分析
3.Analysis of relevant factors in perimenopausal syndrome;围绝经期综合征的相关因素分析

相关成本与非相关成本(relevantcostandirrelevantcost)  成本按其发生是否与决策项目相关的分类。相关成本是指与制定决策方案有关的联影响的成本,例如当期是否接受一批订货,生产该批订货需要花费的各种成本,即为相关成本。如该批订货是一种特殊订货,即其价格低于以前生产这种产品的完全成本时,其相关成本就是生产该批产品的变动成本。如果生产该批订货需扩大生产能力时,相关成本就既包括生产的变动成本,还包括添置设备等所需的其他成本。机会成本、差量成本、现金支出成本、可避免成本等均属相关成本。  非相关成本是指与制定决策方案并无影响的成本,因而在决策时可不予考虑。命名如接受特殊订货时,原有固定成本就属于非相关成本,因为即使不接受这批特殊订货,这些固定成本也会照样发生,当有几种方案可供选择时,各种方案都需发生的成本就是非相关成本,如采用不同的生产工艺组织生产时,构成产品实体的原材料在各种生产工艺过程中都要发生,所以这些原材料成本便是非相关成本。不可避免成本、沉落成本等属于不相关成本。