新生儿呕吐,neoborn vomiting
1)neoborn vomiting新生儿呕吐
1.The effect of domperidone in treatment of neoborn vomiting and nursing;加服多潘立酮治疗新生儿呕吐疗效观察

1.Clinical Analysis on 194 Cases of Neonatal Vomiting within 7 Days after Birth出生后7天内新生儿呕吐194例临床分析
2.The clinical therapeutic effect of Phenobarbital Sodium on neonate unpathological vomitory苯巴比妥钠对新生儿非病理性呕吐的临床疗效
3.To vomit or experience vomiting.呕吐呕吐或经历呕吐
4."Spitting up" is quite common for newborns.新生儿“吐奶”相当常见。
5.Study on the antiemetic effects of ondansetron plus vitamin B_6 in children receiving chemotherapy恩丹西酮联合维生素B_6防治儿童化疗呕吐的疗效观察
6.Baby had no sooner finished his feed than it all camp up.婴儿一喂饱之后就会呕吐。
7.He gagged and for a minute I thought he was going to throw up.他在发呕,过一会儿我想他就要吐了。
8.Relating to or causing vomiting.呕吐的,使呕吐的与呕吐相关的或令人呕吐的
9."Nausea: Discomfort in the pit of the stomach associated with disgust for food and a feeling that vomiting will follow, as it often does."恶心: 胃窝部的不适感,伴有厌食和呕吐感,往往接着发生呕吐。
10.The queasy lurch of an airplane during a storm.飞机在暴雨中产生引人呕吐的摇晃
11.Save material expelled from the mouth for doctor to examine.应该将呕吐物保存下来以供医生检查,
12.John is squeamish, so he's not cut out for being a doctor.John容易呕吐,所以他不适合当医生。
13.After drinking too much, the students vomited.因为饮酒过量,这些学生们呕吐起来。
14.Lin Xiao, my son, had a stomachache after breakfast this morning and wanted to vomit. I am going to take him to see the doctor today. I would appreciate it very much if he got your approval to one day's absence form class.我的儿子林萧今天早上吃过早饭后肚子感到疼痛,并想呕吐,我要带他去看医生,望准假一天为盼。
15.To vomit(ingested matter)or experience vomiting.呕出(汲取的物质)或呕吐
16.Bird vomits and/ or passes its food undigested in its feces.鸟儿呕吐或在其粪便中发现未消化的食物。
17.Gastroesophageal reflux is the most common cause of vomiting in infants.胃食管反流是婴儿呕吐的最常见的原因。
18.Nursing Interventions on Replacement Therapy Induced Vomiting of Children with Nasal Sinusitis鼻窦炎置换疗法致患儿呕吐的护理干预

Infantile vomiting小儿呕吐
3)neonate hyperemesis新生儿剧吐
1.Right Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain, Vomiting, Hematochezia and Hepatic Tumor;右下腹痛、呕吐、便血、肝脏肿块
2.The preventive effect of ramosetron on nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy;雷莫司琼对腹腔镜胆囊切除术后恶心及呕吐的预防作用
3.Prevention and Treatment of Vomiting of Newborn;新生儿常见呕吐症状的防治
1.Effects of ondansetron,granisetron,and tropisetron on vomiting caused by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE);3种5-HT_3受体拮抗剂预防肝癌患者介入治疗后恶心呕吐的疗效比较
2.Effect of Granisetron on Vomitting Caused by Transarterial Chemoembolization(TACE);盐酸格拉司琼预防肝癌患者介入治疗后恶心呕吐的疗效观察
3.Stage II clinical study of Tropisetron Mesylate on the prevention of nausea and vomit induced by chemotherapeutic drug;甲磺酸托烷司琼预防化疗药物引起恶心、呕吐的Ⅱ期临床研究
1.Efficiency observation of Granisetron plus dexemethasone for the control of cisplatin-induced emesis;格拉司琼联合地塞米松防治顺铂所致呕吐的疗效观察
2.Clinical Evaluation of Promethazine on Control of Emesis Induced by Chemotherapy Based on Oxaliplatin for Gastric and Colorectal Carcinoma;异丙嗪控制奥沙利铂胃肠道肿瘤化疗所致呕吐
3.The effect of granisetron hydrochloride nasal spray for cisplatin-induced antiemesis in beagle dogs;盐酸格拉司琼鼻喷剂对顺铂引起比格犬呕吐的对抗作用

新生儿呕吐新生儿呕吐  呕吐是新生儿常见症状之一。呕吐物可以是通过产道时吞咽的羊水、血液、乳汁、胆汁、粪便样物质等。呕吐可为间断性或持续性;可为功能性或器质性;可以是消化道本身的因素,也可是消化道以外的疾病所致。常见的内科疾病有:吞咽过多羊水、喂养不当、感染、胎粪排泄延迟、缺氧缺血性脑病、颅内出血、幽门痉挛、贲门松弛症、胃食道反流等。常见的外科性病因有:食道闭锁、先天性幽门肥厚性狭窄、膈疝、先天性肠旋转不良、环状胰腺、肠重复畸形、肠闭锁或肠狭窄、巨结肠、胎粪性腹膜炎、胃扭转、直肠或肛门闭锁等。由于呕吐病因复杂,而外科性疾病处理不及时,常导致严重并发症,故遇新生儿呕吐首先应禁食,头高右侧卧位,同时请小儿外科会诊,明确诊断,治疗病因,对症处理。