腹部抚触,abdominal message
1)abdominal message腹部抚触

1.Clinical study on abdominal touching for neonates prior to exfoliation of umbilical stump新生儿脐痂脱落前腹部抚触的临床研究
2.Application of Touch in Pain Control for Pediatric Patients After Low Abdominal Surgery抚触护理在小儿下腹部术后疼痛干预中的应用
3.effleurage of the abdomen is used in the Lamaze method of childbirth.腹部轻抚法在妇女分娩时使用。
4.he was raised in the Baptist religion; a member of his own faith contradicted him.他是施洗者教会抚养长大的;他自己的一部分信念抵触他。
5.Influence of Touch Sets' Temperature on Neonatal Crying Time when Touching on Newborn抚触台温度对新生儿抚触时哭闹时间的影响
6.She rolled on one side and felt around below her stomach but realised it must have been something on the ground after all.她侧身躺着,抚摸着腹部,她意识到,那种感觉只是地上的什么东西在作怪吧?
7.Methods patients were divided into experimental group and control group pre and post- test. Fingering was provided for experimental group during surgery.方法 实验前后建立抚触组与对照组,在手术过程中抚触组进行抚触安慰。
8.Methods Patients were sampled into touch group and control group. During operation, patients in touching group received nurse’s touch and comfort.方法实验前后建立抚触组与对照组,在手术过程中抚触组接受抚触安慰;
9.Since his arms are about waist-high on the young man, Uncle gently hugs him round his midriff.由于他的手臂刚好触到青年的腰,他只能轻轻地抱住他的腹部。
10.Studies on Some Biological Characters of Anastatus sp. Fed on Artificial Diet and Its Antennal Sensilla;平腹小蜂在人工卵上的部分生物学特性及其触角超微结构观察
11.The upper middle region of the abdomen.腹上部腹部的中上部分
12.the standard for some family members of the deceased was increased.提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准。
13.Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service men and women have been increased.提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准
14.head, thorax and abdomen头部、 胸部及腹部.
15.To engage in mutual touching or caressing with the lips.接吻共同用嘴唇接触或抚摸
16.You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.你愿能用手指去抚触你的赤裸的梦魂。
17.To study the effect of caress on defecation and jaundice of newborn.探讨抚触对新生儿排便和黄疸的影响。
18.Role of newborn touching played in heel blood sample collection新生儿抚触在采集足跟血中的作用

1.Observation and Analasis of the Influence to Digestive System of Touch for Premature Infant;抚触对早产儿消化系统影响的观察与分析
2.Influence of swimming and touching on neonatal neurobehavioral development and the physiological indexes;游泳和抚触对新生儿神经行为发育及基础生理指标的影响
3.The Effect of Touch on Preterm Infant s Somnus and Choloplania;抚触对早产儿睡眠及黄疸的影响
1.Effect of swimming and caress on neonatal jaundice;游泳、抚触对新生儿黄疸的影响
2.Caress was given to newborn within 24hrs after delivery in the caress group.目的:探讨抚触对新生儿排便和黄疸的影响。
1.Effect of massage and motion discipline on growth and development of infants.;抚触和动作训练对婴儿生长发育影响的研究
2.Curative effect of massage on neonates with sclerema;抚触疗法治疗新生儿硬肿症疗效观察
3.Effect of massage and motion discipline on growth and development of infant.;抚触和动作训练对婴幼儿生长发育影响的效果评价
1.Influence of swimming and touching on neonatal body weight;新生儿游泳与抚触对新生儿体重影响的探讨
2.Effects of Touching on Neurologic Development of Preterm Infants;抚触对早产儿神经发育的影响
6)abdominal swelling and tenderness腹部肿胀及触痛

上腹部上腹部 两侧肋弓下缘连线以上的腹部,见"腹部分区"。