新生儿并发症,neonatal complications
1)neonatal complications新生儿并发症
1.Objectives: To investigate the relationship between Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) infection, pregnant outcome and neonatal complications.目的 :探讨溶脲脲原体 (Ureaplasma urealyticum,UU)感染与妊娠结局及新生儿并发症的关系。

1.The complications include postoperative fever cutting edge infection, rupture of uterus, injury of bladder and newborn baby complication etc.如术后发热、刀口感染、子宫破裂、膀胱损伤、新生儿并发症等。
2.Clinical analysis and nursing in newborn infant with scleredema combined with pulmonary hemorrhage新生儿硬肿症并肺出血27例临床分析
3.Clinical Analysis of Perinatal Period Complications in 302 Late Preterm Infants302例晚期早产儿围生期并发症分析
4.Influence of the outcome of the perinatal fetus by complication in severe preeclampsia重度子痫前期并发症对围生儿结局的影响
5.I, too, was born in India, but was lucky enough to move to England at age6 and was given the newly discovered polio vaccination.我也是一样生于印度,但是很幸运的在六岁时移民到英国并且服用新发明的小儿痲痹症的疫苗。
6.Significance of Neonatal Early-Onset and Late-Onset Septicemia: Case Analysis;新生儿败血症早发型与晚发型的临床意义探讨
7.respiratory distress syndrome of newborn新生儿呼吸窘迫综合症
8.severe anemia in newborn babies; the result of Rh incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood; typically occurs when the child of an Rh-negative mother inherits Rh-positive blood from the father; can be diagnosed before birth by amniocentesis.新生婴儿严重的贫血症。
9.Antenatal complications can affect a baby's health.胎儿期并发症能影响婴儿的健康.
10.Digestive tract bleeding is frequently present in infant patient, but seldom in adult.成人常见的并发症消化道出血,在小儿则很少发生。
11.Impact of Postoperative Complications on Growth and Development of Children Suffered from Congenital Biliary Dilatation (CBD)先天性胆总管扩张术后中远期并发症对患儿体格生长发育的影响
12.Reduced glutathione cure hyperbilirubinemia of newborn of G-6-PD deficient还原型谷胱甘肽治疗G-6-PD缺陷并新生儿高胆红素血症
13.Effects of high frequency oscillatory ventilation in the newborn hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with respiratory failure高频震荡通气治疗重症新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病并呼吸衰竭
14.Effect of noise on the auditory system and the intelligence development of premature infants treated in the neonatal intensive care unit新生儿重症监护病房噪音对早产儿听力及智力发育的影响
15.Study on early intervention in improving intelligence development in neonate with hyperbilirubinaemia早期干预对改善新生儿高胆红素血症患儿智力发育的研究
16."A "postpolio syndrome"occurs decades later in some cases, with weakness of muscles that had recovered. "有些并立在数十年后发生「后小儿麻痹症候群」,再次造成肌肉无力。
17.The clinical analysis of early respiratory complications in extremely low and very low birth weight infants超低和极低出生体重儿早期呼吸系统并发症临床分析
18.We present a term, 2950 gm female neonate who was delivered by vacuum extration and subsequently developed convulsions 23 hours after birth.新生儿硬脑膜下出血常并发于生产时的伤害。

newborn hypoglycemia in hardly swelling sickness新生儿硬肿症并发低血糖
1.Objective: To investigate the change of blood serum insulin、C peptide and glucagons in the newborn hypoglycemia in hardly swelling sickness.目的:研究血清胰岛素(INS)、C肽(CP)及胰高血糖素(GR)在新生儿硬肿症并发低血糖患儿的变化。
1.The delivery course and the incidence of complications of the mother and infant were compared between 2 groups.方法 :回顾性分析本院 1994年 1月~ 1997年 10月无任何异常因素的住院孕妇共 738例 ,分为自然分娩组和催产素引产组 ,比较 2组间分娩情况和母儿并发症发生情况。
4)Consequence of gestation胎婴儿并发症
5)Scleredema neonatorum新生儿硬肿症
1.Clinical effects of large-dosage vitamin E administrated percutaneously to patients with scleredema neonatorum;大剂量维生素E经皮治疗新生儿硬肿症的临床观察
2.Detection of the serum level of von Willebrand factor and its significance in scleredema neonatorum;新生儿硬肿症血浆血管性假血友病因子的意义
6)Neonatal septicemia新生儿败血症
1.Objective:To diagnose neonatal septicemia in early stage so as to reduce complications and decrease mortality.目的 :对新生儿败血症进行早期诊断 ,减少并发症 ,降低病死率。
2.Objective:To search for effective ways of preventing and treating neonatal septicemia so as to decrease the morbidity and mortality.目的 :探索预防和治疗新生儿败血症的有效方法 ,以减少发病率和病死率。
3.Objective: To evaluate practice-value of the current diagnosing standard for neonatal septicemia and related items, and to explore a better diagnosing criteria.目的:对现行的新生儿败血症临床诊断标准及相关指标的诊断价值进行评估,探讨诊断价值更高的诊断标准。

新生儿出血症新生儿出血症hemorrhagic disease of the newborn 又称新生儿低凝血酶原血症,因缺乏维生素K依赖凝血因子所致自限性疾病。足月儿多在生后2~5天,但早产儿迟至2~3周仍可发病。由母亲用水杨酸类、抗癫痫药和双香豆素类者亦可在生后第1天发病。主要症状是出血,最常见的部位为消化道,其次为脐部、皮肤及皮下组织,如足跟、骶部、项背部等压处有淤斑;偶可发生颅内出血;至于肺、心包、肾、肾上腺、腹腔、阴道等处出血则极少见。症状因出血量及部位而不同。量少者一般情况尚可;量多者可出现苍白、休克等症状。若出现颅内出血及肺、心包出血时症状严重,并有相应的临床表现。出血后可有不同程度的贫血,凝血时间延长,但血小板正常,出血时间正常。新生儿有出血症状时,应即刻注射维生素K11~5mg,紧急情况下,可输新鲜血10~20ml/kg,以抢救休克、纠正贫血,并可提高凝血酶原浓度,制止出血。