吸痰时间,sputum suction time
1)sputum suction time吸痰时间
2)sputum suction吸痰
1.A Comparative Study of Two Different Methods of Sputum Suction;2种吸痰方法的效果比较
2.Clinical nursing progress on intra-artificial air passage sputum suction for patients;人工气道内吸痰的临床护理进展
3.Clinical observation of modified sputum suction flow-sheet;改良吸痰流程的临床观察

1.Patients (n=30) with one channel sputum sucking for 15 sec.常规单腔吸痰吸痰15s,(n=30)为实验A组;
2.Study for the effects of two different methods of sputum drainage两种吸痰方式在经口腔无创吸痰中的对比研究
3.So that, Consistent use of the best possible suctioning technique ensures safer suctioning and maintains airway patent.所以,掌握正确的吸痰方法是安全吸痰、持呼吸道通畅的关键。
4.Applying of Emergency Oral Cavity Stand in Gastrolavage and Sputum Aspiration急救口腔支架在洗胃及吸痰中的应用
5.Arterial hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia maybe induced by tracheal suction.吸痰可导致低氧血症和组织缺氧。
6.Suctioning, physical restriction, ICU environment are extrapersonal stressors.吸痰、理约束、CU环境、血等是外在应激源。
7.A study on clinical application of improved open-mouth sputum suction method改良打开口腔吸痰法的临床应用研究
8.Nursing Care for ARDS Patients Treated with Mechanical Ventilation and Closed SuctionARDS患者机械通气中密闭式吸痰的护理
9.Study on influence of different ways of sputum aspiration on atomization inhalation effect of patients不同吸痰方式对雾化吸入效果影响的研究
10.Study on the optimal suctioning negative pressure based on sputum viscosity in brain-injured patients with tracheotomy脑外伤患者气管切开后不同黏稠度痰液适宜吸痰负压的临床研究
11.Suction secretio as needed or turn client's head to the side if no trauma is su ected.必要时吸痰或将病人头侧向一侧(如无损伤)。
12.Therefore, suctioning is the main task to nurse the patients on mechanical ventilation.因此,吸痰是护理机械通气患者的主要技术操作。
13.Objective To recognize the cl in ical application effects of disposable sputum suction bag.目的了解一次性吸痰包临床应用的效果。
14.Application of disposable venous infusion needle in aspiration of sputum for infants一次性静脉输液针在婴儿吸痰中的应用
15.Comparison of Open and Closed Suction on Arterial Blood Gas in Patients with PEEP开放式与密闭式吸痰对PEEP患者动脉血气的影响
16.Discussion on the Effect of Tremor Combined with Postural Drainage Used in the Closed Endotracheal Suction震颤结合体位引流用于密闭式吸痰的效果探讨
17.I get phlegm in my throat and have difficulty in breath-ing.我喉咙有痰而且呼吸困难。
18.Promoting or facilitating the secretion or expulsion of phlegm, mucus, or other matter from the respiratory tract.祛痰的帮助或促进痰、黏液或其它物质从呼吸道中分泌或排出的

sputum suction吸痰
1.A Comparative Study of Two Different Methods of Sputum Suction;2种吸痰方法的效果比较
2.Clinical nursing progress on intra-artificial air passage sputum suction for patients;人工气道内吸痰的临床护理进展
3.Clinical observation of modified sputum suction flow-sheet;改良吸痰流程的临床观察
3)sputum drainage吸痰
1.Comparative study of different methods of sputum drainage by mechanical ventilation trachea intubation;机械通气气管插管吸痰方法探讨
2.Effects of two different methods of sputum drainage;两种吸痰方法的效果观察
4)Sputum aspiration吸痰
1.Research status quo of negative pressures of sputum aspiration for patients undergoing mechanical ventilation;机械通气病人吸痰吸引负压研究现状
5)Aspiration of sputum吸痰
1.Research status of open-type aspiration of sputum via artificial airway of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation;机械通气病人人工气道内开放式吸痰的研究现状
2.Application of disposable venous infusion needle in aspiration of sputum for infants一次性静脉输液针在婴儿吸痰中的应用
1.Comparing Effects of Endotracheal Suction on Gas Exchange and Respiratory Mechanics in Mechanically Ventilated Patients in Pressure-Controlled with Volume-Controlled Ventilation;在不同通气模式下吸痰对呼吸力学和气体交换影响的比较
2.Objective To explore the optimal time for endotracheal suction during postoperative anesthetic period for patients under general anesthesia and to enhance the efficacy and safety of suction.目的探讨全麻术后复苏期患者的适宜吸痰时机,提高吸痰效果和安全性。
3.Objective To observe the clinical symptoms of aspiration pneumonia of aged people improved by the early fiberbronchoscope suction.目的观察早期纤支镜吸痰改善老年人吸入性肺炎的临床症状。
