智能和运动发育,Intellectual and Motor development
1)Intellectual and Motor development智能和运动发育

1.The Study of Early Intervention to Enhance the Intellectual and Motor Development on Premature Infants;早期干预改善早产儿智能和运动发育的研究
2.Meta-analysis of early dietary supply of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on mental and psychomotor development in term infants长链多不饱和脂肪酸与足月儿智能和精神运动发育关系的Meta分析
3.Mental and motor development in infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated by electrical cerebellar stimulation小脑电刺激促进缺氧缺血性脑病患儿运动和智能发育的临床观察
4.Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on motor function and intelligence development of infants with brain injury高压氧对婴幼儿脑损伤运动功能和智力发育的影响
5.Physical education and intelligence development of mid-mental retarded students;智力障碍学生运动机能与智力发展的全脑体育教学探析
6.Relationships between Sensorimotor Intelligence and Conceptual Intelligence;幼儿空间认知发展中感觉运动智能和概念智能的关系
7.Study on the Experiment of Ball Training to Develop Children s Sports and Intellectual Potentiality;球类训练对开发儿童运动和智力潜能的实验
8.An Analysis on how to Developing the Potential with Exercise and Intelligence of the Small-fry before School Age;开发学龄前儿童运动和智力潜能的实验研究
9.Experimental Study on Developing Sport and Intellectual Potential of School-age Children;开发小学学龄儿童运动和智力潜能的实验研究
10.Mental and Motor Development as Well as Temperament and Behavior in Children with Phenylketonuria;苯丙酮尿症儿童智力和运动发育及气质行为研究
11.Effect of Basic Motor Ability Training on Intelligential Development of Children with Intellectual Obstacle;基本运动能力训练对智障儿童智力发展的影响
12.Experimental Study on Strengthing the Training for Left Limbs to Develop the Sport and Intellectual Potential of Primary School Children;强化左侧肢体训练促进儿童运动和智力潜能发展的实验研究
13.Academy movement and the development of pansophia education in modern England阿卡德米学院运动与英国近代泛智教育的发展
14.Plenty relaxing in sport can excavate latent energy and exe rt level of technic, increase the force of muscle shrink, accelerate resuming the substance of energy.体育运动中的放松可充分发掘运动员的运动潜能和技术水平的发挥。
15.Insufficient mental development.智力缺陷,智障智能发育不足
16.The Research on Common Intelligent Motion Control Unit;一种通用型智能运动控制单元的开发研究
17.Research and Development of Motion Control Systems in Intelligent Cloth Cutting Machine智能服装裁割机中运动控制系统的研究与开发
18.The skill and ingenuity of human beings are chiefly exercised in discovering movements, practicable by their powers, and capable of bringing about the effects which they desire.人类的技能和才智主要用于发现靠人力可以实现的而且能带来预想效果的运动。

intellectual motion development智能运动发育
3)Mental development智能发育
1.Physical and mental development follow-up of premature infants and prognostic analysis;早产儿体格智能发育随访及预后相关因素分析
2.To explore and reveal the long term effect of low birth weight on mental development of children and adolescents.【目的】 探索低出生体重对智能发育的影响、影响的严重程度及其影响持续的时间。
3.For mental development,no significant difference between these two groups was observed(Z-0.应用丹佛智能发育筛查表(DDST)进行智能发育筛查。
4)Intelligence development智能发育
1.Study of community interventions on intelligence development of infants;婴儿智能发育的社区干预效果评价
2.Objective: To explore the effect of early comprehensive rehabilitation nursing care on prevention of cerebral palsy and intelligence development of newborn in high risk.目的探讨早期综合康复护理干预对高危新生儿脑瘫预防及智能发育等的影响。
3.Objective To investigate influence of early education on physical and intelligence development of infants aged 0~2 years old so as to work out early education program for infants of the city to promote early development of the children.目的探讨早期教育对0~2岁婴幼儿体格、智能发育的影响,以便制定本地区早期教育实施方案,进一步促进儿童早期发展。
5)Intelligent development智能发育
1.Influence of neonatal disease on infants intelligent development and early intervention;新生儿疾病对婴幼儿智能发育影响及干预方法的探讨
6)Intellectual development智能发育
1.Assessments on effects of children s physical and intellectual development in early childhood.;早期智能发育干预效果评价
2.Case-control study of early intervention on the intellectual development of preterm infants;早期干预促进早产儿智能发育的病例-对照研究
3.Objective To explore the influence of early education on the intellectual development of preterm infants.目的探讨早期教育对早产儿智能发育的近期影响。

丹佛智能发育筛选法丹佛智能发育筛选法Denver development screening test,DDST 一种简易的发育筛查方法,内容选自给瑟尔及其他作者的资料。分个人-社会性发育、适应性行为/细运动、语言和大运动4类特征(有人称为能力区)共105项,从出生到6岁分25个月龄组,在美国丹佛市小儿中进行标准化,每项用一横杆代表,并将25%、50%、75%及90%儿童能完成该项目的月龄自左至右标记于横杆上。在最近修订的量表上,作者将稍加简化的每类项目(横杆)另行排列,由易而难、从左至右排成梯形。此法在我国六市正常儿童中进行了再标准化。