正常体重曲线,weight curve
1)weight curve正常体重曲线
2)normal curve正常曲线

1.The Study of Physical Activity Level and Physical Fitness between Obese and Normal Weight College Students;肥胖与正常体重大学生的体力活动与体质研究
2.who exercise live longer than @normal@ weight men who do not exercise.他们经常锻炼,一般都要比不锻炼的有着“正常体重”人士更长寿。
3.Correlation Study Skin-fold Thicknesson Among Overweight Obesity or Normal Weight Children and Adolescents超重肥胖与正常体重儿童青少年皮褶厚度的相关研究
4.Diurnal glycemic profile in ob ese and nor-mal weight nondiabetic pregnant women肥胖和正常体重的非糖尿病孕妇每日血糖水平曲线图
5.Insulin Resistance in Normal Body Mass Index with Abdominal Obesity Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients正常体重指数腹型肥胖糖尿病患者与胰岛素抵抗的相关性
6.Key parameters and formulas for approximate average height and weight of normal Chinese children under 7 years of age中国7岁以下儿童正常体重和身高主要参数及估算公式
7.The researchers also report that overweight and obese women were more likely to have pregnancy complications and C-sections than normal-weight women.此外,研究人员称,体重超标和肥胖女性患妊娠期并发癥及剖腹产的几率要比正常体重的女性大。
8.work off excess weight by regular exercise经常锻炼以减轻不正常的体重.
9.Normal blood pressure is important for good health.而正常的血压对身体健康至关重要。
10.The normal mice gained weight; the germ-free mice stayed lean.正常的鼠变胖,而无菌鼠保持了体重。
11.Standard Weighing and Filling Modes正常称重--手动填充称重
12.We tried many things, such feed smaller amount, burp more, hold up-right.医生说既然他还在长体重,这样吐奶是正常的。
13.These cells reconstruct the receptors and glands with their normal spacing.这些细胞重建了具有正常间距的感受器和腺体。
14.Birth Weight Percentile in Normal Singleton Neonatal Birthweight at High Altitude高海拔地区正常单胎活产新生儿出生体重研究
15.Analytic singularity-free forward computation of gravity and magnetic anomaly for 2.5-D geologic body2.5D地质体重磁异常无解析奇点正演计算研究
16.No. My temperature is all right.不发烧。体温正常。
17.Eating Behaviors of Overweight and Normal-weight Children and Adolescents in Five Cities五个城市体重正常和超重儿童青少年饮食行为调查
18.A condition of normal body temperature.正常体温体温正常的状况

normal curve正常曲线
4)normal gravity line正常重力线
5)normal birth weight infants正常体重儿
6)normal induction curve正常感应曲线
