枕区皮质,Occipital region cortex
1)Occipital region cortex枕区皮质
2)occipital cortex枕叶皮质区
3)occipital cortex枕叶皮质

1.MRI-based Morphometric Study on the Cortical Anatomic Structure of Occipital Lobe in Children with Ametropic Amblyopia;基于MRI技术的屈光不正性弱视枕叶皮质形态测量的研究
2.The occipital lobe was involved in 8 cases, cerebella in 3 cases, brain stem in 2 cases, fronto-parietal subcortical white matter in 2 cases, caudate nucleus in 2 cases and thalamus in 1 case.枕叶受累8例,小脑3例,额顶叶皮质下白质3例,脑干2例,尾状核2例,丘脑1例。
3.parieto occipital aphasia顶枕叶失语 顶枕叶失语
4.The Mechanism of Plasticity between Parietal and Occipital Cortex for the Blind;盲人顶-枕皮质可塑性的脑神经机制
5.For example, the occipital lobe processes visual information while the parietal lobe processes somatosensory information such as cutaneous pain or temperature (Fig 3.1).比如说,枕叶负责处理视觉信息,而顶叶则负责处理机体感觉信号,例如皮肤痛觉或温度觉。
6.Two Cases Report of Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome with Occipital Lobe Seizures as Major Clinical Manifestation以枕叶癫发作为主要症状的可逆性后部脑白质病综合征2例
7.We demonstrate global asymmetrical cortical atrophy with sparing of the sensorimotor cortex, occipital lobe and cerebellum.而感觉运动皮层、枕叶及小脑相对保持完好。 此外,AD患者大脑皮层萎缩具有不对称性。
8.The vascular tissue passes through the pulvinus into the petiole proper.维管组织经过叶枕进入叶柄。
9.The leaf epidermis contained gelatinous epidermal cells and hydrapoten.叶表皮上有胶质化表皮细胞和水钵的结构。
10.The broad, floating leaf of an aquatic plant such as the water lily.浮叶,叶枕水生植物漂浮的宽叶子,如睡莲
11.He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss.有人看见他枕着树叶和苔藓睡着了.
12.He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss有人看见他枕著树叶和苔藓睡著了.
13.Application of Octopus combined with perimetry in occipital lobe lesionOctopus联合视野检查在枕叶病变中的应用
14.Comparative studies on structure of pulvinus in different capacity of leaf-movement soybean不同叶运动能力大豆品种叶枕结构的比较研究
15.Remove quilts, comforters, and big soft pillows.拿走棉被,橡皮奶头和又大又软的枕头。
16.The rubber pillow collapses when it is deflated.橡皮枕头放掉空气后会折叠一起。
17.To drain upper lobes, anterior segments, place the child supine on a pillow in your lap.引流肺上叶的肺前段,把枕头放在你的腿上,让小儿仰卧在枕头上。
18.The Dynamics of EEG Activity Associated to Morphine Dependence Development in the Prefrontal Cortex in Rhesus Monkey;吗啡依赖与猕猴前额叶皮质EEG活动相关性研究

occipital cortex枕叶皮质区
3)occipital cortex枕叶皮质
4)frontooccipital cortices额枕皮质
5)Occipital cortex枕叶视皮质
6)Occipit al visual cortex枕叶视区皮层

促皮质素释放因子促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素分子式:CAS号:性质:又称促皮质素释放因子,促肾上腺皮质(素)激素释放激素。下丘脑所分泌的激素释放因子之一,系41肽,促进垂体前叶释放ACTH。可作诊断助剂(Cushing Cushing’s综合征,即肾上腺皮质机能亢进症),抗炎剂。