少突胶质祖细胞,O2A progenitors
1)O2A progenitors少突胶质祖细胞
1.Objective To evaluate the brain changes following exdogenous O2A progenitors labeled intraventricular transplantation in neonatal rats with perventricular leukomalacia(PVL).【目的】通过荧光标记的体外培养获得少突胶质细胞∕Ⅱ型星形胶质祖细胞(oligodendrocyte∕typeⅡastrocyte, O2A祖细胞,也称少突胶质祖细胞),经侧脑室移植到新生大鼠脑室周围白质软化模型(periventricular lerkomalacia, PVL)上。

1.Research of Myelin Reparation Following Oligodendrocyt Type2 Astrocyte Progenitor Cells Intraventricular Transplantation in Neonatal Rats with Periventricular Lerkomalacia经脑室少突胶质祖细胞移植对脑室周围白质软化大鼠髓鞘修复的研究
2.The cultivation and purification of preoligodendrocyte of rats in vitro and transplantation of it to hypoxia-ischemia rat brain少突胶质祖细胞移植对新生鼠缺氧缺血脑损伤学习记忆功能的影响
3.Sema3A Guiding Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells Migration and Its Signal Transduction Mechanism;Sema3A诱导少突胶质细胞祖细胞迁移及其信号转导机制的初步研究
4.One of the cells comprising the oligodendroglia.少突细胞构成少突神经胶质的细胞
5.perivascular oligodendroglia血管周少突胶质细胞
6.Study on Alteration of Oligodendrocyte in Rats Following Global Cerebral Ischemia;脑缺血大鼠少突胶质细胞变化特征的实验研究
7.Effect of Carbon Monoxide on the Nogo-A of Oligodendrocytes Cultured in Vitro;一氧化碳对体外培养少突胶质细胞Nogo-A的影响
8.Differentiation and proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in vitro少突胶质前体细胞体外增殖与分化的实验研究
9.The differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into oligodendrocyte under cerebral ischemia脑缺血条件下骨髓基质细胞分化成少突胶质细胞的研究
10.Effects of thyroid hormone on differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into oligodendrocytes甲状腺激素对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞分化为少突胶质细胞的影响
11.A Study on the Differentiation from Neonatal Rat Neural Stem Cells to Oligodendrocytes;新生大鼠神经干细胞定向分化为少突胶质细胞的实验研究
12.The Purified Cultivation and Identification and Oxygen Deprivated Cultivation of Oligodendrocytes from Neonatal Rat Cerebrum少突胶质细胞体外培养纯化及鉴定、细胞体外缺氧模型建立
13.The Oligodendrocytes Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells Affected by NGF神经生长因子对神经干细胞向少突胶质细胞分化的诱导作用研究
14.Mature neural cells after differentiation could express specific antigens of neuron, astrocyte and oligodendrocyte.分化后的细胞表达神经元细胞、质细胞和少突胶质细胞的特异性抗原。
15.Study on Neural Pathology and Oligodendrocyte Apoptosis in Heroin Spongiform Leucoencephalopathy Pathogenesis海洛因海绵状白质脑病神经病理及少突胶质细胞凋亡机制研究
16.Biological Characteristics of Oligodendrocyte Lineage Cells and Their Neuroprotective Effects;少突胶质系细胞的生物学特性及神经保护作用研究
17.The Role and Alteration of Oligodendrocyte Lineage Cells in the Early Phase Radiation-induced Brain Injury in Rats;少突胶质细胞在早期放射性脑损伤中变化与作用的实验研究
18.Experimental Study on the Distinct Diagnostic Significance of OLIG I to Oligodendroglial Tumors;OLIG1对人少突胶质细胞瘤鉴别诊断意义的实验研究

oligodendrocyte/type 2 astrocyte progenitors少突胶质细胞短Ⅱ型星形胶质祖细胞
1.Progress on the Diagnosis and Treatment for Oligodendroglioma;少突胶质细胞瘤的诊疗进展
2.MethodsGenomic DNA was isolated from tumor tissue and peripheral blood in oligodendroglioma patients.目的建立临床检测少突胶质细胞瘤1p杂合性缺失的手段。
4)oligodendrocyte[英]['?liɡ?u'dendr?sait,?,liɡ?u'dendr?sait][美][,ɑl?ɡo'd?ndr?,sa?t, ,ol?-]少突胶质细胞
1.Effects of tea polyphenol on oligodendrocyte in cerebral ischemic rats;茶多酚对脑缺血大鼠脑内少突胶质细胞的影响
2.Expression of Nogo-A in membrane of oligodendrocytes in different developmental stages;不同发育时期少突胶质细胞胞膜Nogo-A的表达
3.Effect of high phenyalanine on Nogo A mRNA and protein expression of oligodendrocyte;体外高苯丙氨酸作用下少突胶质细胞Nogo A蛋白及mRNA的检测
1.Detection and localization of Nogo-A mRNA expression in cultured oligodendrocytes isolated from optic nerve using in situ hybridization;原位杂交定位检测神经抑制再生基因Nogo-A mRNA体外培养的视神经少突胶质细胞的表达
2.Culture,purification and identification of oligodendrocytes of newborn rats optic nerve in vitro;新生大鼠视神经少突胶质细胞体外培养纯化及鉴定
3.New method for the isolation of astroglial cells and oligodendrocytes;星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞分离培养新方法研究

胶质细胞结节胶质细胞结节glial nodule 病毒性脑炎时,在脑和脊髓灰质内,于变性坏死的神经细胞周围或小血管附近,常见小胶质细胞增生,排列密集,形成小的结节。各种病毒性脑炎中的胶质细胞结节形态类似。但分布不同,如乙型脑炎以间脑、中脑及大脑皮质为多,而狂犬病时主要在延髓、中脑黑质和脊髓后根等处。