神经发育支持模式,neurodevelopmental support care
1)neurodevelopmental support care神经发育支持模式
1.Effects of neurodevelopmental support care on growth and neuropsychological development of premature infants神经发育支持模式对早产儿体格及神经心理发育的影响

1.Effects of neurodevelopmental support care on growth and neuropsychological development of premature infants神经发育支持模式对早产儿体格及神经心理发育的影响
2.Development and Innervation of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Human Gut and Their Changes in Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders;人肠壁内Cajal细胞的发育、神经支配模式及其与疾病的相关性研究
3.On the Sustainable Development of Education during the Change of Mode of Economic Development;论经济发展模式转变中教育的可持续发展
4.Growth and Migration of Neural Cells Along Non-Woven Nanofibers of SF and TSF;丝素蛋白纳米纤维对神经元和神经胶质细胞生长发育及迁移的支持作用研究
5.Developing Educational Paradigm of ICT Application for Supporting Learning Processes and Activities:Learning Design Approach;基于“学习设计”开发支持过程与活动的ICT教育应用模式
6.Research on the 5S Learning Support Model in Modern Distance Education现代远程教育5S学习支持模式研究
7.Developing the Capital Education on a Large Scale to Support the Development of the Capital Economy;大力发展首都教育 支持首都经济发展
8.Providing Financial Support for Economic Development in Rural Areas with Demand as Guidance构建以需求为导向的农村经济发展金融支持模式
9.Economic Model of Municipal Water Recycling and Technique Supporting System;城市水循环经济模式与技术支持系统
10.Persist in the Sustainable Economic Development Pattern to develop the west of China;西部开发要坚持可持续经济发展模式
11.Developmental Pattern of Ecological Industry and Its Policy Support in China;我国生态产业的发展模式及政策支持
12.Support of WSS Platform for Software Development of SaaS ModelWSS平台对SaaS模式软件开发的支持
13.A Sustainable Developmental Model for Low Economic Developmental Districts─A Case Analysis of Hengshui District经济低发育地区的可持续发展模式──河北衡水地区案例分析
14.On Supportive Vocational Education Model for Mentally Retarded Pupils;智力落后学生支持式职业教育模式初探
15.A Study on the Predicting Model of Gray Neutral Network and Support Vector Machine灰色神经网络与支持向量机预测模型研究
16.Stock Market Forecasting Model Based on Support Vector Machine Evolving Neural Network Ensemble基于支持向量机的进化神经网络集成股市模型
17.The Conceptual Evolution of Self-Help and Peer Support--A Study on the Changing of Mental Health Services in the West社会工作的自助和同伴支持理念的产生和演变——西方精神健康服务模式的发展轨迹
18.The Relationship Between the Mode of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development;循环经济模式和经济社会可持续发展

developmental support发育支持
1.Effect of developmental support on nervous behaviors,intellectual and motional development of premature infants;发育支持护理模式对早产儿神经行为及智能运动发育的影响
1.Progress in research on influence of prenatal stress on neurodevelopment of the offspring;妊娠期压力对子代神经发育影响的研究进展
2.The effect of inhaled nitric oxide on neurodevelopmental outcomes of premature infants with periventricular leukemalacia;一氧化氮对脑室周围白质软化早产儿神经发育的影响
3.Objective To study the long-term neurodevelopment in term neonates with hyperbilirubinemia and explore the predictive value of cerebrospinal fluid neuron specific enolase (CSF-NSE) on long-term neurodevelopment outcome.目的了解高胆红素血症足月新生儿远期神经发育状况,探讨脑脊液神经元特异性烯醇化酶(CSF-NSE)水平对远期神经发育的预测价值。
4)Neural Development神经发育
1.The Notch-Hes Pathway in Mammalian Neural Development;哺乳动物神经发育过程中的Notch-Hes信号途径
2.The molecular mechanism during the process of the neural development;神经发育过程中的分子机制
3.Objective: To investigate the effect of prenatal tobacco and alcohol exposure on stature and neural development of offspring.目的:探讨孕期烟酒对子代神经发育的影响和机制。
5)Nerve development神经发育
1.Function of Fas and FasL in nerve development;Fas和FasL在神经发育中的作用
2.TMEFF2, which encodes a putative transmembrane protein containing twofollistatin-like domains and one epidermal growth factor(EGF)-like domain, is anovel gene related to nerve development found in recent years.TMEFF2(transmembrane protein with EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains)基因是近年来新发现的一类与神经发育相关的基因,目前对其功能研究还较少。
6)support mode支持模式

神经神经nerve  人和动物体内传达知觉和运动的组织。周围神经系统的神经干及其分支。每条神经是由若干神经纤维及其被膜有机地组合而成。神经呈白色,常与血管伴行,组成血管神经束。身体内大多数神经是混合神经,既包含传入(感觉)神经纤维,又包含传出(运动)神经纤维。神经损伤后,在适宜条件下可以再生。