断脐时间,Umbilical cord cutting time
1)Umbilical cord cutting time断脐时间

1.Relationship between umbilical cord cutting time and Apgar score in newborns断脐时间与新生儿出生Apgar评分的关系探讨
2.System review:the effects of different time of delayed cord clamping on anemia prevention in term infants不同延迟断脐时间与预防足月儿贫血效果系统评价
3.Diagnosis of the Embryo uterus inside lack the oxygen's in umbilicus bind by Color Doppler胎儿脐带缠绕时宫内缺氧的超声诊断
4.The mother usually takes care of this by tearing off( and sometimes eating) the membrane, and then severs the umbilical cord.母犬也通常会将胎衣撕开(时是吃掉)然后咬断脐带。
5.At the birth of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Pitt was there to cut her umbilical cord.而当女儿希洛出生时,皮特一直守候在产房,亲自为女儿剪断脐带。
6.a fitful night's sleep夜间时断时续的睡眠.
7.The Time Effect of PCNA-ASODN on Ex Vivo Expansion and Differentiation of Cord Blood CD34~+ Hematopoietic Precursor Cells;PCNA-ASODN调节脐血CD34~+造血前体细胞体外扩增和分化的时间效应
8.Cryopreservation of Cord Blood Separated in Different Collection Time脐血采集后分离时间对单个核细胞玻璃化冷冻效果的影响
9.Relationship between local press time after subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin calcium navel and the subcutaneous hemorrhage脐周皮下注射低分子肝素钙局部按压时间与皮下出血的关系
10.On Berwald Totally Umbilical Submanifolds of Finsler SpacesFinsler空间的Berwald全脐子流形
11.global interrupt latency time整体中断服务延迟时间
12.six hours of unbroken sleep六小时不间断的睡眠
13.Delay of Snipping Neonates' Umbilical Cord延迟断脐对新生儿脐部护理效果的影响
14.A hiatus is the total interval of geologic time.一个沉积间断是地质时间的总间隔。
15.Relationship between Hemodynamics, the Serum Levers of NSE, S100β and Blood Gas in the Near-term Ovine Fetus after Intermittent Umbilical Cord Occlusion;胎羊间断性脐带闭塞的血流动力学,血清NSE,S100蛋白,及血气指标变化分析
16.The Experimental Research of Acellular Spinal Cord Scaffold Co-transplanted with Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Treating Complete Transected Spinal Cord in Rats脊髓去细胞支架复合人脐血间充质干细胞移植修复大鼠脊髓全横断损伤的实验研究
17.The Effects of Intermittent High Glucose on Apoptosis and Secretion of Nitric Oxide (NO) and Endothilin-1 (ET-1) in Human Umbilical Vascular Endothelial Cells (HUVEC)间断高浓度葡萄糖对人脐静脉内皮细胞凋亡及一氧化氮、内皮素合成的影响
18.Method to detect arcing time of circuit breaker一种断路器开断燃弧时间检测新方法

cord clamping断脐
1.System review:the effects of different time of delayed cord clamping on anemia prevention in term infants不同延迟断脐时间与预防足月儿贫血效果系统评价
3)Umbilical cird occlusion间断性脐带血流阻塞法
4)interrupted ageing间断时效
1.The experiment results showed as the following: the ultimate tensile strength of A356 alloy in interrupted ageing is increased by about 11% than those in T6 temper, the hardness is improved by 12%, and the extension rate is increased by about 40%; the small and spherical eutectic silicon particles are distributed more evenly.结果表明:A356合金在间断时效工艺(T6/6)下比传统T6处理工艺时的抗拉强度提高11%,硬度提高了12%,断后伸长率提高40%;合金中共晶硅球化、细小且分布更加均匀。
5)Turn off time关断时间
1.The effect of transmitter turn off time in transient electromagnetic method (TEM) is discussed in many papers both at home and abroad in recent years.近年来 ,国内外许多文献讨论了瞬变电磁法中发射机关断时间的影响 ,文章从斜坡关断响应的推导 ,以及如何减小关断时间 ,使之接近理想阶跃函数两个方面入手 ,讨论了如何利用理想阶跃函数近似模拟斜坡关断 ,尽量减小关断时间 ,进而得出比较切合实际的解释结
6)timing of interruption间断时相
1.Purpose To evaluate effect of prolonged treatment time and timing of interruption on local control rate of T 1?T 2 nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) with radiotherapy.目的 探讨T1 T2 鼻咽癌常规分割放疗中疗程和放疗间断时相对鼻咽癌局部控制率的影响。

断脐法断脐法 断脐法   又名脱脐法、剪脐法。即小儿初生剪断脐带之法。一般先洗浴,后断脐,以免水湿侵入。《医宗金鉴》:“先用剪刀向火烘热,煎断脐带,次用火器绕脐带烙之。”自普及新法接生以来,均改用快速断脐法。本法已不有。