安慰奶嘴,snoothing nipple
1)snoothing nipple安慰奶嘴
1.Using nasal feeding assciateel with snoothing nipple to cure feeding untolerence of premature infant鼻饲辅以安慰奶嘴吸吮治疗早产儿喂养不耐受

1.Using nasal feeding assciateel with snoothing nipple to cure feeding untolerence of premature infant鼻饲辅以安慰奶嘴吸吮治疗早产儿喂养不耐受
2.Scott assured me that I would become used to all the metal in my mouth.斯科特安慰我,说我会习惯嘴里的金属的。
3.Don't answer back(to your grandmother)!别(对奶奶)顶嘴!
4.I was afraid she was going to cry, but my stupid brain couldn't think of anything to comfort her.“我害怕嫂嫂会落泪,但是我的苯拙的嘴又找不到话来安慰她。
5.The baby sucked at the bottle.那婴儿吸吮奶瓶的奶嘴。
6."So that you may take of the comfort flowing from her breasts, and be delighted with the full measure of her glory."使你们在她安慰的怀中吃奶得饱。使他们得她丰盛的荣耀,犹如挤奶,满心喜乐。
7.That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.赛66:11使你们在他安慰的怀中吃奶得饱.使他们得他丰盛的荣耀、犹如挤奶、满心喜乐。
8.placebo effect, ie beneficial effect of taking a placebo宽慰作用(服安慰剂后的).
9.To her relief grandma seemed no longer sad.使她感到宽慰的是奶奶不再悲伤了。
10.The sea nymphs floated up to his rock to give him their pity. An eagle, cruel as the king of the gods, came daily and tore him with his claws and Beak.海仙女有时会到岩石上安慰他。只有一只跟众神之王一样残忍的老鹰,天天用爪和嘴啄他。
11.Mrs. Fang could tell by her daughter-in-law's face that Jou-chia was not easy to deal with and did not dare provoke Jou-chia further, merely consoling herself that at least her daughter-in-law had not had the nerve to retort.方老太太瞧媳妇的脸不像好对付的,不敢再撩拨,只安慰自己总算媳妇没有敢回嘴。
12.You are just saying that to make me feel better.你刚才说的话不过是安慰安慰我罢了。
13."Give comfort, give comfort, to my people, says your God."你们的神说,你们要安慰,安慰我的百姓。
14.Consolation:The act or an instance of consoling.安慰:安慰(他人)的行为或实例.
15.Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.哦,这是安慰与喜悦的消息,安慰与喜悦。
16.Premium silicone nipple (3 pack)优质硅胶奶嘴(3入装)
17.liquid silicone nipple (3 pack)液态矽胶奶嘴(3入装)
18.But Grandma, why is your mouth so big?可是奶奶,为什么你的嘴那么大?

Common soother nipple普通安抚奶嘴
3)Europe-style soother nippler欧式安抚奶嘴
1.This thesis attempts to conduct a descriptive study on the realization of comforting in the Chinese context from a pragmatic perspective, based on the speech act theories and politeness theories.安慰言语行为属于表达类行为,它本质上是一种礼貌和使人受益的行为。
1.The several kinds of typical formula of mixed silicone rubber for nipple was introduced, The choice of the anti-colorant used in mixed silicone rubber for contacting food was discussed, and the ways of improving the bounce property of the mixed silicone rubber.介绍了奶嘴用混炼硅橡胶的几种典型配方、可接触食品的混炼硅橡胶中抗着色剂的选择及增加抗震混炼硅橡胶回弹性的方法。

安慰①心情安适:有女儿在身边,她能得到一点~。②使心情安适:~病人 ㄧ你要多~~他,叫他别太难过。