窒息复苏,asphyxia resuscitation
1)asphyxia resuscitation窒息复苏
1.Objective To explore the role of hospital management on popularization and application in neonatal asphyxia resuscitation by investigation in community hospitals of Foshan city.目的通过对佛山市镇级医院的调研,探讨医院管理在基层医院新生儿窒息复苏推广中的作用。

1.Study of the clinical application of the endotracheal intubation in anabiosising severe asphyxia in newborn气管插管用于新生儿重度窒息复苏的效果评价
2.Exploration of the cause of recovery failure in adopting advanced simulation system in the teaching of‘recovery of neonatal asphyxia’对采用高级仿真系统“新生儿窒息复苏”教学中复苏失败原因的探究
3.Advanced Simulation System Promotes Teaching of Asphyxia Neonatorum Resuscitation论高级仿真系统在“新生儿窒息复苏”教学中的推进作用
4.Problem and strategy of Neonatal Resuscitation training新生儿窒息复苏技术培训中容易出现问题及对策
5.Effect of Hospital Management on Popularization and Application of Neonatal Asphyxia Resuscitation in Community Hospitals医院管理在基层医院新生儿窒息复苏推广中的作用
6.Outfit on National Neonatal Resuscitation Equipments and Training Situation in 80 Hospitals in China80所医疗保健机构新生儿窒息复苏设备药品配备及培训情况调查
7.Factors affecting the competence of neonatal resuscitation skills among health providers in 80 medical care centers in China医疗保健机构80所医务人员新生儿窒息复苏技术掌握程度及影响因素分析
8.Resuscitation and nursing of 168 cases of neonatal asphyxia新生儿窒息168例急救复苏与护理
9.Objectives It was to study the relationship between brian damage and asphyxia of perinatal and its resuscitation.目的 探讨围产期窒息以及窒息后的复苏与脑损伤的关系。
10.Duplication of the Cardiac Arrest Model in Rats by Asphyxia Method and Correlative Study of Brain Edema in Early Stages after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation;窒息大鼠心肺复苏模型的建立及复苏早期脑水肿的相关研究
11.Correlative Study of Brain Water Content and Aquaporin-4 Expression Level in the Brain Tissue in CPCR Rats by Asphyxia Method;窒息法心肺脑复苏大鼠脑组织含水量和AQP4表达水平相关性研究
12.Effects of Resuscitation with Room Air or Pure Oxygen on Blood Gas and Cerebral SOD Concentration in Asphyxial Neonatal Rats;空气或纯氧复苏宫内窒息新生大鼠血气和大脑SOD水平的比较
13.The Changes of Cardiac Enzymes and the Effectiveness of Vasopressin for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in an Asphyxia Rabbit Model;窒息家兔心肺复苏前后心肌酶学变化及加压素疗效观察
14.Effect of Naloxone on the Resuscitation of Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest in Rats;纳洛酮在窒息致心跳骤停大鼠心肺复苏中的作用
15.Effects of Pure Oxygen and Room Air Resuscitation on Myocardial Cells of Asphyxial Neonatal Rats;纯氧与空气复苏对窒息新生大鼠心肌细胞的影响
16.Effects of Resuscitation with 100% Oxygen or Room Air on Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell of Asphyxial Neonatal Rat;纯氧与空气复苏对窒息新生大鼠肾小管上皮细胞的影响
17.Effects of Resuscitation with 100% Oxygen or Room Air on Pulmonary Alveolus of Asphyxia Neonatal Rat;纯氧与空气复苏对窒息新生大鼠肺泡组织的影响
18.Application of the Combination of Epinephrine and Vasopressin in Asphyxial Rabbit Models of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation;肾上腺素联合血管加压素在窒息兔心肺复苏中的应用

resuscitation skill窒息复苏技术
1.Objective:To help midwives master neonatal resuscitation skill after short time intensive training that focused on easily-happened mistakes.目的:通过对助产士进行新生儿窒息复苏技术培训,针对容易出现的错误进行强化性纠正训练,在短时间培训中使助产士掌握新生儿窒息复苏技能。
3)Asphyxiated newborn新生儿窒息复苏后
1.Investigation of an Accident of Especially Severe Gas Asphyxiation Casualty;一起特大瓦斯窒息伤亡事故的调查
2.Objective: To identify the newborns who should receive hearing evaluation by hearing screening in asphyxial newborns in NICU;to study the effects of asphyxiation to hearing of the newborns.目的:通过对新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)窒息新生儿进行听力筛查,研究窒息对新生儿听力的影响。
1.Analysis of the reason of suffocation accidents caused by nitrogen gas in Cacheng coal mines;垞城煤矿井下氮气窒息事故原因分析
2.Methods The blood sugar of 42 suffocated neonates(suffocation group)at 1,6,12,24,36,48 and 72 hours after birth was monitored dynamically and another 30 healthy neonates were selected as controls.目的探讨窒息新生儿血糖的动态变化规律和相应的护理对策。
1.Probing into Treatment Measures of Asphyxiation Accident in Site due to Toxicosis;现场中毒窒息事故处理措施初探
2.Study Progress and Forecast to Renal Damage after Neonate' s Asphyxia;新生儿窒息后肾损伤的研究进展及展望
3.Correlation between Neonatal Asphyxia and Function Damage of Viscera;新生儿窒息与脏器功能损害

窒息  因外界氧气不足或其他气体过多或呼吸系统发生障碍而导致的呼吸困难甚至停止呼吸的现象。主要原因有:①机械性窒息,因机械作用引起呼吸障碍,如缢、绞、扼颈项部、用物堵塞呼吸孔道、压迫胸腹部以及患急性喉头水肿或食物吸入气管等造成的窒息;②中毒性窒息,如一氧化碳中毒,大量的一氧化碳由呼吸道吸入肺,进入血液,与血红蛋白结合成碳氧血红蛋白,阻碍了氧与血红蛋白的结合与解离,导致组织缺氧造成的窒息;③病理性窒息,如溺水和肺炎等引起的呼吸面积的丧失;④脑循环障碍引起的中枢性呼吸停止;⑤新生儿窒息及空气中缺氧的窒息(如关进箱、柜内,空气中的氧逐渐减少等)。其症状主要表现为二氧化碳或其他酸性代谢产物蓄积引起的刺激症状和缺氧引起的中枢神经麻痹症状交织在一起。窒息的发展可分为三个阶段: ①因二氧化碳分压升高、引起短时间内呼吸中枢兴奋加强,继而呼吸困难,丧失意识;②全身痉挛,血管收缩,血压升高,心动徐缓,流涎,肠运动亢进;③痉挛突然消失,血压降低,呼吸逐渐变浅而徐缓,产生喘息,不久呼吸停止。发生窒息现象时,若患者心脏微微搏动,应立即排除窒息原因并施行人工呼吸。丧失抢救时机必然使心脏停搏,瞳孔散大,全身反射消失,最后死亡。