多普勒组织显像,doppler tissue imaging
1)doppler tissue imaging多普勒组织显像
1.Accessing the relation between the atrial conduction abnormalities and atrial arrythymia in patients with hypertension by Doppler Tissue Imaging (DTI);多普勒组织显像评价高血压病心房内传导间期变化与房性心律失常的关系
2.[WTHZ]Methods The abdominal aortic anterior wall motion in 32 patients with primary hypertensive disease,who had taken ACEI for 3 months,were detected using Doppler tissue imaging.目的运用多普勒组织显像(DTI)技术评价血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)对患者腹主动脉壁弹性的影响。
3.Method The pulse Doppler echocardiography (PDE) and Doppler tissue imaging (DTI) were used to examine the trans-mitral velocity, the pulmonary venous velocity and the mitral annulus velocity in forty patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and twenty normal subjects.方法应用脉冲多普勒超声心动图(PDE)及多普勒组织显像技术(DTI)测定了40例2型DM病人、20例健康人二尖瓣口和肺静脉血流频谱及二尖瓣环运动频谱。

1.Application of Doppler flow image in the study of physiologic pulmonary regurgitation多普勒组织显像技术在生理性肺动脉瓣反流研究中的应用
2.Assessment of Ventricular Electromechanical Synchrony in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy by Doppler Tissue Imaging;多普勒组织显像技术评价肥厚型心肌病患者心室收缩运动的协调性
3.Application of Myocardial Tissue Doppler Imaging in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy心肌组织多普勒显像技术在心脏再同步化治疗中的应用
4.Determining Center of Left Ventricular Segmental Wall Motion Using Color Tissue Doppler Imaging at Various Scanning Angles扫查角度对彩色组织多普勒显像估测左室壁运动中心的影响
5.Quantitative evaluation of ventricular function by myocardial tissue doppler velocity imaging in healthy elderly心肌组织多普勒速度显像定量评价健康老年人心室功能
6.The Value B-natriuretic Peptide Levels and Tissue Dopplerlmaging in the Evaluation of Left VentricularDysfunction;脑钠肽与组织多普勒显像评价左心功能障碍的价值
7.The Feasibility and Cut-off Value Study of Left Ventricle Tei Index Obtained by Doppler Tissue Imaging;组织多普勒显像计算左室Tei指数的可行性及其临界值研究
8.The Assessment of Left and Right Ventriculars Function by Colour Tissue Doppler Imaging in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease;彩色组织多普勒显像评价终末期肾病患者左右心室功能
9.Tissue Doppler Imaging Evaluate Heart Function of Chileren with Kawasaki Disease组织多普勒超声显像对川崎病患儿心脏功能的评价
10.The Assessment of Ventriculars Function by Tissue Doppler Imaging in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease组织多普勒显像评价终末期肾病患者的心室功能
11.Location of the pre-excitation part in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome by Doppler tissue imagings组织多普勒成像对显性预激综合征旁道定位的影响研究
12.Quantitative Assessment of Cardiac Function with Strain and Tissue Doppler Imaging in Pigs. Comparison with Pressure-volume Loops用应变和组织多普勒成像评价心功能
13.Doppler ultrasonic angiograph多普勒超声血管显像仪
14.Application of Pulsed Wave Dopper tissue imaging in diagnosis of coronary artery disease脉冲多普勒组织成像在冠心病诊断中的应用
15.Assessment of Right Ventricular Function in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease by Tissue Doppler Imaging;组织多普勒成像评价冠心病患者的右心室功能
16.Tissue Doppler Imaging in Detection of Ventricular Function in Fetus;组织多普勒成像对胎儿心肌运动功能的研究
17.Investigation of the parameters detected by Doppler imaging in diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy组织多普勒成像诊断肥厚型心肌病参数探讨
18.The Primary Study of Evaluation on the Diastolic Function of Right Ventricular of Pulmonary Hypertension Subjects by Tissue Doppler Imaging;应用组织多普勒显像技术评价肺动脉高压患者右室舒张功能的初步研究

Tissue Doppler imaging组织多普勒显像
1.Non-invasive detection of regional distolic function in ischemic myocardium with tissue Doppler imaging;组织多普勒显像技术检测缺血心肌的局部舒张功能
2.The Assessment of Ventriculars Function by Tissue Doppler Imaging in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease组织多普勒显像评价终末期肾病患者的心室功能
3.Methods Echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging(TDI) was performed in 36 male hypertensive patients with T2DM and 34 male hypertensive patients without T2DM.采用超声多普勒结合组织多普勒显像(TDI)测定左室结构、左室心肌质量(LVM)、左室质量指数(LVMI)、左室舒张功能及左室舒张末压,计算二尖瓣舒张早期最大血流速度(E)与二尖瓣瓣环-侧壁交界处舒张早期速度峰值(Em)的比值(E/Em)。
3)Doppler tissue imaging组织多普勒显像
1.Objecive:To investigate the application of pulsed-wave Doppler tissue imaging (DTI) in assessing fight ventricu- lar diastolic function in patients with essential hypertension.目的:应用脉冲组织多普勒显像技术检测三尖瓣环舒张期运动速度,结合三尖瓣血流频谱,评价高血压病患者右室舒张功能。
2.Methods Left ventricular systolic and diastolic functions in 74 patients with(essential) hypertension and 94 normal controls were studied by echocardiography using routine examination and Doppler tissue imaging(DTI).方法应用超声心动图及组织多普勒显像(DTI)检测74例高血压病患者及94例正常对照者左室收缩及舒张功能。
4)Color tissue Doppler imaging彩色组织多普勒显像
5)Color Doppler tissue imaging彩色多普勒组织显像
6)Tissue Doppler imaging组织多普勒成像
1.Evaluating coronary artery disease using pulse-wave tissue doppler imaging;脉冲组织多普勒成像在冠心病诊断中的价值
2.Tissue Doppler imaging assessment of left ventricular long-axis systolic function in patients with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction;组织多普勒成像评价左心室舒张功能障碍患者的左心室长轴收缩功能
3.Tissue Doppler imaging assessment of atrial systolic function in healthy individuals;组织多普勒成像评价正常人心房心肌运动特性

多普勒彩色血流显像多普勒彩色血流显像 是80年代中期发展起来的新超声技术,它在二维和M型超声心动图的基础上显示血流方向、血流性质及相对血流速度,提供在心脏与血管内时间与空间的血流信息,显示出动态的血流像,而无创伤,故称为“无创伤性心血管造影术”。应用多普勒彩色显像仪和血流显像的多种多色镶嵌类型的分辨。适用于产科宫内监测如了解脐带、胎盘血流、胎儿窘迫,胎儿宫内发育受限以及先天畸形特别是先天性心脏血管畸形等,和妇科疾病的诊断如盆腔静脉瘀血症,内生殖器畸形等。