1.Method:Electronystagmography(ENG) was used to examine 76 patients with diabetes mellitus and 60 heathy adults subjects.方法:对76例糖尿病患者(糖尿病组)和60例健康成年人(对照组)用眼震电图测试仪进行自发性眼震试验、位置试验、摇头试验、转颈试验、温度试验和视眼动系统检查(凝视试验、扫视试验、平稳跟踪试验),对上述各项试验数据进行相应的定性及定量分析。
2.Methods Electronystagmography (ENG) and vestibular-evoked myogenic potential(VEMP) were observed in 70 patients(139 ears) with AN, and compared with control group.方法检测70例AN患者的眼震电图(electronystagmography,ENG)及前庭诱发肌源性电位(vestibular evoked myo-genic potential,VEMP),观察VEMP波形、潜伏期及振幅,并与对照组比较,分析前庭神经受损与AN患者听力损害程度、年龄及病程的关系。
3.VEMP applied with Electronystagmography(ENG) have important clinic signification to d.高强度声刺激前庭(球囊)诱发肌源性电位,是反映人前庭丘脑通路完整性的一种客观、无创的电生理检查,能反映球囊及前庭下神经的功能状态,与眼震电图联合应用,对前庭功能状态有较全面的了解,对前庭系统及其相关疾病的诊断及鉴别诊断具有较重要的临床价值。

1.Diagnostic value of ENG in occupied lesions of cerbellopontine angle眼震电图在桥小脑角占位病变诊断中的意义
2.But 9 patients had abnormality in ENG (2 paralysis, 2 paresis).眼震电图检查 9例异常 (2例麻痹 ,7例减弱 )。
3.50 Cases of intracranial space - occupying lesions were tested by ENG and EEG.50例颅内占位及其它器质性病变同时进行眼震电图和脑电图检查.
4.The Similarities and Differences between ENG and EEG to The Diagnostic Value of Intracranial Space-occupying lesions and Other Organic Lesions眼震电图与脑电图对颅内占位及其它器质性病变诊断价值的异同
5.ENG recorded tow kinds of nystagmus waveforms,included subsultus waveform as saw tooth wave and pendulum waveform as sinusoidal wave.眼震电图可以记录到跳动型和钟摆型两种不同的眼震波,跳动型呈锯齿波,钟摆型呈正旋波。
6.AIM:To assess the therapeutic effects of surgical treatment on congenital nystagmus(CN) with electronystagmography(ENG) and investigate its clinical significance.目的:探讨眼震电图对先天性眼震患者手术效果的评定及其临床意义。
7.ENG of 3 cases revealed a loss of vestibular function and 1 case showed opposite direction nystagmus in the caloric test.4例进行眼震电图检查的患者,3例前庭功能均丧失,1例热水试验出现反向眼震。
8.CONCLUSION:These results suggest that ENG could be used as a objective test for evaluation of the therapeutic effects of surgical intervention in patients with CN.结论:眼震电图检查可以对先天性眼震患者手术效果进行客观有效的评定。
9.Method Glycerine test and electronystagram(ENG) were used in 628 patients with vertigo symptom.方法对来诊的628例眩晕患者进行甘油试验及眼震电图检查。
10.Objective To study the clinical application of electronystagmography(ENG) in the diagnosis of the patients with vertebro basilar insufficiency.目的 研究眼震电图在椎 基底动脉供血不足性眩晕诊断中的应用。
11.Study on the Differential Diagnosis Value of ENG between MD and VBI眼震电图在梅尼埃病和椎基底动脉供血不足鉴别诊断中的研究
12.Change and significance of ENG in patients with sleep apnea syndrome睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者眼震电图的改变及意义
13.OBJECTIVE To analyze the causes and features of electronystagmography (ENG) in middle and elder aged vertigo patients.目的探讨中老年眩晕患者的致病原因及眼震电图特点。
14.Objective To explore the electronystagmography (ENG) changes and their clinical significance in aged patients with vertebro-basilar insufficiency (VBI).目的 探讨老年椎 基底动脉供血不足性眩晕患者眼震电图的改变及其临床意义。
15.A study of congenital nystagmus on VEP and ERG.先天性眼球震颤的视诱发电位与视网膜电图的研究
16.ectronystagmographic electrode眼球震颤记录用电极
17.electrooculographic transducer/sensor眼电图(eog)传感器
18.Positioning diagnosis of benign positional paroxysmal vertigo by VNG良性阵发性位置性眩晕的眼震图研究

4)ENG technology眼震电图技术(ENG)
5)visual nystagmography视频眼震电图
1.Methods: Fifty-four patients with lacular infarction and 30 normal people matched in age and sex were subjected to visual nystagmography and the results were analyzed.方法:对54例腔隙性脑梗死患者(梗死组)进行视频眼震电图(VNG)检测,并与30例正常人(正常组)进行比较分析。

小脑性眼震小脑性眼震 小脑病变引起的眼震。特点是振幅大、频率低、多向性、方向易变,常表现为水平性或旋转性,可无快、慢相,在各种自发性前庭反应之间并无规律性关系。