1.Development of Bluetooth headset and audio gateway based on headset profile;基于headset剖面的蓝牙耳机及音频网关开发
2.Designing Theory and Practice Researching of Bluetooth Stereo Headset;蓝牙立体声耳机的设计理论与实践研究

1.put on (a pair of) earphones戴上 (两耳用) 耳机
2.Function Phone Headset Handsfree Profile功能手机耳机耳机操作
3.Press the headset to your ear.将耳机机身靠近耳朵
4.Headset (Top View) Headset(Button View)耳机(正面) 耳机(背面)
5.Loop the earhook over your ear.将耳机挂钩挂在耳后
6.An earphone, especially one that fits into the ear.耳塞耳机,尤指塞入耳中的那一种
7.ear muff - joint耳机, 听筒, 受话器
8.External earphone/headset jack allows the user to monitor recordings through an optional headset or earphone.外部耳机/耳机杰克让使用者透过唱片监察择耳机耳机.
9.Headset Indicator LED-Provides a visual cue about headset status.耳机显示灯LED ――显示耳机状态
10.headphone ,earphones and combined microphonespeaker sets头戴式耳机耳机和组合传声器扬声器
11.When your headset and phone are paired, your headset automatically connects to your phone.当耳机与手机实现配对后,耳机自动与手机连接。
12.External earphone/ headset jack allows the user to monitor recordings through an optional headset or earphone.外部耳机/机杰克让使用者透过唱片监察择耳机耳机.
13.When packaged, the headset is originally set up to wear on the right ear.包装中的耳机为右耳佩戴模式。
14.Earhook-Attaches headset to ear.挂钩――用于将耳机挂在耳朵上
15.Gently lift and pull the top of the earhook up and off the upper hinge pin. Then pull it away to remove it.轻轻抬起并拉起耳机挂钩顶部,与耳机上端按钮分离;取下耳机挂钩。
16.You must pair your headset and phone before you can make a call.在使用耳机通话前,耳机必须与手机配对。
17.high fidelity stereo micro earphone高保真立体声微型耳机
18.Keep it extended.保持伸直耳机导线。

1.Earphone Integrated Tester SF200L Typical Use Method;SF200L耳机综合测试仪的典型使用方法
2.In this article,some principles and points of attention for shopping high-fidelity earphone are descried in terms of its kinds and performance.耳机是一种常用的电子器件,从耳机的种类、性能指标入手,具体介绍了选购Hi-fi耳机的若干原则及注 意事项。
1.A design of a wireless CD-quality headphone based on nRF24Z1 is described here.介绍了基于nRF24Z1的CD音质无线耳机的设计方案,详细阐述了系统的硬件设计,并给出了软件设计的主要流程,本耳机设计方便,结构简单,可适用于CD音质音频数据的无线传输。
2.This paper provides a brief background on the Weibull distribution for the failure statistics analytical method of the headphone of MQ—LLS—750 language learning system, presents and derives most of the applicable equations, and presents examples calculated by.0对MQ—LLS—750型语言学习系统中的星球牌耳机故障参数分析及其可靠性评价,使用Weibull++竞争失效模式分析,阐述了根据它们的耳机样本观测值对其寿命分布进行参数估计的必要性、可靠性和它们的重要意义。
1.Cause Analysis on Students’ Hearing Loss from Using Earphones and Intervention Assessment;使用耳机学生听力损失的原因分析与干预评价
6)ear piece耳承,耳机,接耳管

耳机 对于MD播放器来说,耳机的作用已经是毋庸多言了。耳机的音质直接关系到产品播放的效果,如果使用的是劣质耳机的话,即使MD机再好也是没有用的。和其它随身听类的产品一样,MD自然也是随机附有耳机的。并且为了方便用户对于MD的操控,MD随机原配的耳机大多和线控器组合在一起,有的产品还在线控器上带有液晶显示屏,用户可以通过耳机上的线控器方便的对MD进行各种功能的操作,并且掌握播放中的各种信息。