1.Clinical Observation of the Relationship Between Therapeutic Effect and Feldmann Masking Curves and Audiogram of Tinnitus目的观察不同的听力图及掩蔽曲线耳鸣患者掩蔽治疗效果,探讨其相关性。

1.A graphic record of hearing ability for various sound frequencies that is used to measure hearing loss.听力图对各种音频听觉能力的图表记录,用于测量听力损伤
2.Building and Optimizing the Listening Schema in College English Listening Teaching论大学英语听力教学中听力图式的构建和优化
3.Bone conduction thresholds of the patients were detected by OB822 audiometer made in America to record their audiogram.用美国OB822型电测听检测仪测定患者的骨气导阈值,记录出听力图
4.He tried to fashion the lecture to the audience's understanding他力图使演讲适应听众的理解力。
5.Schema Theory and the Development of English Listening Ability;图式理论与大学英语听力能力的培养
6.Closed-captioned television for the hearing-impaired.为听力受损者服务的图文电视
7.The orator tried to set the audience on fire.演说者力图使听众群情激昂。
8.A Survey Study of Application of Schema Theory to Listening Teaching;听力教学中图式理论的应用调查研究
9.A Study on the Application of Schema Theory to the EFL Listening Comprehension;图式理论应用于英语听力理解的研究
10.A Study of PSI schema in Listening Comprehension Teaching;听力教学中PSI图式理论应用的研究
11.Activation of Schematic Knowledge and English Listening Teaching in Junior Middle School;图式知识的激活与初中英语听力教学
12.Listening Teaching of College English Conducted By Scheme Theory;图式理论指导下的大学英语听力教学
13.Applying Schema Theory to Explore for the Listening Strategies in College English;应用图式理论探索大学英语听力策略
14.The Application of Schema Theory in the Teaching of College English Listening;图示理论对大学英语听力教学的启示
15.Application of the schemata in college practical english teaching of listening comprehension;图式知识在实用英语听力教学的应用
16.Enhancing Students English Listening Abilities Based on Modern Theory of "Chart Indication";基于现代图式理论 提高学生英语听力
17.Enlightenment of Ambiguity Tolerance and Schema Theory on College English Listening Teaching;歧义容忍度 图式理论与英语听力教学
18.Cultivate Positive Emotions in Listening Teaching Courses by Applying Schemata Theory;运用图式理论培养英语听力积极情感

listening schema听力图式
5)masking audiogram掩蔽听力图
6)noise audiogram噪声听力图

听力听力  指人听觉器官感受声音的能力。