仙璐贝滴剂,Sinupret drops
1)Sinupret drops仙璐贝滴剂
1.The efficacy and safety of Sinupret drops in treatment of acute sinusitis;仙璐贝滴剂治疗急性鼻窦炎的疗效与安全性
2.Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Sinupret drops in the relief of symptoms(such as nasal congestion,runny nose,headache) and signs(congested nasal mucosa) in patients with acute sinusitis(including the acute episode of chronic sinusitis).患者口服仙璐贝滴剂,前3天每次100滴,每天3次;后4天每次50滴,每天3次,疗程共7天,然后观察患者症状体征的改善情况。

1.The curative effect of Sinupret on acute otitismedia with middle ear effusion仙璐贝滴剂辅助治疗小儿急性中耳炎中耳积液的疗效观察
2.Clinical efficacy of sinupret on acute secretory otitis media仙璐贝治疗急性分泌性中耳炎148例疗效观察
3.a resin obtained from the camphor tree; used in making celluloid and liniment.取自樟脑树的树脂,用于制赛璐珞和擦剂。
4.Bella could not hear the fairies.贝拉听不到仙女的声音。
5.A preparative method for producing high titer Sendai virus仙台病毒高滴度病毒制备方法的建立
6.a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies.覆盖着感光胶剂的一卷赛璐珞;用作底片或幻灯片。
7.DDD [2,2-bis(p..chloro phenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane]滴滴滴(对氯苯基二氯乙烷)(国际禁用的杀虫剂)
8.Each fairy gave Princess Bella a birthday gift.每一个仙女都送给了贝拉生日礼物。
9.insecticidal preparation or articles based on DDT以滴滴涕为基料的杀虫剂或制品
10.The Study on the Antifogging Performances of Compound Antifogging Agents;复配型防雾滴剂的防雾滴性能的研究
11.The next major step in taking pictures was the development of a light-sensitive emulsion on Celluloid film by an american called the Rev. Hannibal Goodwin in 1880.下一个摄影方面的重要的发展是美国人H.古德温于1880年用赛璐珞作片基,制成了感光乳剂。
12.the four good fairies saw Bella running to the tower.四个仙女看到了贝拉正朝着塔那边跑去。
13.Now it was time for the four good fairies to gave Bella gifts.现在是四个仙女为贝拉送礼物的时候了。
14.The newly-produced toilet-cleaner "One Drop Striking'' is low-priced and effective in one drop.最新厕所除臭剂一滴灵,价格低,效果好,一滴就灵。
15.After showing him clips from the Transformers, Bay decided he really wanted to get on board with the project.看过变形金刚的点点滴滴,贝果断决定加入这一计划。
16.Detection of DDT in Seawater and Shellfish Using Indirect Competitive ELISA酶联免疫吸附方法分析海水和贝类中的滴滴涕及代谢物
17.A study on control of stored grain pests with vegetable preparation Anliangxian;植物防护剂安粮仙防治储粮害虫研究
18.Beckman total oxidant analyzer贝克曼总氧化剂分析仪

1.Study on the Efficacy of Sinupret in the Treatment of Acute Pharyngolaryngitis;仙璐贝滴剂治疗急性咽喉炎的疗效研究
2.Observation on the Safety and Efficacy of Sinupret in the Treatment of Pediatric Sinusitis;仙璐贝滴剂治疗儿童鼻窦炎的安全性和有效性观察
3.The curative effect of Sinupret on acute otitismedia with middle ear effusion仙璐贝滴剂辅助治疗小儿急性中耳炎中耳积液的疗效观察
3)dichloropropene(I)-dichloropropane(Ⅱ) mixture滴-滴混剂
4)dichloropropene(I)-dichloropropane(Ⅱ) mixture滴滴混剂
5)Chronic bronchitis model仙芪合剂
6)Xianling granules仙灵冲剂
1.An experimental study of Xianling granules on thrombocytopenia after chemotherapy in mice仙灵冲剂治疗化疗后血小板减少小鼠的实验研究

倪元璐(1593~1644)  中国明代书法家。字玉汝,号鸿宝,浙江上虞人。天启二年(1622)进士,改庶吉士,授编修,累迁国子祭酒。崇祯十五年(1642)任兵部右侍郎兼侍读学士。农民起义军攻陷北京,倪元璐自缢死。著有《倪文贞集》。    倪元璐工书画,擅长行、草书。他的用笔和黄道周有相似之处,风格上黄道周偏于遒丽,而倪元璐侧重奇伟。倪元璐书法是由学颜真卿而上溯王羲之、王献之,突破了明末柔媚的书风,创造了具有强烈个性的书法,对清末民国初年的书风有过一定的影响。