1.The Expression of Attic Retraction Pocket with High Resolution Computed Tomography Scans上鼓室内陷袋的高分辨CT表现

1.Conclusion Lateral attic wall reconstruction and sealing of attic cell prevent the recurrence of cholesteatoma.结论 上鼓室封闭和上鼓室成型可以防止胆脂瘤复发。
3.Clinical application of attic reconstruction and tympanoplasty for operated ears with open radical mastoidectomy上鼓室重建及鼓室成形术在开放式乳突根治中的应用
4.Application of lateral attic wall reconstruction and sealing of attic cell in tympanoplasty上鼓室封闭和外侧壁重建技术在鼓室成形术中的应用
5.Residual choleateatoma was found more frequently in the anterior epitympanum, the oval window niche, and the hypotympanum near the tubal orifice.容易残存的部位,依序为上鼓室前方、卵圆窗及下鼓室近耳咽管处。
6.The patients with lateral attic wall reconstruction obtained a significant hearing improvement (97.5%).97 5 %上鼓室成形听力改善 ;
7.Healing of the lateral wall of attic and the tympanic membrane and recovery of hearing level were investigated after the operation.观察术后上鼓室外侧壁和鼓膜愈合及听力恢复情况。
8.Clinical classification and treatment of localized attic cholesteatoma局限性上鼓室胆脂瘤的临床分型与治疗初探
9.Bone or Cartilage Slice Blanket Graft to Reconstruct Lateral Attic Wall for Tinnitus and Deafness骨或软骨片修复上鼓室外壁治疗耳鸣耳聋
10.Restoration of the Conductive Hearing Mechanism during and after Attic Operation or Radical Mastoidectomy上鼓室凿开与乳突根治的术中、术后听力重建
11.Result:The follow-up period lasted 1 year to 5 years. Healing of the lateral wall of attic and the tympanic membrane were satisfying in all 21 patients.结果:21例患者随诊1~5年,所有病例上鼓室外侧壁及鼓膜松弛部愈合良好。
12.Scutum erosion were found in 12 of 14 cholesteatoma,8 of them accompanied with erosion of attic lateral wall.结果 :胆脂瘤中 ,盾板破坏 12例 ,同时合并上鼓室外侧壁破坏 8例 ;
13.Reconstruction of lateral attic wall provides a new space for vibration of ossicular chain.上鼓室外侧壁重建还可保证听骨链的正常活动空间。
14.All patients received the multi-technique if needed: ①Open the attic,mastoid antrum etc;167耳均清除病灶并按需采用综合技术:①探孔开放上鼓室、乳突腔等;
15.Objective:To investigate the clinical classification and treatment of localized attic cholesteatoma through surgical management.目的:探讨局限性上鼓室胆脂瘤型中耳炎临床分型与治疗方法。
16.Among these cases trans mastoid /attic approach was used in 10 patients and trans mastoid /middle cranial fossa approach in 2 cases.经乳突、上鼓室进路10 例,经颅中窝、乳突联合进路2 例。
17.Otoendoscopic tympanic segment and ganglion geniculi of facial nerve decompression via the attic approach耳内镜下上鼓室进路面神经水平段及膝状神经节减压术
18.Hearing was improved among 80.8% of the cases that underwent sealing of attic cell and ossiculoplasty.80 8%上鼓室封闭 +听骨链重建术听力改善 ,另 2 1例未重建听骨链。

Epitypanum approach上鼓室进路
3)Attic approach上鼓室径路
4)reconstructing attic上鼓室重建
1.Objective To discuss the application of autologous materials in reconstructing attic and tympanoplasty.目的探讨自体材料在上鼓室重建及鼓室成形术中的应用。
6)superior tympanic artery鼓室上动脉

鼓室鼓室〖HT5”SS〗cavitas tympanica  是颞骨岩部内含气的不规则小腔。有六个壁,内有听小骨、韧带、肌、血管和神经。鼓室及上述结构均覆有黏膜,此黏膜与咽鼓管和乳突窦的黏膜相连续。