1.Conclusion: Adenoidectomy under nasal endoscope is effective,and with few complication and low recurrence rate.目的:分析鼻内镜下腺样体吸切术治疗腺样体肥大的疗效。

1.Analysis of adenoidectomy under nasal endoscope:58 cases observation鼻内镜下58例腺样体吸切术的疗效分析
2.Management of the lymphatic tissue around the Eustachian tube orifice during endoscopic adenoidectomy鼻内镜下腺样体吸切术对咽鼓管周围组织的处理
3.Effect of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on obese children with sleep respiratory disorder腭扁桃体切除和腺样体刮除术治疗过度肥胖儿童睡眠呼吸异常
4.Serum C-reactive protein in children with sleep-disordered breathing before and after adenotonsillectomy扁桃体腺样体切除术对睡眠呼吸障碍儿童血清C反应蛋白的影响
5.Changes of postoperative living quality of children with sleep-respiration disorder after undergoing adenoid-tonsillectomy儿童睡眠呼吸紊乱行扁桃体腺样体切除术后生活质量的研究
6.Effect of adenotonsillectomy on the behavior disorders in sleep-disordered breathing children腺样体、扁桃体切除术对睡眠呼吸障碍儿童行为异常的治疗意义
7.74 Cases of Surgical Treatment of Adult Adenoidal Hypertronhy under Nasal Endoscope鼻内窥镜下成人腺样体环切术74例
8.Treatment of child upper airway cough syndrome with adenoidectomy in 33 cases腺样体切除治疗儿童上呼吸道咳嗽综合征33例
9.Adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea in overweight children腺样体、扁桃体切除术对超重的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患儿影响
10.Comparison between Endoscopic-assisted Transoral Adenoidectomy and Traditional Transoral Curette Adenoidectomy鼻内镜下腺样体切除术与传统刮除术疗效比较
11.Adenoidectomy in children underwent endoscopic:An experience;经口径路鼻内镜下儿童腺样体切除术的体会
12.Effects of adenotonsillectomy on speech spectrum in children儿童扁桃体腺样体切除术对嗓音影响的研究
13.The effect of adenoidectomy on prognosis of chronic sinusitis in children腺样体切除术对儿童慢性鼻窦炎转归的影响
14.Adenoidectomy through nose underendoscope for 46 cases with adenoid vegetation鼻内窥镜直视下腺样体切除术46例分析
15.Complication and prevention of transnasal endoscopic adenoidectomy in children鼻内镜下儿童腺样体切除术的并发症及其预防
16.Children adenoidectomy through nose-mouth under nasal endoscope鼻内窥镜下经口、经鼻儿童腺样体切除术
17.The Effectiveness of Paediatric Adenoidectomy on the Prognosis of Related Diseases儿童腺样体切除术对相关疾病预后的影响
18.Long-term changes in adenoid volume of children after tonsillectomy:A follow-up observation扁桃体切除术后儿童远期腺样体体积的随访观察

1.Transoral endoscopic adenoidectomy:a report of 125 cases;鼻内镜下腺样体切除术125例报告
2.The Effect of Nasal Endoscopy-assisted Adenoidectomy on Treatment and Prognosis of Chronic Sinusitis in Children;鼻内镜下腺样体切除术对儿童慢性鼻窦炎治疗和转归的影响
3.The Adenoidectomy in Treating Junior Secretory Otitis Media;腺样体切除术治疗儿童分泌性中耳炎
1.Clinical observation on 126 cases of adenotonsillectomy in children;儿童腺样体扁桃体切除术126例临床观察
4)tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy扁桃体腺样体切除术
1.Application of sufentanil in children undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy舒芬太尼在小儿扁桃体腺样体切除术麻醉中的应用
5)Transnasal endoscopic adenoidectomy经鼻内镜腺样体切除术
