后半规管,posterior semicircular canal
1)posterior semicircular canal后半规管
1.Analysis of auditory steady-state response to multiple simultaneous stimuli and cochlea morphology in guinea pigs with posterior semicircular canal fistula;多频稳态诱发电位分析后半规管瘘对豚鼠听力及耳蜗形态学结构的影响
2.Objective To investigate the postural instability in the patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of posterior semicircular canal(BPPV-PSC) when the somatosensory input was interrupted by standing on foam surface.目的应用站立海绵垫的方法干扰人体直立时的本体觉,探讨后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(be-nign paroxysmal positional vertigo of the posterior semicircular canal,BPPV-PSC)患者在本体觉受到干扰时的姿势平衡。
3.The posterior semicircular canal was .后半规管最靠近乙状窦 ,乙状窦前缘到后半规管最后点平均 9。

1.Nystagmus patterns predict the repositioning results in posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo眼震形式预测后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕复位疗效观察
2.Control Study of Particle Repositioning Maneuver Therapy for Posterior Semicircular Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo颗粒复位手法治疗后半规管良性发作性位置性眩晕的对照研究
3.semicircular canal【解】(耳的)半规管
4.The Design of a Pneumatic Multi-standards Semi-automatic Pipe-bend Machine一种气动多规格半自动弯管机的设计
5.Improvement in forging die design for half shaft tube of rear axle of 1061 model car1061型汽车后桥半轴管锻模设计的改进
6.Analysis of the Afflux of Foreign Capital to USA on a Large Scale in the Late 19th Century;19世纪后半期外资大规模进入美国原因分析
7.(5) Vestibular and semicircular canal malformaitions (14 ears): The cochlea is normal. Vestibule and the Lateral semicircular canal coalesce of the latter is small.(5)前庭及半规管畸形(14耳):耳蜗正常,前庭扩大,半规管短小、粗大或缺如。
8.MRI measurement for inner ear structures正常人内耳前庭、半规管及耳蜗的MRI测量
9.Blank detail specification for LED numeric displaysGB/T15529-1995半导体发光数码管空白详细规范
10.Blank detail specification for semiconductor laser diodesGB/T15649-1995半导体激光二极管空白详细规范
11.Experimental and Clinic Studies on Operations of Hearing Reconstruction and Semicircular Canal Occlusion;听力重建和半规管阻塞手术临床与实验研究
12.nertical Semicircular Canal Function Test in Fighterpilots军事飞行员垂直半规管功能的检测与研究
13.A small dilatation in a canal or duct, especially one in the semicircular canal of the ear.壶腹通管或导管内的小的膨起,尤指耳朵的半规管内
14.Techniques Research on Extrusion and Precision Forging for Transit's Back-bridge Semi-Axle Shaft Sleeve;全顺汽车后轿半轴套管挤压精锻工艺研究
15.Application of Three-Roller Cross-Rolling in Half-Shaft Casing for middle-sized vehicle;特轧工艺在中型车后桥半轴套管中的应用
16.Blank detail specification for general purpose signal and/or switching semiconductor diodesGB/T6588-1986通用信号和(或)开关半导体二极管空白详细规范(可供认证用)
17.Specification for construction and acceptance of municipal road's and semi-product市政道路、排水管道成品与半成品施工及验收规程
18.A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals.小囊,椭圆囊位于内耳迷路内的细胞膜的囊,与半规管相连

posterior semicircular canal (semicircular canal)后半规管(半规管)
3)posterior semicircular canal后骨半规管
4)ductus semicircularis posterior后膜半规管
5)lateral semicircular canal (semicircular canal)外半规管(半规管)
6)anterior semicircular canal (semicircular canal)前半规管(半规管)

半规管    半规管  ductus semicirculares  半规管(duetus semicireulares)内耳的一部分,位于前庭的后方。半规管分为骨半规管和膜半规管。骨半规管由三个互相垂直的半环形的骨性管组成分别为前骨半规管、后骨半规管和外骨半规管。每个骨半规管有两个骨脚,一个有膨大部的骨脚称壶腹骨脚,其膨大的部位称骨壶腹;另一个无膨大部的骨脚称单骨脚。前骨半规管和后骨半规管的单骨脚合成一个总骨脚。故三个骨半规管只有五个骨脚。膜半规管位于骨半规管内,形状与骨半规管相似,共有瓦个脚(_三个壶腹脚、一个单脚、一个总脚)。〕在骨壶腹内,膜半规管有类似的膨大,称为膜壶腹。膜壶腹的壁上一侧翁膜增厚突起,称壶腹蜡。它与半规管的长轴相垂直,有毛细胞分布,为感觉仁皮细胞,表面覆以帽状胶样物质称终帽,在毛细胞的底部分布着前庭神经末梢。壶腹峭是位觉器,能感受头部旋转变速运动的刺激。当头部作旋转变速运动时,膜半规管内的内淋巴流动方‘向和速度会发生改变,这种变化会刺激壶腹峭,使其兴奋、发放神经冲动,经前庭神经传至脑,产生位置感觉 (李世昌撰杨立能审)