耳石膜,Otolithic membrane
1)Otolithic membrane耳石膜

1.Of or relating to the middle ear or eardrum.鼓室的,鼓膜的中耳或耳膜的,和中耳或耳膜有关的
2.pierced ears; a perforated eardrum; a punctured balloon.穿了洞的耳朵;被刺穿了的耳膜;被刺穿了的气球。
3.The sound of a blacksmith's hammer smote their ears.铁匠的鎚子声响重创他们的耳膜
4.The technique of making cast specimens of labyrinth用雕刻法制作人内耳膜迷路铸型标本
5.The fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.内淋巴耳内部膜质内耳中的水样液
6.Total ear reconstruction with postauricular fasciocutaneous flap颞浅筋膜蒂耳后扩张皮瓣全耳再造术
7.suppurative perichondritis of auricle化脓性耳郭软骨膜炎
8.serous perichondritis of auricle耳廓浆液性软骨膜炎
9.orogenic extradural abscess耳原性硬脑膜外脓肿
10.Hensen's stripe(耳蜗覆膜下)亨森氏纹
11.The plasty of cavity of auricular concha and mastoid obliteration can raise drying ear rate.耳甲腔成形和乳突腔骨膜瓣填充可增加干耳率。
12.Reconstruction of the external ear utilizing expanded post skin flap and fascia皮肤扩张耳后皮瓣筋膜瓣法外耳再造术
13.The effect of Oto-endoscope Computer Imaging System on the evaluation of the tympanic membrane perforation;104耳鼓膜穿孔耳内窥镜电脑成像系统分析
14.Auricle Reconstruction with Tissue Expansion and Superficial Temporal Fascia Flap for Microtia皮肤扩张加颞浅筋膜瓣耳再造修复小耳畸形
15.The thin, semitransparent, oval - shaped membrane that separates the middle ear from the external ear.耳鼓一种薄的、椭圆形的半透明膜,将中耳与外耳分隔开来
16.Report of myringoplasty with interlay method in 53 ears perforation of tympani夹层法鼓膜成形术治疗鼓膜穿孔53耳报告
17.The expression of PCNA in cornea and corneal limbus of New Zealand big ear rabbitPCNA在新西兰大耳兔角膜及角膜缘的表达
18.Application of diversiform periost postauricular composite flaps in mastoid obliteration operations耳后筋膜-骨膜瓣在乳突充填术中的应用

1.Present status of studies and applications on otolith of fishes;鱼类耳石研究和应用进展
2.Otolith Marking of Larval and Juvenile Chinese Sucker with Fluorescent Substances;用荧光物质浸泡标记胭脂鱼仔、稚鱼耳石
3.Effects of starvation and photoperiod on the otolith deposition and increment formation in the larval big head \%Aristichthys nobilis\%;饥饿和光照对鳙仔鱼耳石沉积和日轮形成的影响
1.Study on Otoliths Microstructure of Tanichthys Albonubes and Research on Age Structure of Wild Tanichthys Albonubes;唐鱼耳石微结构研究及自然种群年龄结构调查
1.The Effect of Amylose in Shier on the Immunity Function of Mice;石耳多糖对小鼠免疫功能影响的初步研究
1.Advances on using statolith to study age and growth of cephalopod利用耳石鉴定头足类年龄与生长研究进展
2.Age,growth and population structure of squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis in northwest Indian Ocean by statolith microstructure采用耳石研究印度洋西北海域鸢乌贼的年龄、生长和种群结构
3.Statolith in the cephalopod is an important source of ecological information, and mastering the morphologic features of the statolith is fundamental to fisheries biology.耳石是头足类生态的重要信息载体,掌握其形态特征是渔业生物学研究的基础。

大理石石渣罩面水磨石,镶嵌大理石片的水磨石CAS:68038-71-1中文名称:苏云金芽孢杆菌制剂;苏云金杆菌;大理石石渣罩面水磨石,镶嵌大理石片的水磨石;7216杀虫菌;BT生物农药英文名称:bacillus thuringiensis;agritol;bacillus thuringensis;bacillus thuringiensis berliner;bactospein;bactur;bakthane;berliner;biotrol;bitoksybacillin;btb 202;dipel