翼管神经,Vidian nerve
1)Vidian nerve翼管神经
1.Applied anatomy of vidian nerve interruption through nasal cavity;经鼻腔穿刺行翼管神经封闭的应用解剖
2.Objective: To study the possibility cutting the vidian nerve under the nasal endoscope.目的 :研究鼻内窥镜下切断翼管神经的可行性。

1.Treatment of allergic nasitis with neurectomy of pterygoid canal翼管神经切断术治疗过敏性鼻炎的探讨
2.Microwave coagulating the vidian nerve, anterior ethmoidal nerve and inferiornasal concha for allergic rhinitis by nasal endoscope鼻内窥镜下微波热凝翼管神经、筛前神经及下鼻甲治疗变应性鼻炎
3.Background The oporation treatment for vasomotor rhinitis by cutting off canalis pterygoid nervus is not very effective.研究背景翼管神经切断求治疗血管运动性鼻炎的效果不理想。
4.By means of a long self-sustain nasal speculum, 936 cases of vidian nerve cauterization have been performed.应用自撑式长鼻镜,经鼻腔行翼管神经电灼术936例。
5.The neurectomy of pterygoid canal was quite effective for stubborn allergic nasitis.翼管神经切断术对治疗顽固性过敏性鼻炎有较好疗效。
6.To explore the efficacy of microwave coagulating the vidian nerve,the anterior ethmoidal nerve and inferior nasal concha for allergic rhinitis under nasal endoscope.目的 :总结鼻内窥镜下热凝翼管神经、筛前神经及下鼻甲治疗变应性鼻炎的疗效。
7.The Comparison between Transpterional-sylvian and External Transethmo-sphenoid Decompression of Optic Canal;经翼点—外侧裂入路与经鼻外筛—蝶窦入路视神经管减压术的对比
8.Neural Network Model of Aerodynamic Interaction Effects of Rotor Wake on Fuselage for Helicopter旋翼/机身气动干扰的神经网络模型
9.Observations on Anatomic Changes of Opticocarotia Triangle in Operations by Pterional Approach;经翼点入路视神经—颈内动脉间隙病理解剖观察
10.PID Parameters Tuning and Neural Network Identification of the Twin Rotor MIMO System;双旋翼系统的PID参数整定与神经网络辨识
11.Design and Test of Control System of Adaptive Wing Based on Neural Networks自适应机翼的神经网络控制系统设计与试验
12.Establishment of a cat model of acute optic nerve injury via pterional approach应用翼点入路构建猫急性视神经损伤动物模型
13.The Changes of the Expression of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide and Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) in Pterygopalatine Ganglion in Rats of Allergic Rhinitis;变应性鼻炎大鼠翼腭神经节内VIP、NOS阳性神经元的变化
14.The wing-footed messenger Hermes(Mercury) was the god of commerce and road.脚生双翼的众神使者赫耳墨斯(墨丘利)则是掌管商业、道路之神。
15.The Age Changes of the Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) in Pterygopalatine Ganglion, Otic Ganglion and the Fibers Innervating the Cerebral Vessels of Rats;大鼠翼腭神经节、耳神经节和脑底动脉壁神经纤维一氧化氮合酶表达的年龄变化
16.Original Ecology of the Imperial Civil Service Examination from the Field Experience of Zhao Yi从赵翼的场屋经历管窥清代科举的原生态
17.From Neuroeconomics and Neuromarketing to Neuromanagement;从神经经济学和神经营销学到神经管理学
18.Quantitative study of microsurgical anatomy in sellar region via the transpterional keyhole approach assisted by neuro-navigation神经导航下翼点锁孔入路鞍区显微解剖量化研究

ptcrygoid canal neural canal翼管神经管
3)Vidian neurotomy翼管神经切断术
1.Objective:To investigate the best mothod of Vidian neurotomy.目的 :寻求翼管神经切断术的最佳术式 ,提高血管运动性鼻炎的治疗效果。
4)vidian neurectomy翼管神经切除术
5)rami ganglionares翼腭神经
6)pterygopalatine ganglion翼腭神经节
1.Expression of nitric oxide synthases and nerve growth factor in pterygopalatine ganglion of the allergic rhinitis rats;变应性鼻炎大鼠翼腭神经节内NOS和NGF的表达变化
2.Changes of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the pterygopalatine ganglion in rats with allergic rhinitis;VIP在变应性鼻炎大鼠翼腭神经节中的变化
3.Age changes of nitric oxide synthase expression in pterygopalatine ganglion and nerve fibers of cerebral arteries in rat;大鼠翼腭神经节和脑动脉神经纤维一氧化氮合酶表达的年龄变化

尺神经Guyon管嵌压综合征尺神经Guyon管嵌压综合征entrapment syndrome of ulnar nerve in Guyon canal  指尺神经在经过腕部掌横韧带的Guyon管时受嵌压后表现的临床综合征。Guyon管位于腕横韧带的尺侧表层,由尺侧腕屈肌的扩张筋膜部分拼成。管四周都是筋膜性组织。多因腕部经常受挤压而引起该管增生狭窄。临床上表现尺侧1、5手指掌侧感觉障碍和手内在肌力减弱,甚至瘫痪。多见于长久骑自行车的运动员。治疗宜切开Guyon管,解除压迫。