听力减退,hearing loss
1)hearing loss听力减退
1.Method: 199 patients reporting tinnitus as their primary compliant orsecondary to hearing loss were sampled as study participants.第二部分江苏省成年人听力减退的伤残调整生命年研究目的:使用伤残调整生命年来评价江苏省成年人听力减退的疾病负担,为政府未来的卫生事业的决策提供科学依据。

1.Does the impairment of your hearing occur constantly or intermittently?您的听力减退是持续性的还是间歇性的?
2.The Epidemiologic Study on Hearing Impairment and Ear Diseases in Jiangsu Province China;江苏省耳疾与听力减退流行病学调查研究
3.Expression of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in primary auditory cortex in C57BL/6J mice with age related hearing lossXIAP在年龄相关性听力减退C57BL/6J小鼠初级听皮质的表达
4.Studies of Morphology and Proteomics in the Auditory Neuropathway of Wistar Rats with Age-related Hearing Impairment;年龄相关性听力减退大鼠听觉神经通路形态学和相关蛋白质组学初步研究
5.The hearing loss progressed and the tinnitus became a persistent sensation of varying pitch.听力一直减退,而且耳鸣变成一种经常不断的,各种音调的感觉。
6.His memory is blurred by his illness.他因患病记忆力减退.
7.My memory is slipping.我的记忆力逐渐减退。
8.His eyesight was beginning to fail.他的视力开始减退。
9.the act of reducing the vitality of something.某物生命力减退的行为。
10.When you get old your memory gets worse.人老了,记忆力就减退了。
11.Joe's hearing started declining almost the moment he was born.乔的听觉几乎从他一出生就开始减退了。
12.his poor eyesight results from keratitis.他的视力减退是由角膜炎引起的。
13.Ejaculation was po ible but penile erectile strength decreased.仍能射精,但阴茎勃起力却减退了。
14.There is often a progressive loss of sight in old age.上了年纪的人视力逐步减退。
15.The purpose of annealing the metal is to relieve the stress.给金属退火是为了减少一些应力。
16.My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging.我的力气、 兴趣、 热情等正在减退.
17.Having a diminished or defective sense of hearing,but not deaf.听力受损的听力官能减弱或有缺陷但未聋的。
18.Having a diminished or defective sense of hearing, but not deaf; hard of hearing.听力受损的听力官能减弱或有缺陷但未聋的;听…很困难的

Hearing impairment听力减退
1.Methods: 6854 persons aged 10 years and over were selected, as a part of a broad study of hearing impairment and ear disease, by the methods of probability proportional to size (PPS).方法:采用按容量比例概率抽样方法,在江苏省常住人口中抽样,凡在被调查户居住6个月以上者,不分性别年龄均列入WHO耳疾与听力减退调查。
3)hard of hearing (HOH)听力减退;重听
4)Drill-induced hearing loss钻诱导听力减退
5)low frequency sensorineural hearing loss低频听力减退
1.Detection of WFS1 gene mutations in the Chinese pedigree with low frequency sensorineural hearing loss;WFS1基因在低频听力减退家系中的突变筛查
6)progressive loss of hearing进行性听力减退

肌张力减退智力减退性功能减退肥胖综合征肌张力减退智力减退性功能减退肥胖综合征  病名。亦称普威综合征。系继发性睾丸功能低下症的一种类型。1956年由Prader,Lebhart和Willi等人首先报告。其特点是肌张力减退、智力低下、性腺功能不全以及肥胖等四大症状一体征。出生后均呈现明显的肌张力减退乃至肌弛缓,各种反射低下及喜睡眠等。由于吸吮与吞咽反射减弱,可造成哺乳及喂食困难,以致肺内吸入食物等使患儿致死。6个月以后肌弛缓逐渐改善,各种反射逐渐恢复,食欲亢进,明显贪食,导致身体肥胖。智力发育较差。随青春期临近,显示出生殖系统发育的缺陷,如阴茎小,阴囊发育不良,大多数患儿有双侧或单侧隐睾,至青春期不出现第二性征,不育。常并发糖尿病,或合并颜面、骨等多种畸形。血中促性腺激素含量减少,睾酮含量低下。睾丸活检结构基本正常,部分患者间质细胞缺乏,精子生成减少。染色体组型正常。属常染色体显性遗传。本病尚无特殊治疗方法,一般限于对症治疗。如减肥、控制糖尿病以及应用性激素改善睾丸功能,促进第二性征的发育。