言语康复,speech rehabilitation
1)speech rehabilitation言语康复

1.An Empirical Study of Aphasics Speech Recovery from the Aspect of Sociolinguistics;失语症患者言语康复的社会语言学研究
2.Importance of hearing and speech rehabilitation for prelingually hearing-impaired children;前语言期听觉言语康复在听障儿童语言发展中的重要性
3.The speech rehabilitation methods for deaf children of 2-3 years old;2-3岁聋儿言语康复训练的方法问题
4.The egocentric speech:Theory and application to the speech rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children;自我中心言语理论及其对聋生言语康复教育的启示
5.Thoughts on hearing and speech training of school-aged children with hearing impairment;关于学龄听障儿童听觉言语康复训练的思考
6.Importance of abdominal breathing in aural rehabilitation;论胸式呼吸在聋儿言语康复中的危害性
7.Language Recovery Training of the Patients with Stroke-induced Aphasia脑卒中致失语症病人的语言康复训练
8.The importance of“ Team spirit” for the hearing and speech rehabilitation teachers;听力语言康复教师需要“合作精神”
9.Early Rehabilitative Nursing for Language Function in Stroke Patients脑卒中患者语言功能的早期康复护理
10.The effect of sign and sign language on audio language rehabilitation in deaf children;手势和手语在聋儿听力语言康复中的作用
11.To explore the scientific and standard pattern of hearing speech rehabilitation after cochlear implantation.目的 :探索科学化、规范化工人工耳蜗植入术后听觉语言康复模式 ,评估听觉语言康复效果。
12.Respiratory Training and Objective Measure in Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation for Deaf Children;聋儿听力语言康复中的呼吸训练及定量测量
13.Application of A-B experimental design in the outcome assessment of hearing and speech rehabilitation;A-B实验设计在言语听觉康复效果评定中的运用
14.The application of games in aural rehabilitation and speech therapy for children with hearing impairment;游戏在听障儿童听觉康复和言语矫治中的运用
15.Discussion on how to improve the quality of language rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children;提高聋儿语言康复质量不容忽视的几个问题
16.A Case Study on the Rehabilitation and Training of Hearing and Language of a Child with Hearing Impairment;听觉障碍儿童听力语言康复训练的个案研究
17.An analysis of misunderstanding of individualized education in the hearing and speech rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children;聋儿听力语言康复个别化教学误区种种
18.Speech Rehabilitation for Children after Cerebral Palsy in China(review)国内小儿脑性瘫痪语言障碍康复的研究现状

speech recovery言语康复
3)language rehabilitation语言康复
1.Early Intervention is the Key of Deaf Children Entering the Main Stream of Society ——Inspiration of the success of language rehabilitation for deaf children in Hong Kong;早期干预是聋童融入主流社会的关键——香港聋童语言康复成功的启示
2.In order to facilitate the language rehabilitation of the hearing impaired person,an automatic speech recognition-based computer-aided language learning(CALL)system is designed.为了帮助聋哑人士早日进行语言康复,本文以汉语声母为例设计了一个利用自动语音识别技术进行发音训练的计算机辅助语音教学系统。
4)Language rehabilitation training语言康复训练
1.Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect and nursing care on the patients who was ill with apoplectic anandia and received venesection combined with language rehabilitation training.目的:探讨刺络放血结合语言康复训练治疗中风运动性失语的疗效与护理。
5)Auditory and language rehabilitation听觉语言康复
6)Speech rehabilitation training言语康复训练

言语暗示言语暗示speech suggestion 言语暗示(speeeh suggestion)通过言语方式所进行的暗示。由词汇和语法组成的语言不仅是人类重要的交际工具,而且是思维的工具,是思想的直接表现。运用言语来表达事物的现象和概念,并提供信息能使受暗示者发生心理、生理和行为方面的改变,起到暗示作用。例如,医师对患者疾病的解释说明,使其感到症状好转,就是一种言语暗示。 (丁宝冲撰李呜呆审)