非综合征性耳聋,Nonsyndromic hearing impairment
1)Nonsyndromic hearing impairment非综合征性耳聋
1.Mutation analysis of GJB2 gene in nonsyndromic hearing impairment patients from Northeastern China;中国东北地区非综合征性耳聋患者GJB2基因的致聋突变分析
2.Gene mapping of a nonsyndromic hearing impairment family;非综合征性耳聋一家系的基因定位

1.Genetic Analysis of Non-syndromic Hearing Loss and Waardenburg Syndrome;非综合征性耳聋及Waardenburg综合征的遗传学分析
2.The Study of the Deafness Gene GJB2 Mutation in a Hereditary Nonsyndromic Deaf Families;遗传性非综合征性耳聋一家系人群GJB2基因突变的研究
3.Molecular Mechanism of Late-onset Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Age-related, Aminoglycoside-induced Hearing Loss迟发性非综合征型耳聋及老年性、药物性耳聋的分子机制研究
4.Molecular Genetic Analysis of Waardenburg Syndrome and Non-syndromic Hearing LossWaardenburg综合征和非综合征型耳聋的分子遗传学研究
5.Study on the Mitochondrial DNA Mutation and the Phenotype Diversity of Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss;非综合征型耳聋线粒体DNA突变及其临床表型多样性的研究
6.Analysis of the Candidate Genes in an Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment Kindred;一常染色体隐性非综合征耳聋家系的候选基因分析
7.Association Studies on Susceptibility Loci (Gene) of Two Types of Non-syndromic Hearing Impairment;遗传性非综合征型耳聋两种致病基因易感位点的关联分析
8.Mapping and Identified the Causative Genes in Chinese Nonsyndromic X-linked Hereditary Hearing Loss Pedigrees;非综合征型X连锁显性遗传耳聋家系致病基因的定位及鉴定研究
9.Optimization and Application of Genetic Diagnostic System for Hereditary Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss遗传性非综合征型耳聋基因诊断体系的优化和应用
10.Mutation analysis of GJB3 between Chinese and Uighur population with nonsyndromic hearing impairmentGJB3基因在新疆维汉两民族遗传性非综合征耳聋患者的突变分析
11.Alport's syndrome遗传性肾炎神经性耳聋综合征;阿尔波特氏综合
12.Molecular Genetic Analysis of the Mitochondrial DNA 1555 Mutation Gene among Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment Patients from Jilin Province;吉林省非综合征型耳聋分子病因学分析
13.Molecular Finding in Two Chinese Families with Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment;两个非综合征型耳聋家系的分子遗传学研究
14.Mutational analysis of SLC26A5 IVS2-2A>G in Chinese Han patients with non-syndromic hearing loss中国汉族非综合征耳聋患者SLC26A5 IVS2-2A>G的突变
15.Mutation analysis of GJB2 gene in deaf population from Chongqing city重庆市非综合征型耳聋患儿GJB2基因突变分析
16.Molecular genetic analysis of the mtDNA A1555G mutation in patients with non-syndromic hearing loss非综合征型耳聋线粒体基因A1555G突变分析
17.Clinical character and etiological study of a large family with maternally inherited non-syndromic deafness一母系遗传非综合征耳聋大家系的临床特征和病因学研究
18.Molecular Pathogenesis Study for an Extensive Nonsyndomic Deafness Family Associated with A1555G Mutation;线粒体A1555G突变相关非综合征耳聋大家系的分子病因学研究

hereditary nonsyndromic deafness遗传性非综合征性耳聋
3)nonsyndromic inherited hearing loss非综合征型遗传性耳聋
4)non-syndromic hearing loss遗传性非综合征型耳聋
5)nonsyndromic hearing loss非综合征型耳聋
1.Mutation analysis of12S rRNA andtRNA-Ser ~((UCN)) genes in a large Chinese family with maternally inherited nonsyndromic hearing loss by intermarriage;近亲结婚所致非综合征型耳聋家系的线粒体基因突变分析
2.In order to investigate the possible role of mitochondrial DNA mutations in NSHL, we analyze the incidence, character of three types of mitochondrial DNA mutations in the nonsyndromic hearing loss (NSHL) patients and their clinical data, healthy control subjects were also analyzed simultaneously.分析非综合征型耳聋患者(nonsyndromic hearing loss, NSHL)及健康体检者中3种线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)突变的发生频率、性质及临床资料特点,探讨线粒体DNA突变与非综合征型耳聋的关系。
6)Non-syndromic deafness非综合征耳聋
1.Family of Jiangsu Huaiyin is one of the biggest non-syndromic deafness families in the world.永久保存珍贵的家系材料,是对该家系进行深入研究的基础,为此采用EB病毒(Epstein Barrvirus,EBV)转化淋巴细胞的方法对中国江苏淮阴地区非综合征耳聋大家系行建系工作。

耳聋无闻耳聋无闻 耳聋无闻   病名。出《灵枢·厥病》。系指完全失去听觉者。多由年高体弱致听力逐渐下降,甚则耳聋无闻,或卒然而致之耳聋。或有出生即耳聋无闻。外伤亦可致耳聋。宜结合全身情况辨证施治之。宜配合针灸治疗。参见耳聋、耳闭、暴聋条。