喉气管重建,Laryngotracheal reconstruction
1)Laryngotracheal reconstruction喉气管重建
2)Larygnotracheal reconstruction喉气管重建术
4)tracheal reconstruction气管重建
1.Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs.目的构建胶原涂层记忆合金人工气管,通过动物实验观察其气管重建的初步效果。
2.Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with a prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs.目的:构建胶原涂层记忆合金人工气管,通过动物实验观察其气管重建的初步效果。
3.Objective To investigate the feasibility and efficacy of the cervical tracheal reconstruction using porous titanium rings and free skin flaps.结论带孔钛环可重建气管支架,游离皮片可作为气管粘膜替代物,是气管重建的简便方法。

1.Anaesthesia and Respiratory Control of Tracheal and Bronchial Reconstruction气管、支气管重建术的麻醉和呼吸管理
2.Experimental study on laryngotracheal reconstruction with sternohyoid myocutaneo us rotary door flap翻转胸舌骨肌皮瓣气管重建实验研究
3.Objective To investigate the feasibility of using a new type carina type tracheal prosthesis made of complex material to replace trachea and carina defects.目的:探讨应用自制复合材料的分叉型人工气管重建犬气管及隆突的可行性。
4.Effects of self-made carina type tracheal prosthesis on survival period and healing of anastomotic stoma in dogs自制分叉型人工气管重建犬气管及隆突对犬生存期及吻合口愈合的影响
5.Reconstruction of cervical esophagus using larynx and trachea after approximate total pharyngeal──cervical esophagus resection for cancer广泛下咽癌切除后用残存喉粘膜和气管重建下咽及食道上段
6.MSCT reconstruction in diagnosis and classification of congenital heteroplasia of tracheal bronchusMSCT气道重建诊断先天性气管性支气管及分型
7.Low-dose Multi-slice Spiral CT Tracheobronchography: Assessment in Dogs;低剂量MSCT气管支气管树重建的动物实验研究
8.Experimental Study on the Reconstruction of Laryngotracheal Framework Defect;喉气管支架缺损修复重建的实验研究
9.Carinal Resection and Reconstruction in Treatment of 87 Cases with Lung Cancer气管隆凸切除与重建术治疗肺癌87例
11.MSCT reconstruction in diagnosis of tracheobronchial diseases多层螺旋CT重建技术诊断支气管病变
12.Effect of Bronchial Epithelial Cells on the Airway Remodeling of Asthma;支气管上皮细胞在哮喘气道重建中的作用
13.Effects of Pingchuan Recipe on airway remodeling in mice with bronchial asthma平喘方对支气管哮喘模型小鼠气道重建的影响
14.Applied value of spiral CT three dimensional reconstruction in tracheobronchial diseases螺旋CT三维重建在气管支气管病变中的应用价值
15.The Value of Multi-slice Spiral CT in Diagnosis of Non-metal Foreign Body of Trachea and Bronchus多层螺旋CT重建技术对气管及支气管非金属异物的诊断价值
16.Differential diagnostic value of MSCT with multi-planar reconstructions in rare intra-trachea and main bronchial tumor多层螺旋CT多平面重建对气管、主支气管腔内少见肿瘤的鉴别诊断
17.Applications of MSCT with postprocessing techniques in the diagnosis of tracheobronchial tumors多层螺旋CT及后处理重建在气管主支气管肿瘤诊断中的应用
18.A New Procedure for Right Upper Lobectomy of Lung with Reconstruction of the Carina右肺上叶及气管隆凸切除重建的新术式

Larygnotracheal reconstruction喉气管重建术
4)tracheal reconstruction气管重建
1.Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs.目的构建胶原涂层记忆合金人工气管,通过动物实验观察其气管重建的初步效果。
2.Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with a prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs.目的:构建胶原涂层记忆合金人工气管,通过动物实验观察其气管重建的初步效果。
3.Objective To investigate the feasibility and efficacy of the cervical tracheal reconstruction using porous titanium rings and free skin flaps.结论带孔钛环可重建气管支架,游离皮片可作为气管粘膜替代物,是气管重建的简便方法。
5)laryngeal reconstruction喉重建
6)laryngeal reconstruction喉重建术
1.Objective To discuss nursing life quality change of patients who underwent laryngeal reconstruction.目的 研究二期喉重建术患者的生活质量及护理。

急性喉气管支气管炎急性喉气管支气管炎〖HT5”SS〗acute laryngotracheobronchitis 上、下呼吸道的急性弥漫性炎症,以喉部及声门下的浮肿、气管与支气管内渗出物稠厚成痂,以及中毒现象为特征。可为流行性或散发性,往往继发于麻疹或流行性感冒之后。多见于3~5岁的幼儿,因此时对传染病抵抗力低,咳嗽功能差,加之分泌物黏稠不易咳出,更助长感染的蔓延。冬季与早春气候干燥时发病较多。患处黏膜充血肿胀,可见糜烂或溃疡,甚至侵入肌层,以致管腔狭窄。