家庭医学,family medicine
1)family medicine家庭医学
1.Inevitable Tendency to Development of Family Medicine;发展家庭医学之必然趋势
2.However,due to the limitation of the quality of family physicians and the level of telemedicine techniques,the ideal goal of the family medicine with respect to overall health care and promotion is still far to reach.家庭医学是一门以人为中心,以维护和促进健康为目标,向个人和家庭提供连续、便捷的基本卫生服务功能的综合性临床医学学科。

1.Department of Community and Family Medicine [Chinese University of Hong Kong]社区及家庭医学系〔香港中文大学〕
2."Family practice (or family medicine or general practice): Field of medicine that stresses comprehensive primary health care, emphasizing the family unit."家庭医学 :以家庭为单位,着重整体医疗照顾而不考虑患者年龄和性别的医学。
3.Investigation and Analysis on Mental Health of Freshmen from Particular Families in Medical University特殊家庭医学新生心理健康状况调查分析
4.In the Department of Family Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, a one-hour EBM introductory course complemented by web-based teaching materials was delivered to each group of students.以台大医院家庭医学部实习医师为研究对象,每组给予一小时的实证医学简介。
5.Residency training programs that are community-based and ambulatory-oriented will prepare family practice resident physicians to make contributions for the future of “Regionalization Medical Networks”.医学生的家庭医学教学更是〝全民健保〞的导向,使将来的医师能坦然接受〝全民健保〞的挑战。
7.Analysis on Forensic Identification of Family Violence in 232 Cases;232例家庭暴力损伤法医学鉴定分析
8.Family Environment and Adaptability of Freshmen in Medical School;家庭因素对医学新生适应能力的影响
9.159 Cases of Domestic Violence in Forensic Examination;159例家庭暴力损伤的法医学鉴定分析
10.a doctor working in general practice,ie as a family doctor全科医生(如家庭医生)
11.An Analysis of the Medicolegal Expertise of 64 Family Violence Cases--A Discussion on the Harm of Family Violence and Countermeasures;家庭暴力法医学鉴定64例分析——兼论家庭暴力的危害和对策
12.Influences of Family Environment and Behavior Factors on the Study Performance of Medical Students;家庭环境和行为因素对医学生学习成绩的影响
13.Implementation of Financial Assistance to Students of Impoverished Families:A Case Study Made in Fujian Medical University福建医科大学家庭经济困难学生资助工作调查
14.There was a doctor, a research scientist, a homemaker, a businessman, and many teachers among them.他们中间有医生、学家、庭主妇、人,也有很多老师。
15.The relationship between self-esteem and family factors in medical freshmen;医学新生自尊水平与家庭因素相关关系的研究
16.Analysis on forensic identification of domestic violence-induced injuries in 52 women家庭暴力致妇女损伤52例法医学鉴定分析
17.Prevalence of intercourse vexation and its relationships with familial environment among medical students医学生人际关系困扰现状及与家庭因素关系
18.There was a doctor,a research scientist,a homemaker,a businessman,and many teachers among them.他们中间有医生、科学家、家庭主妇、商人,也有很多老师。

Family doctor家庭医生
3)family expense policy家庭医师
4)literature family文学家庭
1.This supplied the condition of making the literature family of Song Dynasty prosper.这就为宋代文学家庭的繁荣提供了条件。
2.One of the reasons why literature families are so prosperous in Song Dynasty is that economy of Song Dynasty is very developed,which provided wide topics for literature creation of literature family and created the condition for spreading literature works of literature family members.在中国封建社会的各个朝代中,宋代的文学家庭可以说是最多的。
5)home school家庭学校
1.The development of home schools in the meaning of organizational morphology and educational ecology,show much more the inherent vigor and excessive value in the history.家庭学校是上世纪70年代以来美国基础教育演变创新的重大成就之一。
6)student's family学生家庭

家庭医学杂志家庭医学杂志  中医药期刊。方公溥、陈中权、秦伯未等主编。季刊。发行地上海。1930年1月创刊,1931年11月停刊。共2卷7期。