蝶窦疾病,Sphenoid sinus disease
1)Sphenoid sinus disease蝶窦疾病
2)Isolated sphenoid sinus diseases孤立性蝶窦疾病
3)sphenoidal sinus disease蝶窦病变
1.Conclusion There is no specificity with solitary sphenoidal sinus disease.方法回顾性分析我科2003~2008年19例孤立性蝶窦病变患者的临床资料并文献复习。

1.Objective: To correctly diagnose and treat sphenoid sinus disease.目的:提高孤立性蝶窦病变的诊断率和治疗率。
2.Conclusion: Endoscope sinus surgery is valuable in diagnosis and treatment of sphenoid sinus disease.结论:孤立性蝶窦病变患者可用鼻窦内窥镜诊断与治疗。
3.Method: Twelve patients were diagnosed and treated with endoscopy.方法:总结使用鼻窦内窥镜诊治孤立性蝶窦病变12例的全过程。
4.To explore the most convenient way to deal with isolated sphenoid sinus lesion.目的探讨鼻内镜下孤立性蝶窦病变最便捷的手术进路。
5.Resection of sellar region tumors through endoscopic transsphenoidal approach内镜下单鼻孔蝶窦入路切除鞍内病变
6.Transsphenoidal Approach to Intrasellar Non-pituitary Adenoma Disease经蝶窦入路切除鞍区非垂体腺瘤病变
7.Operation pathways for sphenoidal sinus by nasal endoscope and treatments for correlated diseases beyond scope of sphenoidal sinus鼻内镜下蝶窦手术入路及超越蝶窦腔病变的处理
8.The management of space-occupying lesion of middle skull base involving sphenoid sinus by transnasal endoscopic surgery经鼻内镜治疗累及蝶窦的中颅底占位性病变
9.transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary fossa tumors经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术;经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术
10.The Study of Development and Variations of Sphenoid Sinus by Helical Computed Tomography;蝶窦气化发育及形态变化的螺旋CT研究
11.Backgrounds: Isolated sphenoid sinusitis is an uncommon disease.背景:孤立性蝶窦炎虽为临床上少见之疾病,却具有潜在致命性。
12.Methods: From1986 to1997, we came across16 cases of isolated sphenoid sinusitis.方法:自1986年1997年间,本科共经历16例临床诊断为孤立性蝶窦炎病例。
13.CONCLUSION Diagnosis of isolated sphenoid sinus inflammatory disease at its early stages is difficult to ascertain because of the non-specificity of its symptoms.结论孤立性蝶窦炎症性疾病症状无特异性,不易及时确诊;
14.Anatomy of the sphenoidal sinus in transsphenoidal approach through a single nostril蝶窦的解剖及其在经单鼻孔蝶窦入路的应用
15.transsphenoidal removal of pituitary tumor经蝶窦垂体肿瘤切除术;经蝶窦垂体肿瘤切除术
16.Endoscopic treatment of maxillary sinus lesion with various approaches鼻内镜下多种入路上颌窦病变的处理
17.Liver sinusoidal and Disse's space lesion may play an important role in hepatic microcirculation disturbance of chronic hepatitis B肝窦及窦周隙病变在慢性乙型肝炎肝微循环障碍中担当关键角色
18.Changes of Heart Rate Turbulence and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease;冠心病患者窦性心率震荡及心率变异性的变化

Isolated sphenoid sinus diseases孤立性蝶窦疾病
3)sphenoidal sinus disease蝶窦病变
1.Conclusion There is no specificity with solitary sphenoidal sinus disease.方法回顾性分析我科2003~2008年19例孤立性蝶窦病变患者的临床资料并文献复习。
4)Paranasal Sinus Diseases鼻窦疾病
5)cavernous sinus disease海绵窦疾病
6)maxillary sinus lesions上颌窦疾病

甲氨蝶呤 ,甲氨蝶呤 ,氨甲蝶呤,米佐屈脱,威力氨甲蝶呤,氨蝶呤,氨克生药物名称:美素生英文名:Methotrexate别名:氨甲叶酸;甲氨蝶呤 ,甲氨蝶呤 ,氨甲蝶呤,米佐屈脱,威力氨甲蝶呤,氨蝶呤,氨克生适应症: 急性白血病,乳腺癌,绒毛膜上皮癌及恶性葡萄胎,头颈部肿瘤,骨肉瘤,白血病脑膜脊髓浸润,肺癌,生殖系统肿瘤,肝癌,顽固性普通牛皮癣,自体免疫病。 用量用法: 个体化剂量。见[ 甲氨蝶呤].禁忌: 孕妇,哺乳妇女,严重肝肾功能损害,传染病,血液系统疾病如骨髓再生不良、贫血。 不良反应: 骨髓抑制,胃肠道反应,脱发及其它皮肤粘膜改变,肝肾功能损害,肺毒性和神经毒性反应,生殖功能减弱。 注意事项: 患有感染、消化性溃疡、溃疡性结肠炎的患者以及幼年和老年病人慎用。 药物相互作用: 可与叶酸、水杨酸盐、保泰松、苯妥英、巴比妥类、磺胺类、皮质类固醇激素、四环素、氯霉素、对氨基苯甲酸、丙磺舒发生相互作用。 规格: 注射液 50mgx 1瓶。500mgx 1瓶。1gx1瓶。 类别:其他抗肿瘤药及辅助治疗药