筛前动脉,anterior ethmoidal artery
1)anterior ethmoidal artery筛前动脉
1.Results: (1) Most of the anterior ethmoidal artery passed through the roof of the ethmoidal cell in front of th.结果 :( 1)筛前动脉与中鼻甲基板的位置关系密切 ,多走行于中鼻甲基板之前的紧邻筛房顶 ( 66。

1.⑤ Performation of surgical procedures anterior to ethmoid bulla could avoid damage of anterior ethmoid artery and ethmoidal roof.⑤筛泡前入路开放额窦可以避开筛前动脉和筛顶。
2.The bony canal of anterior ethmoid artery could be divided into "cast" or "suspend in midair of the cast" type(58.2%) and carina or semicanal type (41.8%).筛前动脉骨管可呈管状或管状悬空占58.2%,呈嵴状或半管状占41.8%。
3.Value of Three-dimensional Interactive Localization of the Anterior Ethmoidal Canals in Minimally Invasive Nasal Surgery筛前动脉三维交互观察在鼻微创手术中的定位意义
4.Results The detection frequency of anterior, middle and posterior ethmoidal canal (AEC, MEC, PEC) was 100%, 42.9%, 99.5%.结果筛前、筛中、筛后动脉管的显示率分别为100%、42.9%、99.5%。
5.Microanatomy Study on Ethmoidal Artery and Its Branch and Ethmoidal Foramen筛动脉及其分支、筛孔的显微解剖学研究
6.Study on syndrome screening of TCM about cerebral asteriosclersis脑动脉硬化症中医证候群筛选的研究
7.The diagnostic value of 40-SCT for coronary artery stenosis of elderly patients多排螺旋CT冠状动脉CTA在老年人冠状动脉狭窄筛查中的作用
8.To provide objective data for the location of the ethmoidal artery in ethmoidectomy.目的为筛窦手术中筛动脉定位提供客观资料和数据。
9.terior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery胰十二指肠上前动脉
10.Applied anatomic study on intraorbital and intraethmoidal parts of ethmoidal artery筛动脉眶内段及窦内段的应用解剖研究
11.Applied anatomy study of intraethmoidal parts of ethmoidal artery by transnasal endoscopic经鼻内窥镜筛动脉窦内段的应用解剖研究
12.The screening study of the differentially expressed genes in human brain arteriovenous malformations人脑动静脉畸形差异表达基因的筛选和研究
13.Significance of alveolar-arterial partial pressure of oxygen difference for emergency pulmonary embolism patients肺泡-动脉血氧分差在急诊肺栓塞筛查中的意义
14."Pulse front edge jitter (firing-time jitter, pulse starting-time jitter)"脉冲前沿抖动(点火时间抖动、脉冲起始时间抖动)
15.Microsurgical Anatomy of Anterior Circulation of Willis Circle and Its Perforating BranchesWillis动脉环前循环动脉及其穿通动脉的显微解剖研究
16.Giant cell (temporal) arteritis is uncommon before age 50.巨细胞动脉炎(颞动脉)在50岁以前较少见。
17.Microsurgical Anatomy of the Anterior Cerebeller Artery and the Superior Cerebellar Artery;小脑前下动脉(AICA)与小脑上动脉(SCA)的显微解剖
18.Endovascular embolization of distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm远侧大脑前动脉动脉瘤的血管内栓塞治疗

ethmoidal artery筛动脉
1.Microanatomic observation on intraorbital segment of ethmoidal artery;筛动脉眶内段的显微解剖观察
2.Applied anatomy study of intraethmoidal parts of ethmoidal artery by transnasal endoscopic;经鼻内窥镜筛动脉窦内段的应用解剖研究
3)posterior ethmoidal artery筛后动脉
1.Results: Vascular origins in nasal septum and there are superior and inferiors septal posterior nasal artery, anterior ethmoidal artery and posterior ethmoidal artery.结果 :鼻中隔血供属多源性 ,主要来自鼻后中隔动脉上支、下支 ,筛前、筛后动脉 ,它们入鼻中隔处外径分别为 (0 。
4)The ethmoidal artery筛动脉管
5)pulsator screen脉动筛
6)foramen of accessory ethmoidal artery副筛动脉孔

锁骨下动脉-锁骨下动脉-颈动脉旁路术锁骨下动脉-锁骨下动脉-颈动脉旁路术 适用于大动脉炎所致的左锁骨下动脉和左颈总动脉起始处缩窄、闭塞而无名动脉通畅者,无名动脉分叉处缩窄、闭塞而左锁骨下动脉通畅者。手术在全麻下取双侧颈部横切口。显示双侧锁骨下动脉,用0.7~0.8cm口径的人工血管,经胸锁乳突肌后方隧道,作人工血管与锁骨下动脉端-侧吻合。若颈总动脉起始处有缩窄、闭塞者,加作颈部垂直切口,显露颈总动脉,再以等粗人工血管与颈总动脉及移植于两锁骨下动脉间的人工血管分别作端-侧吻合。手术可纠正或改善脑部和左上肢的血液供应。