眼睑松弛综合征,floppy eyelid syndrome
1)floppy eyelid syndrome眼睑松弛综合征
1.Purpose To determine the prevalence of floppy eyelid syndrome in obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) and study the correlation between eyelid hyperlaxity and sleep disorder, to investigate the ocular surface changes in obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome.目的探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)患者中眼睑松弛综合征(floppy eyelid syndrome,FES)的发病率、眼睑松弛与睡眠障碍的关系,及OSAHS患者的其他眼部改变。
2.Many researches show that OSAHS patients have been accompanied with a number of eye disorders including floppy eyelid syndrome(2.近年来大量的临床资料显示,OSAHS患者可同时伴有多种眼部病变,包括眼睑松弛综合征(发病率为2。
2)baggy eyelid眼睑松弛
1.Objective:To resolve baggy eyelid o n plasty for improve the shape of eye a nd eyebrow,finish the plasty of eyelids at the same time.方法:根据眼睑松弛程度,选择重睑,眉部、眼袋切口去除松弛的眼睑皮肤、多余脂肪;悬吊轮匝肌韧带,对眶缘新月形凹陷,释放眶脂充填、固定,紧缩眶隔筋膜,垂直向上、外上提升松弛之上睑,固定轮匝肌于眉弓骨膜或眶外缘骨膜上,皮肤切口向上垂直提升缝合,一次完成上、下睑松弛的矫正。

1.The Research of the Relationship between Ocular Surface Deseases Including Floppy Eyelid and Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome;眼睑松弛等眼表疾病与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停关系的研究
2.Senile ptosis by pleating of levator palpebrae superioris combined with cutis laxa diorthosis提上睑肌折叠术联合眼睑皮肤松弛矫正术治疗老年性上睑下垂
3.Eyes : Dark brown, almond-shaped, with close fitting eyelids. Neither too deep-set nor prominent. Loose eyelids are faulty.眼睛:深棕色,呈杏仁状,眼睑紧贴眼球,既不深陷也不突出。松弛的眼睑属于缺陷。
4.After 4 weeks: the Upper Eye Gel helps reduce sagging and drooping**.使用四周之后:上眼胶可以减少眼睑的松弛和下垂。
5.Treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa with eyebrow ptosis by lifting eyebrow through the double eyelid incision approach经重睑切口行眉上提术治疗上睑松弛伴眉下垂
6.Age-related laxity of upper eyelid skin with entropion and trichiasis of the surgical treatment老年性上睑皮肤松弛伴睑内翻倒睫的手术治疗
7.Effect of multiple surgical treatment of senile blepharochalasis多种方法解决老年性上睑松弛的手术效果分析
8.Incision under Eyebrow Lift Upper Eyelid Relaxed and Eyebrow Ptosis眉下切口上睑松弛皮肤切除眉提升术临床研究
9.Thread-burying in eyebrow combined with double eyelid construction is a simple and effective strategy for treatment of middle-aged and young patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa.结论:眉埋线结合重睑术治疗中青年上睑皮肤松弛是一种简单有效的上睑年轻化治疗方案。
10.Abnormal lowering or drooping of an organ or a part, especially a drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle weakness or paralysis.下垂一个器官或器官的一部分不正常的下降或垂落,尤其指由肌肉松弛或麻痹引起的上眼睑的下垂
11.Asymmetric Z flap in double-eyelid blepharoplasty of epicanthal folds内眦赘皮与上睑皮肤松弛同期矫正的设计及效果观察
12.To introduce a method combining thread burying in eyebrow and construction of double eyelid for treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa in the middle-aged and young.目的:介绍一种埋线法固定眉结合重睑成形术治疗中青年上睑皮肤松弛的手术方案。
13.There were pouches under the eyes, the skin sagged from the cheekbones.眼眶下面有皱纹,双颊的皮肉松弛。
14.Clinical study on tobramycin and dexamethasone eye drops for bacterial blepharitis妥布霉素地塞米松滴眼液治疗细菌性眼睑炎症的临床研究
15.Skin is lifted and tightened to help visibly diminish sagging and drooping.提升并紧致眼部肌肤,有效缓解松弛和下垂问题。
16.Tear dynamic changes before and after the surgery for conjunctivochalasis结膜松弛症手术前后眼表泪液动力学的变化
17.Ng lids of a particular type.(指眼睛)有某种眼睑的。
18.The lids were occulting her eyes.眼睑掩蔽了她的眼睛。

baggy eyelid眼睑松弛
1.Objective:To resolve baggy eyelid o n plasty for improve the shape of eye a nd eyebrow,finish the plasty of eyelids at the same time.方法:根据眼睑松弛程度,选择重睑,眉部、眼袋切口去除松弛的眼睑皮肤、多余脂肪;悬吊轮匝肌韧带,对眶缘新月形凹陷,释放眶脂充填、固定,紧缩眶隔筋膜,垂直向上、外上提升松弛之上睑,固定轮匝肌于眉弓骨膜或眶外缘骨膜上,皮肤切口向上垂直提升缝合,一次完成上、下睑松弛的矫正。
3)dermatolysis palpebrarum眼睑松弛症
1.Analysis of the operation for dermatolysis palpebrarum眼睑松弛症的手术治疗分析
4)eyelid imbrication syndrome眼睑重叠综合征
1.The diagnosis and the treatment of eyelid imbrication syndrome;眼睑重叠综合征的诊断和治疗
5)Relaxed pelvic floor syndrome盆底松弛综合征
6)intraoperative floppy iris syndrome虹膜松弛综合征
1.Clinical analysis of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome associated with tamsulosin;虹膜松弛综合征与坦洛新的临床相关性分析

三倍体综合征和三倍体与二倍体混合体综合征三倍体综合征和三倍体与二倍体混合体综合征  三倍体指增加一组额外的染色体,约占妊娠的2%。额外的染色体多来自父亲,66%由于两次受精,24%由于所受的精子是二倍体,10%由于受精的卵是二倍体。胎儿大都流产,约为染色体异常自然流产的20%。孕妇可以伴发不同程度的妊高征,胎儿由于胎盘囊性变或细胞遗传学异常而死亡,只有3%的69,XXY存活。偶有三倍体婴儿在妊娠28周后出生,二倍体与三倍体混合体综合征更少见,均有严重的发育缺陷。表现:胎盘大有囊性变。骨骼方面混合体综合征者骨骼生长不对称。颅骨发育不良,后囟门大,眼距过宽,虹膜缺损,甚至小眼。鼻梁低,耳畸形,口颌小。第3、4指并指,通贯掌纹,马蹄内翻畸形足。先天性心脏病(心房和心室间隔缺损)。男性尿道下裂,阴茎小,隐睾,睾丸间质细胞增生。脑异常。肾上腺发育不全,肾畸形。此类综合征胎体大多流产,出生后也会早期死亡。存活的二倍体与三倍体混合体一般都有精神运动障碍。