驼峰鼻,Hump nose
1)Hump nose驼峰鼻
1.Comparison and Application of Automatic Hump Speed Control Technology;自动化驼峰速度控制方法比较及应用
2.Optimization Design for Air-compressor Power Station in Hump Yard of Railway Marshalling Station;编组站驼峰空压动力站的优化设计
3.Analysis on Multi-code Hump Frequency Shift Locomotive Signal;多信息驼峰移频机车信号分析

1.A camel has a hump on its back.(单峰)骆驼背上有一个驼峰
2.stored switching machine存储式驼峰自动集中机
3.Radar speedometer for marshalling yardGB/T13185-1991驼峰测速雷达
4.A camel has a big hump on its back.骆驼背上有个很大的驼峰
5.Shaped like a hump or an arching curve.驼峰式的造型象驼峰的或象弓形曲线的
6.Study on Optimal Control of Hump Pushing Locomotive in Hump Yard;编组站驼峰推峰机车优化控制的研究
7.You can tell that it's a camel by the fact that it has a hump.从它有驼峰这点你就可以辨认出它是骆驼。
8.The hump is where they store food, in the form of fat.驼峰是骆驼以脂肪形式储存养料的地方。
9.On its back it can have either one or two humps which are used for storing food in the form of fat.它的背上有一两个驼峰驼峰的作用是用来储藏脂肪式的食物的。
10.hump technological interval驼峰技术作业间隔(即列车推峰作业周期)
11.It's living on its hump now, like the camel, and even the largest of humps aren't inexhaustible.它现在像一匹骆驼,靠它的驼峰维持生命,可是连最大的驼峰也有消耗干净的一天呢。
12.Code for design on hump and marshalling yard of railway铁路驼峰及调车场设计规范
13.Research on the Having Problems and Countermeasures about Hump in Houma North Railway Station;侯马北站驼峰存在的问题及对策研究
14.On the Contribution of Yunnan Minorities to "Hump Route";论云南少数民族对“驼峰航线”的贡献
15.The Study of Humping Formation Mechanism in High-speed GMAW高速GMAW驼峰焊道形成机理的研究
16.Malfunction Analysis and Prevention of Automatic Hump Speed Control自动化驼峰速度控制故障分析与预防
17.Studies on Molecular Evolution of Domestic and Wild Bactrian and the Physical-chemical Properties of Camel Milk;双峰家驼与野驼分子进化及驼乳理化特性研究
18.The one-humped domesticated camel(Camelus dromedarius), widely used as a beast of burden in northern Africa and western Asia.单峰驼一种单峰的驯养骆驼(单峰驼骆驼属),在北非和西亚广泛地用作载重动物

1.Comparison and Application of Automatic Hump Speed Control Technology;自动化驼峰速度控制方法比较及应用
2.Optimization Design for Air-compressor Power Station in Hump Yard of Railway Marshalling Station;编组站驼峰空压动力站的优化设计
3.Analysis on Multi-code Hump Frequency Shift Locomotive Signal;多信息驼峰移频机车信号分析
1.The nutritive components of Shubat were investigated.对自然发酵双峰驼驼乳(Shubat)的营养成分进行了研究。
4)an Arabian [a Bactrian] camel单峰[双峰]驼
1.Numerical Simulation of Meniscus in Induction Solidified Shell Melting;感应凝壳熔炼悬浮驼峰数值模拟研究
6)hump curve驼峰曲线
